
Bronze Throne

In a dark room, fog permeates the surroundings. A bronze throne was located in the middle of the room.

There's nothing in the room beside the darkness, fog, and a masked figure that was sitting on the bronze throne.

The whole place appeared eerie, as darkness represents the unknown, while fog represents obscurity.

'Damn, this Zero knows how to choose a meeting place!' Fein couldn't help but curse in his heart.do run r unhurried tone. His voice didn't produce an echo.

"I must say that you have a strange taste. You really like this kind of theme, aren't you?" Fein responded plainly.

"You see, it's not that I like it, nor do I like to be mysterious. It's just a way to hide my identity. There's no need to hide if there's nothing to hide, right? But that doesn't apply to me." A deep sigh traveled across the room.

"Then what do you hide? Well, it's not that you have to say it. After all, everyone has secrets, including me." Fein chuckled.
