
Do You Not Recognize Me?

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

'Someone came to visit?' Chi Tian frowned.

He wasn't particularly well-known, so it was unusual for someone to ask for him.

"Yes. It's a senior with quite a high cultivation realm," the woman said.

Chi Tian's heart sank. "A senior with a high cultivation realm? What does he look like?" he asked.

"He's a middle-aged man carrying a sword," said the woman.

'Middle-aged?' Chi Tian sighed in relief.

At least it wasn't the same person who delivered the letter last time.

"Let him in," he said.

"Of course. Please wait a moment."

Chi Tian sat in his chair and examined a pill. Even though someone had come to visit, he continued to do his work.

After some time, there was a knock.

"Senior Huo Lu, the guest is here."

With his head down, Chi Tian said, "Let him in."

The door was opened, and the woman escorted the guest inside.
