
He Can't Let Her Suspect Anything.

Flashback: The Night Tiara Came To Pay Megan A Visit.

Feeling a pair of hands suddenly embrace him from the back, Vick thought for a moment Ariel was the one who did it. Because no one else would embrace him like this, although he and Ariel are not much on talking terms with each other. 

But he got extremely shocked, turning around only to see Tiara.

Tiara?, His mind banged. What the f**k is she doing here?. How did she even get out of Liam's pack and got here?. Vick's mind has started to ask the questions first before his mouth could. Tiara, reading all the questions on his face, started to talk before he could. 

"Sorry for scaring you like that, you look like your soul just left your body" She laughed at the shocked face Vick had on which he didn't find funny. 
