

"Couldn't you have at least rented a dress?" Youngjae said with distaste as he stared down at Rumi who lodging on the couch waiting for Youngjae finish up getting ready. Youngjae sighed fixing his bowtie, it was waste of effort convincing her. "Aniya, it was my bad to think you would dress up." Youngjae muttered.

"Mwo? Haven't I dressed up?" Rumi who would not usually hear someone shouting at her, heard Youngjae muttering under his breath. "See, ain't I looking dapper?" She asked standing and posing for him. Youngjae stared her down. He didn't wanted to say out loud but Rumi was the only woman he had seen who could rock a suit better than men. The suit hugged her body perfectly doing justice to her curves. Youngjae gulped slowly as Rumi removed her hand from pocket and flipped her long raven locks back. "Look at you drooling." She teased causing to Youngjae to snap out and wipe his mouth.

"Yahh! I wasn't drooling!" Youngjae argued throwing whatever his hand found, which was tissue box on table. Rumi laughed catching the box.

"Okay. If you are done then, shall we?" She asked nodding her head towards the door. Youngjae huffed and sassily walked out with Rumi following him chuckling at his behaviour.

"Still, you could have worn a dress?" Youngjae commented opening the passenger seat door for her.

"Thank you." She said getting in. "But what's wrong with wearing a suit? I feel comfortable in this though." She continued as Youngjae got in driver's seat. "I mean, can you imagine me wearing a gown double my size? How was I supposed to walk in that?" She reasoned.

"Double your size? Yah, what century are you living in? Sixteenth? There are modern gowns now. Nobody's asking you to parade in balloon gowns." Youngjae argued rolling his eyes. "Seriously Rumi, tell me what did you learn in your etiquettes lesson when you went to serve the royal family?" Youngjae asked.

"Ahh! The weather looks lovely today!" Rumi said looking outside of the window. Youngjae rolled his eyes letting her off this time since it was unless trying to argue with her. And she didn't look that bad. In fact, it matched her personality well.

"Did you get a mask?" He questioned glancing at her who was looked busy on her phone.

"Huh?" She asked not looking up. "A mask? I think so, the lady picked an outfit for me. I just told her I need something for ball party." She answered nonchalantly. Youngjae nodded to himself. Of course, Rumi was not smart enough to do that.

"Who are you talking to?" He nosily asked. "You seem too into it."

"Ah, no one." She brushed him off. Actually, it was Hoshi, who since gotten her number, wouldn't stop texting her. If he was not annoying her with setting her up with Jihoon then memes were spammed in her inbox. Somehow, her not recognizing the Seventeen group had hurt his pride. So, he would spam her with various post and memes made by their fans. Rumi did know about them but pretended to not know. Then again, if they hadn't been her client then she wouldn't have known about them.

Rumi was someone who was far away from this k-pop and k-entertainment world. She was always someone who was self-centred, the world around was not something that mattered to her unless and until it relates to her work. Just like right now. She put in effort to know about these Korean idol boys because her work obligated her to.

Hoshi 🐯

How can you work under such a big company and not know anything about its artists?!!!!

Rumi could imagine the disbelieve-able look on Hoshi face as typed in the message. Rumi chuckled shaking her head. She loved teasing this guy, he was fun to annoy. And just to be clear it was Hoshi who had argued with her and wouldn't stop until she put the tiger emoji beside his contact name.

Does knowing the artists is important for me to do my job? I just run errands and spend half of my time staring at computer screen. I don't think it is really necessary to know about who you guys are.

Rumi snickered pressing on the send button. Youngjae gave her side look, he desperately wanted to know who she was talking to, to laugh like that. Youngjae narrowed his eyes, did she got herself a boyfriend? He took a sharp turn, making Rumi slam against the door.

"Woah, bro!" She exclaimed finally looking up at Youngjae. "What is up your ass?" She questioned to which she was ignored as Youngjae continued to remove his seat belt and step out. "Eo? We are here?" She looked outside and indeed they had reached. Giving herself one look in rear view mirror she also stepped outside, following Youngjae. He who had ignored her earlier now stood beside her offering his arm. Rumi gave him a stare; he had already put on his mask. Wah, he's quick. Rumi thought putting on hers and locking her arm with his.

"Put on a smile and don't talk." Youngjae warned as both of them walked along the red carpet which led inside the ballroom. The lights almost blinded Rumi who cursed earning a pinch on her arm. "Don't talk." Youngjae warned again.

"Jeez, I was almost blinded. What's with this lighting? Do they wanna blind their agents or what?" Rumi snorted at her own comment while Youngjae rolled his eyes before fixing his face with smile as other agents pass by them. "You are doing that weird smile." Rumi said staring at his face.

"Stop staring at me." Youngjae whispered not breaking his smile.

"Waeee..."Rumi said her voice few pitch higher. "I like staring at your face." She continued dragging her fingers down his chest. Finally, his smile dropped as he turned towards her with blank look on his face. "O-okay, okay, I'll stop." She laughed stepping back. "So, what are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know, enjoy the party?" Youngjae said.

"Pff! Enjoy the party? You look constipated." She laughed shaking her head when her eyes fell on snack table. "Oh food!" She said dragging Youngjae with her who stumbled almost falling face first on ground if it hadn't been Rumi's arm locked with his.

"Yah! Slow down, will you?" He whispered shouted looking around. "Why are you acting like you haven't eaten anything for years?"

"Because I haven't." She smiled checking out the snacks. "Hmm...And do we have anything other than enjoying ourselves?" She picked what attracted her eye, sniffing it she popped it inside her mouth. "Yum." She said popping another one.

"Is it really that good?" Youngjae asked eyeing the snack. Rumi nodded offering him one. It was some fried snack. Inspecting it well, Youngjae popped it inside his mouth. "Wah, daebak!" He smiled covering his mouth. "Is it really good or we just find it good because we are hungry?" Youngjae laughed moving on to another one which looked more on dessert side. "Want one?" He asked holding it up.

Rumi shook her head. "That one looks sweet." She commented turning around looking for something. Youngjae shrugged and popped it inside his mouth. "Why there isn't anything to drink?" She criticized looking around when someone stopped in front of her. Rumi furrowed her eyebrows looking up at who had blocked her view.

"Rumi." The man called her named. Huh? Rumi looked behind her before turning back to him and pointing at herself. Youngjae also stared in curiosity. Who was this man who dared to talk with her?

"Nugu..."Rumi trailed off looking up and down at him.

"Naya." He removed his mask revealing his face.

"Ah! Hyun-ah!" Rumi exclaimed slapping his arm. "Wahhh! I didn't even realized it was you." She laughed patting his chest, quite harshly. "Yahh! You look handsome!" She said staring at him. Her eyes wouldn't believe he was same Hyun with messy hair and light stubble suiting his chin. Baggy clothes did no justice to his figure the way the tuxedo did. Hair slicked back, clean face. "Jinja, I didn't know you could look handsome too." She laughed slapping his chest again.

"Ah- ye." He laughed through pain. Youngjae narrowed his eyes. Was he the one she was chatting with earlier in the car? He asked himself as his eyes followed Hyun's movement who had held Rumi hand which had slapped his chest and still hadn't let it go. His cheeks and ears had turned red at her compliment. Eyes looking everywhere but at her.

Youngjae straightened up and cleared his throat earning their attention. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" He spoke suddenly with authority. Rumi raised her eyebrow in question but ignoring it and she did as he requested.

"Ah, okay. This is the older guy that I live with."


"Aarso. This is Youngjae oppa. And oppa, this is Gwok Hyun-ki, my current partner." Rumi introduced pointing at each of them respectively. Gwok Hyun-ki? Why did the name sound familiar? Youngjae thought not losing his stature.

"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim." Hyun smiled and bowed in respect. Youngjae kept a straight face and bowed back in greeting. "Nice meeting you." He put his hand forward. Youngjae gave it a stare before giving it a firm shake.

"So, how is it working with uri Rumi?" Youngjae questioned a smile fixed on his face as his arm went around Rumi's waist. Uri? Both Rumi and Hyun looked up at him, with different expression.

"Ah. It's fun-"


"Ye. Since, Rumi is my sunbae, I am learning a lot. Though sometimes she is troublesome s-"

"Troublesome?" Youngjae cut him off again. Rumi slapped his chest.

"What's with you suddenly? Why are you acting like you're questioning my boyfriend?" She asked.

"Am I not?" He asked glancing at her before returning to his stature.

"What? No!" Rumi laughed. "Yah! It's funny and ironic for you to think I would get a boyfriend. Isn't it you who always say I wouldn't get one?"

"I just say it because of your messy habits. Not that I meant it. And why won't you get a boyfriend? Look at you. My Rumi is pretty, talented and kind." He said glancing at Hyun.

"Stop looking at him like that. You are making him uncomfortable." Rumi said rolling her eyes. "And there's nothing like anything you are expecting between us. We are purely work partners. Stop your stupid imaginations."

"Hmm..." He hummed still staring at Hyun who had definitely grown uncomfortable under his stare. "Then who were you talking to in car?"

"Wahh! Is this really about that? Why are you suddenly acting nosy?"

"Because you were clearly ignoring me. And I have always been nosy for your kind information." He scoffed crossing his arms

"I wasn't. And I clearly told you it was no one important."

"She does have a habit of ignoring everyone when she's too into something." Hyun piped in.


"I know right!" Youngjae exclaimed agreeing with Hyun moving to stand beside him. The same guy who was staring him down earlier.

"Now, you both are teaming up against me? What happened to Uri Rumi?" Rumi crossing her own arms.

"Uri Rumi can be mean sometimes. I don't like it." Youngjae huffed as Hyun nodded his head along. Rumi rolled her eyes and looked away.

"I have always been mean- Ah! There is he!" She smiled waving her hand.

"Nugu? The one you were chatting with?" Both the men snapped their heads to look at mystery person, turned out it was just the guy handing out champagne to guest.

Rumi laughed at them. "What's with you? Why are you suddenly interested in my dating life?" Rumi questioned. As the guy arrived with champagne.

"So, you accept that you are dating huh!" Youngjae slapped her back with triumph smile on his face which dropped sooner than apple falling on Newton's head. "Mianhaeyo." Youngjae bowed taking few steps back. Rumi gave him one last glare before turning to face the guy who was cautiously staring at her. She gave him sweet smile.

"Here, two for gentlemen." She said picking up two glasses and handing it to the men.

"I have to drive later."

"One glass won't do anything to you."

"De." Youngjae bowed respectfully accepting the glass. Rumi smiled and picked one for herself. "One for the lady." She thanked the guy who quickly left the trio to themselves. She hummed sipping on the champagne.

Is Rumi x Hyun happening?



nuggety_nuggetcreators' thoughts