

"This is my sister's favorite park when she was just a child. Now, she won't let me bring her here." Fein smiled warily and scratched his head awkwardly.

"Well, it seems fun here." Sofia smiled.

Now the two decided to date. Fein brought Sofia to the park near their old apartment.

Sofia held Fein's hand tightly with a tint of pink on her cheeks as they walk around the park. She could see lots of parents with their kids playing around the rides. 

"The rides here are hardcore." Sofia looked at the rollercoaster, Vikings, drop tower and other kinds of rides that she wouldn't dare to ride when she was a kid.

"Do you want to ride one?" Fein looked at the crow around him and felt dizzy at the number of people around him. 

The kids have a smile on their faces while they held their favorite balloons in their little arms. Some have cotton candy in their mouths.
