
Chapter 178: Chemistry or Biology?

The feedback from the "Supervision Law" pointed out a direct error that was logically incoherent and incapable of self-proof.

The other three points indicated problems that might require modifications and simplifications, the same way the Riemann Conjecture does. It's possible that they could also be errors but after a long research process, it might just help Wiles to correct them, making it a pointless effort.

Zhao Yi wasn't interested in spending time helping Wiles correct his proof. His interest was in 'finding mistakes'. It's the easiest task as it doesn't even require understanding the entire proofing process.

This is very important.

Understanding Wiles' entire proofing process is no easy feat. Some mathematicians have made the point that understanding the whole process requires several years of deep research.

They were talking about people who study mathematics.
