
Chapter 159: Take me to Owen 

Chapter 159: Take me to Owen 

Ari's POV


I watched as Luna turned swiftly to see the person that had correctly recognized her in the hospital. 

"Ari" Her voice was a bare whisper.

I knew what was going on in her head. When I took my brother out of black silver to coastal city it had cause major rift between my parents. 

Luna had wanted to keep Owen closer to home, I wanted to take him to coastal city and I had the backing of the Alpha.

It seems that's all they do now, take opposite decisions just so they don't have to agree on anything…at least, it is what I think my father is doing.

I believe it was a way to deal with the unwanted feelings he had for his mate…feelings he resented and wanted to sniff out, feelings that somehow wakes up with him everyday.
