
End of the third heist

--Harry Potter pov --

The second I finished with my fake ambush I quickly changed my appearance to a standard brown hair white male look, decently built with firm eyes. The standard look for a basic MLE officer.

I hurriedly left and went toward the Foci shop, arriving I saw multiple other officers arrive with one Jacob Washington fiercely protected.

Arriving on the scene I flashed my credentials to the person who looked to be in charge and hurriedly said, "Brandon Jones reporting for duty, I heard the commotion then the boss sent me down here to lend extra hands. What's the situation?"

The man took my credentials and cast a couple of scanning spells on them to see if it was legit.

A pleased expression forced its way onto his face as he gratefully looked back up and said while handing back my credentials, "Derek Morgan it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jones, and thank you for the help."

Okay now here me out I'm not one to go crazy over the small stuff but this guy looks exactly like Derek Morgan from criminal minds and his name is Derek Morgan. Oh~ have I stumbled upon an Easter egg?

"Of course, Mr. Morgan, and please call me Brandon. So what can I help with?" I asked giving him a small smile

"Ah then call me Derek. Anyways Brandon we have to guard the transport of Jacob Washington and an item to Gringotts. He's in a rough situation right now so stay alert for any suspicious activity." Derek told me giving off a strong leadership vibe

"Ok, I can do that!" I said with a little nervousness

"I'm ready let's go! Before they come back." Jacob said nervously holding a small what can only be case in his hand

It seems like he shrunk down the display enough to carry it. In this mode, I can see the magic actively trying to divert my eyes from it like an invisibility cloak.

Truly impressive.

We walked in a diamond formation with Jacob in the center. Gringotts wasn't too far away but the thing is he can't Apparate. Jacob Washington for all of his brilliance in Foci making can't fucking Apparate and why? Why Can't he Apparate every adult wizard should at least have the absolute basics down even if he didn't go to a magical school but he did which is funny.

He can't Apparate because of one simple problem, he sold a shitty wand. Apparently, when he was younger in his school days he was just starting out in wand making. He wanted to impress a Witch that recently broke hers, so he made one and gave it to her. The wand instead of bonding like normal and sending off a brilliant display of magic, Apparated her to Russia and she got arrested for trying to sneak in to Russian borders. No one believed her at first when she said she Apparated there from America because it's impossible.

Eventually, she got released, and when she came back from the hell she had experienced she made a curse that makes anyone unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of it unable to accurately judge distance and spatial distances. Meaning Jacob can Apparate he just would never be able to go to the destination he wants to.

I only know this because she published a paper about it and I stumbled onto it when I was researching Jacob.

If I ever meet this brilliant woman I would do anything to get that curse. Imagine all-powerful Dumbledore not being able to Apparate or aim spells properly because he can't judge the distance between him and his foe.

She was actually ostracized for making this curse because she used it on a Washington and refused to remove it. Then she left the country before any legal action could be taken leaving Jacob in his pitiful state.

Seeing as we made it to the spot I picked out for this event I silently cast two spells. One being Caligo Eructo, making a thick mist start to drift into the streets, and the other was a spell called Grandinis creating a hailstorm in the air above us further impeding their view but not mine since I can see the magic.

"Look alive! Potential threats incoming!" Derek yelled to the ten MLE officers and Jacob

We all quickly became alert, I cast Propero on myself and Fūrtim enhancing my speed and general physical attributes.

I made these mist thicker further impeding our sight. I can't even see right now, the only thing I can see is the passive rippling effects wands emit and the case containing the Gauntlet.

I quickly sprang into action, casting several different charms.

* Vestibulum agrum* is a wide effect stunning charm

five MLE officers dropped cold onto the floor. I then moved in on Jacob *stupefy* he couldn't block it, he was struck and instantly toppled to the floor I scooped up the case and put it into my inventory, I couldn't waste time taking a selfie now.

Before I could leave a shout was heard, "Magnus Ventus!" following the spell a huge gust of wind blew through the mist making it disperse.

Leaving me wide open.


No words were exchanged only spells,

Several disarming spells and stunning spells flew at me at high speeds.

I flicked my wand casting a shield spell *Protego Maxima*

The spells bounded off the shield, but that was just the beginning more spells were cast some I had to dodge manually because they could get through the shield I don't know how but they could.

I whipped my wand fiercely, "Mille Caedo!" I bellowed a curse at one MLE officer

It struck him at high speeds all of a sudden multitudes of cuts were inflicted on his body.

I couldn't take in the scene as more spells were being launched at me from all sides.





The officers yelled casting various spells at me lighting up the sky with various colors, I quickly dodged and weaved throwing several spells back at them.

"Suffoco, Flagellicorpus, Rescindo Cicatricem," I fired back in rapid succession

I took out three more, all nearly dead by now leaving only Derek.

He was by far the most skilled. He was throwing some massive battle Transfigurations my way.

"Golem of the earth attack my foe!" he yelled in English

Golems rose from the ground and ran at me, he wasn't done, "Reducto, Diffindo, Bombardo!" he slung several lethal spells

*Protego Maxima* I silently cast

The golems were before me I dodged and weaved between their legs, seeing my opportunity I yelled, "Sectumsempra!"

He also made one last move, "Golems sacrifice Thee! Vanquish thy foe!"

Like a trigger, all of the Golems exploded




I was blasted forwards, "Arghhh!" I screamed in pain

My mind was hazy, my back hurt, my ribs hurt, and my legs felt luck mush.

Fucking hell.

Looking up through my daze I was Derek struggling to raise himself as several bleeding wounds carved into his flesh.

Through the ringing that sounded throughout my skull, I could hear others approaching probably back up.

--Narrator pov --

Harry struggled to move his legs were broken, his body mangled. He was in pain so much pain.

His body reverted back to his actual appearance, Derek's eyes widened, he knew who it was.

"H-harry Potter!" Derek choked out his voice raspy

Then Harry did something that Derek Morgan would never forget he laughed, "HAHAHAHEHHEHEHHE!" his laughter turned manic as harry couldn't control himself he was so excited. The new Harry Potter lives for these situations.

"Bye Derek~," Harry said through pain as he activated his port key

Disappearing from sight.

Soon the fellow MLE officers arrived and began to shuttle off the wounded.

Derek looked at his boss and said through gritted teeth, "he got it. I know he did."

--- Harry Pov --

I appeared on the floor of Potter manor.

"Dobby!" I called

"Dobby Is here!" he shouted popping in

"Oh no! What has happened to master Harry!" Dobby shrieked

"Bring me pain relieving potions and law me on the couch." I sternly ordered

Dobby quickly complied, soon I was chugging down several pain relievers.

"Let Dobby get a healer!" Dobby begged

"No! You have something more important to do," I said sternly

I quickly pulled out the casing and took several selfies.

"Bring these to the Quibbler, International wizards Newspaper, and the American wizard times," I ordered

"But master harry needs medical help!" Dobby protested

"No do this and don't be seen," I ordered again

Dobby reluctantly took the photos and popped away.

The reason I am not healing my legs right now is simple I can use this for a ritual. I am planning to heal my legs and then some.

Right now I just need to bear with the pain, I have every ingredient but one and I hope to God that the rare ritual ingredient pack has it.

I overestimated myself I had all of the necessary strength but no experience in an actual wizarding battle.

I couldn't port key away due to all of the spells being flung at me. Leaving me no choice but to fight back. Some of those officers died tonight that I'm sure of.

This is the price one must pay for being too greedy.

I pulled out of my inventory a couple of muscle relaxing agents and skin tissue growing potions and drank them swiftly. My legs can't heal for the ritual but my body can.

One of the last things I looked at before falling asleep was my status,


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Race: Human (Magical)

Hp: 45/100 (two broken legs, ribs broken, skin tissue damage, minor concussion.)


Strength: peak human

Speed: peak human

Dexterity: peak human

Stamina: peak human

Animagus: basilisk

Wand: thestral hair core, yew wood, silver linings, basilisk venom binding agent, 12 1/2 inches, flexible]

Yeah, maybe a healer would be a smart move.

I pulled out my wand and sent a messenger Patronus to Sirius.

[the next day]

I am currently in a room at Diagon alley, I heavily warded the inside just for this meeting.

Dobby was at my side my wand gripped firmly in my hand.

A knock came at the door and Dobby shuffled over. Opening the door two people entered

"Hello, Sirius, Narcissa." I croaked out in pain

---End ---

A/N: I know I know the whole can't portkey with so many spells being flung around isn't cannon but it's needed or mc would just pop In and out no fights what so ever.

Okay this was my first time writing a magical fight be honest how did I do?
