
The Monster Within

Eros considered their conversation with their father both amusing and enlightening. After hearing Gabriel's companion bursting out in laughter, he was more than sure that it was Luke in the background. Judging from his father's voice, the two were definitely much closer than Gabriel wanted to admit. Their father had always been very calm and collected, sometimes even downright cruelly cold. Even they, as his offspring, were subject to his unfeeling ways. To react so embarrassingly "human" was unheard of.

Surprisingly, Alric still hadn't copped on. To not wake sleeping lions, Eros decided to remain vague in his interpretation. They had better things to do than gossip about their father's love life. 

The angel's mark began to itch again, to the point it hurt. Eros rubbed his shirt against his chest, growing increasingly worried. How long would he be stuck here? And in case of an attack, how far was Ramiel willing to go to protect Coral? 
