
Chapter 42: Sports Festival Arc (7)

Chapter 42: Sports Festival Arc (7)

~Ren Y. POV~

[Later, UA High School, Stadium, Japan]

After the announcements and the thrill-a-minute festivities had passed, it was already the first event. The fighting-style tournament is ready.

Some preferred to psych themselves up while others tried to relax. Everyone was dealing with it differently.

Before we knew it, the time had come.


Seeing the stadium being filled, All Might soon got from behind me as he spoke in his buff form, trying to encourage me, "Young Yuki! I've seen you've been doing well for the last few events at the Sports Festival. Especially with helping your classmates and your abilities to the other Pro Heroes!"

I smiled as I replied, rubbing my head sheepishly at his words of gratitude in an embarrassed tone, "Thanks, All Might. It's what heroes should do to help others. I'll be sure to win this."

He smiled, placing a hand over my shoulder and speaking in a proud tone, encouraging me forward with some light pressure, "Good. Now listen, especially when you're worried or feeling scared—that's when you gotta smile! You've come this far, so show some bravado, even if it's fake! Never forget that I'm expecting big things from you!"

I gave him a deadpan stare as I spoke in a dry tone in his attempt to encourage me, "Is that supposed to make me feel better or more pressured before the big fight, All Might?"

He coughed, a bit embarrassed at his attempts, cheering me up. But he did bring a smile to my face, causing me to laugh a bit as I responded, walking forward ahead, "Hahaha. Don't take it to heart, big guy I'm just messing with you. And don't worry; I'll win this whole thing being the first place because everything is gonna be all right."

He smirked as I involuntarily cringed at my wordplay. He laughed, turning around to leave in his small form, "If you have enough time to make me laugh, then I'm sure you'll do amazing in this match. Good luck and fight on Ren Yuki!"

Curtly nodded, I stepped forward to see Mei Hatsume with an eager grin, showcasing her Support Gear, equipping them. This didn't go amiss from commentary from Present Mic in a confused tone, "For the first match, we have the cool-headed Copy Cat Ren Yuki!!! Versus… covered head to toe in support items Mei Hatsume of the support course!"

Handing me some support items, the people began commentary about the predicament, confusing many, including the students. Their chatter was very noticeable.

"How's this match gonna go?"

"I mean, what is that…?"

"Look like Ren's also…"

"… equipping with support items?!"

Seeing this, Midnight asked in a confused tone about me wearing support gear, eyeing me with a raised eyebrow, "Aren't those forbidden for Hero Course students? You have to put in a special request for those things beforehand."

Seeing her point, I responded stoically, with Mei giving me a thumbs up. I agreed to this agreement by wearing her support gear: "I know so, but Mei suggested the idea of allowing me to use her support gear. It's not a problem if both parties agree, is it?"

Hearing my question, Aizawa spoke with a light shrug, seeing no issue, "If both parties are fine with it, I think we can allow this… right?"

Midnight ultimately shrugged, with Present Mic doing the same, muttering to his mic, "Meh. Good enough for me. START!!"

What happened next in the last 10 minutes was me playing a game of tag with her for the last 10 minutes, showcasing her support gears as she introduced her baby's abilities with me using them.

When everything had been said and done Mei voluntarily moved outside the ring with a satisfied expression leaving me as the winner, "Phew… I believe they've seen it all now. There's nothing left to show."

Midnight soon announced the round of my match in a confused tone, "Uhh... Hatsume is out of the ring! Ren moves onto the second round...?"

Returning her support gear, I smirked at her, responding in a cheeky tone, being used as her model for her support gears, "Here you go. It was a pleasure working with you, Mei hopefully, we do this again at the next sports festival."

She grinned, giving me a peace sign, grabbing her support gear in a confident tone, "Totally! Working with you and showing off my babies was the best idea ever! Welp, I'm off hope you win in the end, big guy!"


Exiting out via my [Wormhole], I exited to see my friends giving me various stares, with Denki bluntly saying, "Dude, just how lucky are you…? I'm starting to think it's a conspiracy around here…"

I responded in a sheepish tone, awaiting the next match with Shoto and Sen coming up to the arena, "Well… she did ask me prior if I could show off her support gear, and since it saved me energy for the matches ahead, I obliged. Besides, I'm not that lucky I have to fight either Sen or Shoto next."

Recalling I have to be wary of my next opponent, they blinked with Shinso muttering, agreeing in a stunned tone, "… Fair point. I only must deal with Kirishima, but then it's an explosion, boy… fuck…."

Seeming to realize who he's up against if he wins, Kirishima argues that he is not going to lose. Yeah… I don't see that happening with how he talks and his character.

But we didn't have to wait for long as Present Mic began to announce the next rounds in an excited tone, "The wait is over!! Moving on there they are!! The cream of the crop of Class 1-B we have Sen Kaibara! Versus the best of the best! Strongest of the strong! Shoto Todoroki, also of the hero course of Class 1-A!! START!!!"

My eyes were now drawn to this match as did everyone else. I wonder how strong they got over the past 2 weeks… [Observe].

[Shoto Todoroki Lv.20 UA Student]

[Sen Kaibara Lv.18 UA Student]

Oh… the level difference is not bad. But their abilities will be put into attention.


Soon enough, Sen Kaibara activated his Quirk as Present Mic began to explain the abilities of his Quirk in a hype tone, "That right there is Sen's Quirk [Gyrate]! Sen's Quirk allows him to make any part of his body rotate at high speed like a drill. Can we get a My Drill will pierce the heavens!!!"

I laughed at getting the reference. But judging by Shoto's pissed-off expression he spoke in a neutral tone, "Sorry 'bout this."



In an instant, a wave of cold air hit us as my face was inches away from a glacier appearing in front of us. One-half of the arena was frozen with Sen caught in the attack… however though…



Using his [Gyrate], he shaved off the ice and spoke in an annoyed tone trembling from the ice forming on his body, "I-I won't-t give-e up to – "



He got frozen twice. Everyone was soon giving their pity, with Shoto apologizing in his stoic tone, "Sorry…. I overdid it. I was just annoyed."

Man, that got to hurt to watch getting frozen like that. Lost amid the cheers that arose from the audience, I saw Shoto defrost his frozen self with his left hand, looking pretty disappointed in himself.

Next up is the interesting match, having Izuku Midoriya and Neito Monoma. Present Mic exclaimed in an excited tone, "The first round's just about half over!! Next up is Izuku Midoriya of the Support Course, covered head to toe in support items! Versus Neito Monoma of the hero course! START!"

My eyes were now drawn intently to this match-up. A Quirkless Izuku equipped with support gear has his own set of fighting styles against the copycat Neito Monoma.

We all watched as Neito began to use Sen's Quirk [Gyrate] with Present Mic explaining his [Copy] Quirk in gusto. How Izuku responded with Neito confidentially charging straight ahead was pulling a cube-like construct and tossing it to him.



Tossing at Neito Monoma was something Momo crafted during the USJ Incident, the glue bomb. Seems like Izuku recreated one of his own. Having it sprayed along with [Gyrate] active spinning all over his body, Izuku caught the copy kid in glue.

Caught surprised, Neito switched to using a different Quirk to get rid of the glue entrapping him. His skin color turned pitched black as it clicked in my head, he used that kid Quirk [Black] to enter the shadows of the glue escaping.

It's not a bad plan, but Izuku isn't one without a plan entering into this match. Bringing out a small pellet from his utility belt, he threw it to the ground, causing the area they were in to be covered in a smokescreen.

Both were now blind as bats in this cloud of smoke. But I noticed Izuku slid on some goggles making me smirk as he went in with a customized mechas gauntlet at Neito as sounds of some getting punched could be heard.




That was when the last one heard of metal being smacked could be heard. The smokescreen soon dissipates entirely revealing Neito bruised but now changed with his skin a shiny color gray.

Must be using Tetsutetsu's Quirk [Steel] switching in between 10 seconds. Having the upper hand Neito rushed forward with a [Steel Fist] at Izuku.

Ha. Like that would work.


And proved true, Izuku dodged easily with the hover shoes he had equipped him. Combine that with his teachings from Soga and Knuckleduster when he came around the warehouse to get some proper training, he became a serious challenge when geared up.

Noticing that his gauntlet was something like the [Taser Knuckle] that crazy old bastard Knuckleduster had, he punched Neito across the face. I winced seeing the kid get electrocuted in the process, with Izuku not holding back.




With one solid upper hit knocked the copy kid out. There was stunning disbelief in everyone watching, but I broke it, clapping for my friend, gaining his decisive win for the quirkless underdog!



Toga and a few others began to clap for Izuku Midoriya winning his matchup. I can even see a few of the gang of Naruhata coming to the Sports Festival cheering the boy as after the metaphorical shock of everyone else wearing out, cheers filled once again the large stadium.

The look of disbelief on Bakugo's face was priceless. But I soon noticed Toga and Ochaco were gone as the next match-up was coming underway, with Ida asking me in a curious tone, adjusting his glasses, "Tell me, Yuki, who do you think? Ochaco or Toga? Who has a better chance of winning in this encounter?"

Soon, Izuku came from his match with Bakugo, gazing at him as he ignored his stare, focusing on talking to a girl. That sly dog.

But returning to Ida's question, I thought as I muttered, genuinely curious, "To be honest, this is probably a 50/50 chance of either of them winning."

Ida raised an eyebrow as Jiro joined in with a curious expression as she asked, "Oh? Is it that close for them to win against each other?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I simply said in a blunt tone to her question, looking at the stadium in front of us, "It could go either way. Ochaco only needs to touch Toga to win. But Toga has experience in hand combat against someone like me and proper training from a former pro based on fast strikes. It all depends on who messes up first or slips up."

Hearing that, they all focused their attention on Ochaco and Toga, with Present Mic beginning the match in an excited tone, "A celebrity since her middle school days with her prince charming… it's Himiko Toga of the Hero Course!! Versus my personal pick!! Ochaco Uraraka, also of the hero course!"

This is going to be a very interesting matchup…
