
Chapter 128: Evil men

Chapter 128: Evil men

Zuri's POV 

"I can't. I am scared. My mom is coming!"

"No, she is not and I am sorry but life sucks kid and no one is going to help you unless you help yourself. It's a crap deal but it's all you've got, kid" 

"I am not strong enough"

"That's…not true. You would be surprised how powerful you are. Now, get off your ass and crawl to me!" 

Slowly the little boy made his way to me but I knew that in about a second or so, the entire roof would cave in and we would be trapped.

I pulled him into my arms. He was safe at last.

"You did good, boy. You did good" I said over and over again.

The little boy looked at me and he smiled. "Thank you for saving me…my name is…"
