
I found my Goal

I waited outside with the children, they were still cautious and fearful. They were also orphans or made into orphans. There were 10 children, all were little girls, including Ellie.

Children came with me when they saw me holding Ellie in my hands. I took her from her mother to show the children that I was friendly. I also asked Evelyn to take care of the rest of the women inside the prison. She was like a big sister to them.

I took the children outside the castle as the castle was gloomy and reminded them of the Vampires.

When we came out of the door all children looked at the wall which seemed impenetrable to them. They remembered their dream of escaping being squashed right before these walls.

"Ok, stop here, do you know what is magic?", I stopped walking and asked them.

They thought that their dreams were once again being squashed, they thought I was going to change my face to Vampire.

If you expect less then you won't ever be hurt or sad. This was the scenario for the little girls. They just tilt their heads in disappointment. Lily was smart and she guessed the atmosphere and shouted, "I want to see the magic", with shining eyes.

"Ok close your eyes, and don't peek", I said and patted her head.

Ellie closed her eyes, the children were used to following orders. They closed their eyes with their little hands.

I used technomancy and turned the walls of the boundary outside the castle into dust. "Open your eyes", I said mysteriously.

Girls open their eyes and found the walls that seemed impenetrable disappeared. They were feeling lots of emotions but what came after the combination of them were tears. They dreamt of the wall disappearing but they never thought that it will happen in reality.

I extended multiple hands, girls got scared. I patted their head, the feeling of warmth reminded them of their parents for some of them, for some, it was the first time anyone caressed their head so gently. They burst into tears, Ellie seeing them cry also started crying. I extended my hands further and took all of them into my hug.

It further escalated their crying.

The women inside the prison were stopped by Katana and Vanessa to kill the Vampires as it will do more harm than cure for these traumatized ladies to kill someone. The Vampires were in a pitiful state and they were unconscious from the pain.

Evelyn tried to calm them down and told them about what happened and who were the ladies and me.

They calmed down but again got tenses when they heard the cry of children. Some were even shaking, Evelyn was also worried, although we saved them she didn't know what we will do to them after handling Vampires.

Evelyn was the first to move outside the prison toward the sound of crying children. They were shocked to see no boundary, that was the reason for their despair. They were even more shocked to find me with multiple hands and hugging the crying girls into my arms.

Vanessa wiped tears around the corner of her eyes and Katana just smiled.

I felt the girls were sleepy and instantly used my free hand to use technomancy and made a makeshift shelter with soft beds.

I used telekinesis to put them into beds and closed the door of the makeshift house. All the ladies excluding were surprised by my powers. Vanessa was shocked because she saw me using technomancy on such a huge scale. I wanted to see their surprise when I was done with the castle that I would make.

The women were relieved to see I didn't harm the kids and even cared for them. I always had a soft spot for children in my heart. They were the most innocent creatures and had no malice in their hearts, in the majority of cases. It seems like I found my motivation in this new world. I liked the ideals of Twilight from the anime Spy x Family, "To make a world without the cries of a child".

A person without a goal had no reason to live. The goal could be anything from watching anime to becoming president, but a goal is needed to live life, and I just found mine looking at the innocent faces of sleeping children.

I said previously and I say it now too, that I was a simple man with simple dreams and now with overpowered powers.

I walked away from the house and was greeted by a hug from Vanessa. She said while hugging, "I also want to give you a child". I immediately kissed and said, "Your wish is my command".

We had separated with just a peck on the lips as I had another matter to attend to.

"Ladies you know that you can't return to the lives you once lived", I said while looking at the group of 20 women.

They had sad looks on their faces, I continued and made them an offer, "I am going to renovate this castle into something entirely new and I need some maids. I will provide you with all your needs and even pay you your salary and provide protection. If anyone had some other talents please tell me, as Evelyn here is a surgeon. I will be opening many companies and a hospital and I am currently understaffed, so please come forward if you had any talents and you are also free to leave".

I said in one breath, I didn't like to talk around the bushes, so I said everything directly to them.

They didn't have anywhere to go, they also had the danger of being chased down by the organization that sold them. They decided to work for me for the time being. They didn't trust me, it's just I was their best option. They were not expecting anything from me. They were expectations were betrayed many times so they made a habit to expect the worst to avoid getting hurt mentally.

Only one woman came in front and said in low voice, "I was a software engineer".

I nodded and asked again, "Does anyone else have any talent or was specialized in any field".

The remaining 18 decided to work for me as maids.
