
Shirone and Kuroka.

When Kurayami was out of the room, Sirzechs squinted his eyes with barely concealed furry. Not at Kurayami, but at Rias. Kuroka had merely wanted to see her sister, but Rias had avoided bringing her which had been what he and Kurayami had agreed on. 

He turned to Rias with a look of disappointment as her own weakness had caused this. As for Rias, she had never seen this kind of look from her brother who always spoiled her. 

Tears spilled from her eyes which made Venelana and Zeoticus want to stop Sirzechs from reprimanding her. However, right now he took off the brother gloves and put on the Devil King gloves.

"Rias, I told you to bring her. This was not a request in the slightest. because of you, Kurayami and I nearly fought and now Shirone will be returned to her family. You just nearly sentenced millions of Devils to their deaths all because of what you wanted. You failed me Rias."

She shook her head as he grabbed his hand to plead with him.

"Koneko is mine, I don't want to give her up. She is my family." 

The moment she said that Sirzechs sighed and patted her on the shoulder.

"That may be the case for a normal chess piece, but Shirone is also the sister of Kurayami's lover. He is the next Governor General and if we wage another war the chances of us winning are slim. This is an order. 

That made the tears that were already spilling from her eyes become a flood.

"NO! I won't give her up. Why?"

Sirzechs started to walk away and left her with the clue she needed.

"Because you are weak." 

He left Rias who fell to her knees to be consoled by her parents. As for Kurayami he entered his room and sat down on the couch. Serafall and Kuroka looked at each other as they could see the off smirk on his face. 

He was still not good at smiling, but he had been working on it. Serafall covered her face with her hand as she saw that. 

"You know, you really are an odd character. You were not mad were you?"

"I was mad, but not at what you assume. I was mad at the insult of having Shirone, a Nekushou limited to a weakling like Rias. It truly is a damn shame she has been spoiled as she would be a mighty devil otherwise." 

Kuroka rushed into his arms and hugged him tight with a big happy smile on her face. Her sister would be returned to her fully. No longer would she be forced to wonder if her sister was ok or if she was happy. She could look at her now. 


Now that he was relaxed his smile evened out and he placed a hand on her back. 

"It's ok. I promised to get your sister back and that is what I did."

Kuroka pulled back a little as she kissed him.

"Sincerely and truly thank you. Because of you I am getting my sister back nothing could make me happier." 

Serafall smiled as she sat next to him. 

"I can understand that feeling since I love my sister just as much. She is a real cutie." 

"Is that so?" 

Serafall nodded. 

"She is. She wears these cute glasses and the way she glares at you, she is adorable." 

While Serafall was off being weird Shin began barking with 

"Thank you, Shin. You stood up for me as well."

The giant dog drooped his ears as he loved all of Kurayami's fiances and female friends. He would fight for them all as he could feel just how much they all mean to Kurayami. If they mattered to Kurayami they mattered to him.

While the two of them were being lovey-dovey with each other Nora had already brought back Shirone. The young Nekusho was afraid to see her sister again, but kind of hoping to hear the truth.

The whole time Nora did not speak as she took her maid job even more seriously than Grayfia. In that time more and more of the people, they invited to this small get together started to arrive.

Falbium arrived alone as he just wanted to get this over with. Serafall also arrived alone as she did not even want to offer her sister to Kurayami. Ajuka on the other hand brought Latia who was already informed of why she was brought along.

As a noble devil of the Astaroth family she expected to be married off to another Devil house, but being the key to peace was fine with her. She just hoped to get to know Kurayami a little before agreeing to anything.

As for Rias, Venelana and Zeoticus decided that it was best she did not see Kurayami again. He had already threatened her and did not see her as worthy of himself. Forcing a young girl like her to face him would just be cruel which Kurayami had zero care about.

All of this just took 2 hours so in that time Kurayami and Kuroka just stayed in their room. Even if Shirone was already here, Kurok was equally as nervous to see her little sister as before. Even more so Kurayami was preparing to steel that hairpin.

That was one of the reasons he was so mad that she was not here. Finally, Kurayami heard the familiar quiet aura of Nora knocking on the door. The more he analyzed her, he found that she was actually in the Ultimate Class. Very close to the Satan class at that.

Kuroka took a deep breath and slapped her own cheeks.

"Time to face the music."

Kurayami took her arm as they walked out to see Nora.

"The Satans are here sir. Shirone is also waiting to meet with her sister, but Rias wants to be with her when it happens."

Kurayami squinted his eyes as he saw nothing good from her.

"That is fine, but I will also be there. Is that fine?"

Nora nodded and now that he saw her eyes, they were like a mirror of his own. Hollow as an abyss which made Kuroka nudge him in the ribs.

"Are you two related or something?"

Nora shook her head.

"No. I am A Devil, he is a Fallen Angel. We cannot be related. Please follow me."

Kuroka had only one thought in her head as she saw the maid and wife of Sirzechs.

'Oh my, she is airhead too? Guess that is Sirzechs type.'

When they were led first to a large lounge where everyone was waiting. The meal would start later as soon as business was done out of the way. At this moment, Kurayami was with all 4 Satans, but he was not worried.

He shook hands with Ajuka and Falbium as this was the first time he met the two of them.

"I am Kurayami Himejima, it is a pleasure to meet the both of you."

Ajuka sized Kurayami up and found him to be huge for his age.

'If he was a Devil, he would be able to become a Satan easily. What a monster Grigori has created.'

"Yes, it is good to meet you. I am Ajuka Beelzebub and I brought my niece with me."

Kurayami stopped him before he continued at all.

"Please answer my question honestly Ajuka. Is she anything like Rias?"

Ajuka glanced at Sirzechs before he shook his head.

"They are nothing alike. Since she was little she had an interest in becoming stronger so she has asked me to train her since she was 8. She practices her magic every day and is much stronger than most Devils at her age. She also does not shy away from physical training either."

Kurayami smiled a little as they signed the Devil pact while they talked.

"Well, I am looking forward to meeting her. She sounds like a hardworking girl. I would be more willing to get to know her if what you say is true."

Sirzechs looked away as he felt Ajuka apologizing in his head.

'Everything is true, but I feel too embarrassed.'

He turned to look at Falbium who had a neutral look on his face. Falbium sighed as he rather sleep than be here.

"I am Falbium Asmodeus. Can we sign the pact now? I have something to do?"

Kurayami nodded.

"You seem like someone who appreciates sleep. Enjoy your rest."

They both signed the Devil pact right then and there and left to find a good spot to sleep. Serafall covered her face as she was ashamed.

"Damn it Falbium."

Kurayami looked at her and extended his hand for the pact.

"Serafall it is good to see you again."

She took his hand and sighed the pact as well.

"Yes, good to see you as well."

Now that the business was out of the way it was time for Kuroka to see her sister. Kurayami remained behind to talk to some more businesses as they were the ones who ran half of the Devils. It got quite interesting, but while he did that Kuroka was led to see her sister.

Shin followed her just in case they tried anything dumb, but so far that was not happening. She also was going to try to get the hairpin for Kurayami as she knew that was what he wanted.

She placed her hand on Shin's back for some support as she entered a private room with just Shirona, Kuroka, annoyingly Rias, and Shin. Shirona and Rias sat on one couch while Kuroka sat across from them with a nervous look on her face.

At her side sat Shin who was looking at Rias with squinted eyes. Telling her to not speak or ruin the atmosphere.

"Shirone, I-"

"Why did you leave me?"

Those words stung Kuroka's heart as she looked at her crying little sister.

"I did not want to leave you behind. It was my fault for being too weak, I wanted to bring you with me."

Shirone looked at her sister's crying face and asked what she had always needed to know.

"Why did you kill him?"

Kuroka took a deep breath as it was time, to tell the truth, she tried to forget about.

"Shirone, you might have several questions. If you hate me I can understand that, but do you know the whole story?"

Rias did not say anything as Shin kept looking at her like dead meat so she did not interrupt. Everything that Kurayami feal the dog would feel and he felt the dislike Kurayami had for Rias. As such he did not like her either.

Kuroka took a deep breath and decided to tell Koneko something she did not know.

"You already know that the man who was our father was trying to make super devils right? When he had us we were just test subjects for him, but he focused on me who had more talent. Our mother no matter how bad was still in love and died as a result. A curse of our race I say."

That made Shirone look down as her mother was the kindest person, but their bastard of a father just used their mother for his own amusement. It even resulted in her death, but that was where things turned for the worst."

Shirone understood and covered her mouth.

"When you became a Devil?"

Kuroka nodded.

"I was used as a test subject as they tried to use me to make a Super Devil. They just made me reach the Ultimate Class and if it were not for Azazel and Kurayami I would barely get stronger. I have gotten stronger because of them so I am grateful."

Shirone looked down as tears ran down her eyes.

"Did you suffer while I was safe?"

Kuroka shook her head.

"I did suffer Shirone, however, you were not safe. I found out they deemed me a failure so they were going to use you next. I rather die than allow that life for you. So I killed the bastard of my former master and everyone in the building.

Shirone looked horrified as when they were there she was always well fed and she felt that place was like her home. However, knowing that her comfort was all due to the pain her sister suffered made her feel sick.

Kuroka had a sad smile as she would do anything for her sister and if she could she would have taken her with her. However, because of her weakness, her sister was left behind. She always wanted to go back, but she would have just died.

She held her arm out and pet Shin to calm him down while she explained what was wrong with her.

"After the experiments done on me, I became a late Ultimate Class being, but that was my limit. I might have never gotten stronger if nothing was done. However, Azazel managed to reduce the side effects to a high degree. My growth is still slow, but growth is growth."

Shirone got off the couch and hugged Kuroka tightly. Kuroka wrapped her arms around her sister with a smile as she thought of Kurayami.

'Thank you, my love. You kept your promise.'

Shirone looked at Kuroka with tears in her eyes.

"Why? Why did you suffer through such things for me? I went the last years hatting my own power and you."

Kuroka's ears drooped and she smiled.

"You are my sister and the last family I had. Mother asked me to look after you before she died and I swore to do just that. The day that Azazel offered me a place at Grigori was the day that I found hope to get you back. Kurayami my finance is nothing like our father."

Shin walked toward Rias and nudged her out of the room. This was personal and he had enough of her presence. Now that the sad parts were done, it was time for some gossip. Sinroe took Kurokas's hand to look at her ring.

It was a golden ring surrounded by two black coils. On, it had Kurayami on it. He let the girls do what they wanted with their rings as he choose to get their names on his. So far they kept the tradition going.

While Shirone was distracted Kuroka removed her hairpin in one go and replaced it with an exact copy. The little girl did not notice a thing, but Kuroka did feel guilty. She was doing this for Kurayami, but she still felt bad about it.

She hid the hairpin in her pocket as she was going to hand it over to Kurayami when she had enough time with her sister. They started to talk about what they did during the time they were apart as they missed a lot of time together.

Shin felt glad he got rid of Rias as she would have just ruined the atmosphere. He expected a lot of head pats for this. A dog's job is never done after all.
