
All I remember

Kaley's Pov

The hug didn't settle in, instead it opened a floodgate of something. Something that is destined to destroy both of us.

I could swear both of us struggled to be closer to each other, I burrowed in like a hungry mouse and he held me tighter like a mouse trap.

This hug wasn't a soothing.

It didn't calm my worried mind.

My heartbeat didn't slow down like it was supposed to, nor did I exhale a sigh of relief. The world didn't fade away like it was supposed to when one is hugging a comforter.

Truthfully, everything happened in the opposite.

I was painfully aware of the man holding me and I knew exactly what I needed from Noah.

It wasn't rocket science...I needed him, more of him.

I needed every inch, I needed every breath of Noah, every part of him.

I needed the taste of him...It was maddening just how much I wanted a man I met a couple of hours ago.
