
The battle of Diagon Alley

-Harry pov -

They say, prepare for the worst, and the best will come. But I prepared for the best, and the even better had come.

I don't know what type of drugs these regular folks are taking, but somehow without me even needing to suggest the idea, the protesters started to try and take over Diagon Alley, these people have some crazy determination because this has been going on for hours and they are not even getting discouraged or tired, no they seem to want it even more.

Almost like victory is the only thing they need right now, I guess years of systematic oppression and abuse, really made these people want to do anything for freedom.

Right now, with the help of my people, and Hermione's group, we have taken the Leaky Cauldron entrance and all shops up to Gringotts. The Aurors, have held down everything else,

Currently, there were at least one hundred people actively here to fight, and another fifty that were helping in other ways, like making food, and healing.

That doesn't even include Hermione's people and my people. She had about twenty and I had stationed here another fifty, so in total, we had about two hundred and twenty people, battling for Diagon Alley.

But, what no one knows is that I have spies on the Auror side, and they are feeding me information and battle strategies.

Apparently, some Lords are actually petitioning for the use of deadly spells and hit wizards will be joining in soon as well.

Crazy how I just wanted to make the situation at the protest just a little tense, and now I'm leading a war.

My life is really interesting, I bet someone will write a story about it in the future.

Yeah, it would probably be about my badass adventures!

"Sir, what should we do now? We are in a stalemate." One of my people, more specifically Severus said pulling me out of my thoughts

"Keep brewing healing potions when you have time, but also brew some of those new potions you made, what were they called?" I asked in a slightly teasing tone

"*sigh* it's called Mentality warper but you always call it super high potion," he replied in a dry tone obviously unamused

Hehe, it's true that potion is like shrooms but ten times worse, I saw him test it on one of our prisoners from a turf war a while back.

That dude thought he was in a different dimension.

"Anyways, why do you want me to make that?" he asked me clearly curious

"Because we are going to drug some Aurors," I replied calmly almost as if I was commenting about the weather

".." he just stared at me for a while before nodding and leaving

Jeez, the guy makes probably the strongest drug ever and acts like I'm the weird one.

I actually asked him why he made the super drug potion, and apparently, he actually wanted to make it back in his days at Hogwarts, but he didn't have the time or resources.

I asked him why he would want to make a super drug during his days at Hogwarts and he told me, that a certain group of kids annoyed him to no end.

So that basically means, he made this drug for my father and the rest of the marauders. I swear he makes the best stuff out of spite for my father.

Maybe when he figures out I am in fact Harry potter he will be so mad he invents a potion that turns someone into a God.

As I was having some funny thoughts Hermione approached me, "Did you plan all of this?" she accused me

If she could see my face she would have seen the flattest look I have ever given someone, "why do you assume the worst? I honestly just came here to watch and see how the protest goes, however, I did not expect a full-on war to break out. But, this gives us a major opportunity does it not? So don't squander it." I told her dryly

A small frown showed on her face "Yes this was a situation I would have never expected, but I have to agree, this is a big opportunity," she ended with a small smile

-Elizabeth pov -

The war at Diagon Alley was something no one expected, but it was also something that many jumped on. The Lords are already petitioning for the use of lethal spells, and more people are coming out of the woodworks to see how this situation ends.

This battle, will define Britain forever, the people, no the civilians fighting in Diagon Alley can't comprehend what they are doing.

If they lose, the Lords and Ladies of Noble houses will immediately jump on it as an opportunity to further limit Muggle-borns and non noble wizards and witches' positions in society.

But if they win, Britain will never be the same, more muggle-born Wizards and Witches will become confident and willing to fight, and the influence of Nobles will fall drastically.

Not to mention if they win, Diagon Alley will be theirs.

I want them to win, but I can't openly support them, well I could but then if they lose everything I have been working tirelessly on would be shattered.

I have so many decisions to make and so little time to make them.

-Gellert Pov -

Elizabeth contacted me with her troubles, I told her to sit and wait a couple of days, just to see how the situation progresses.

I, on the other hand, I don't have to worry about all of that political nonsense, so I will be sending reinforcements to Harry and Hermione if they need them.

I don't want to make a personal appearance just yet, I need to wait for the right time when the fruit is at its finest quality.

That's when I will pounce.

Additionally, I am still trying to find a method in which I can deal with Harry, he is my biggest competitor.

-Harry pov -

I watched as the shift changed for the night watch shift, it was interesting how easy it was to direct them, it's like they all were ready for war.

It was kind of impressive, I'm not going to lie.

The super drug potions weren't ready yet, so I couldn't use them for my plan, I guess I need to wait for a little longer.

I saw the Aurors entering my territory, on my managing system. It seems a night attack was their method of choice.

I sent some signals out, and the troops immediately got ready for a battle, they did so stealthily. We made some barriers to block the view of the Aurors so they couldn't see us preparing.

I heard a fight in the distance.

It was time, for another battle.

-Narrator pov -

Fury, Elizabeth, Gellert, Fudge, The Lord's and ladies, and more were waiting for reports on the war, a lot was riding on these upcoming battles. And they couldn't hide their nerves.

Meanwhile, small skirmishes were happening around the territory the rebellion took, Aurors and Hit wizards worked together to fight the rebellion troops.

"Shield!" Cormac one of the rebellion squad leaders yelled

Instantly his squad, a group of four people put up a group shield, and the spell was called iuncturam scutum, which meant joint shield.

The barrage of spells impacted the shield, the second the shield took all of the spells flung at it, the squad dismissed it and began a counter-attack.

"Attack plan B!" Cormac shouted

""LUMOS Maxima!!"" Two people shouted blinding the aggressors

""STUPEFY!"" The other two shouted while Cormac transfigured a whole box of match sticks into deadly needles, then he banished them at his opponents

The combination of attacks was successful, a good number of Aurors and Hit wizards fell, and the remaining focused on defense.

Scenes like this played out throughout Diagon Alley, some squads were more successful than others.

Harry stayed back giving off orders and managing the battlefield.

Hermione and two squads had a mission, and that was to take over the potion shop, Slug & Jiggers Apothecary.

Extra potions and ingredients are always a good thing, especially in war.

As the sun began to shine, both sides retreated to check their gains and losses.

To the dismay of the Aurors, they lost more than they gained.

-Harry pov -

We gained more land, and we captured some Aurors and Hot wizards. Overall the night battle was our win, we achieved a lot, gained a lot.

The more prisoners we have the more pressure the other side will have on their shoulders. I'm not a big fan of torture, and neither is Hermione so we will just keep them, prisoner, maybe play the paranoia tactic and make them think we are doing something to them.

Not sure if that would work though. Anyways I could always just read their minds if I need information.

But, I doubt they have anything more useful than what my own spies supplied.

Hermione and two others showed up with a plethora of supplies, "we took control of Slug & Jiggers Apothecary, and they shops adjacent, I left most of my squads there. Here are the supplies." she told me ending her sentence with an exhausted sigh

"Good job, you should get some rest," I told her in a kind tone

"I can't yet, I need to do more," she protested

"No sleep now, you will only be a liability if you don't her proper rest," I told her in a serious tone

The two people with her agreed with me, she huffed in annoyance and mumbled a single word, "fine."

She disappeared inside one of the shops we took.

I don't need sleep, so I don't need to worry about all of that human stuff.

I gazed off into the distance, this battle was just getting started, and I will win.


A/N: my personal favorite part of this chapter is Conrad using the match sticks to attack. I always wanted to showcase how some of the first things you learn at Hogwarts could be useful in battle. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
