
Bird Returns

Suddenly they heard Kartik shout, "Look."

They shifted their eyes and found that the picture on the screen had changed.

The bird suddenly flew and formed a complete circle in the air.

At the same time, it left a blue trail in the space as it went.

When the circle was completed, and the blue trail touched, it fused, and suddenly a reaction took place.

The circle formed by the blue trail suddenly changed and created a portal-like thing.

And the bird immediately moved the Portal to make the fleet enter the portal.

The bird was fast in its actions, and the fleet was pushed through the portal to an unknown place within no time at all.

And following the fleet, the bird also followed them back in.

Seeing this, everyone had the idea that maybe the bird came here specifically for the fleet.

The video ended while they were in doubt, and Professor Apurv turned the device off.

However, now the device did not matter as the video had already been completed.

No one objected to the deinstallation of the device, so Professor Apurv ordered the removal of the device and also asked them to carry it back.

Soon discussions about the disappeared fleet began, and someone decided to hold a meeting to discuss things.

Many people supported this notion, and thus an impromptu meeting was held.

This meeting was decided to be held inside the Pearl, so everyone entered their respective cabins.

The Pearl is not to be exposed to unrelated people.

Soon the time for the meeting approached, and everyone decided to enter the Pearl. However, something happened at that moment.


An officer barged into the corridor and knocked heavily on the door.

The same scene happened to everyone, all of them their respective informers reporting to them at the same time.

"Sir, that bird from the footage of Fleet 53 was seen again."

This news stunned everyone.

Kartik, in his office, was holding a mug in his hand.

In his astonishment, he increased his strength and crushed the mug.

The pieces of the mug fell onto the floor.

Professor Apurv, who had been on the return journey back to earth, immediately had the ship turn back.

In his words, maybe the Past Viewer might be helpful again.

Everyone else also rushed back from wherever they were.

No one wanted to miss the bird.

No one was aware when the bird would appear the next time.

Kartik, who was responsible for the site evacuation, and Rajesh, who was responsible for the investigation of this Bird incident, were the first to appear.

And they were astounded by the scenery they saw.

They saw that the bird they talked about had already opened a portal, and the members of Fleet 53 were coming out of the portal.

Other than the fact that they were low on maintenance, they had no further problems.

There were traces that the crew had repaired the ship even for the maintenance; there wasn't much left to be done.

Although it wasn't as professional as a specially trained mechanic, it was good enough for the work of rookies.

Soon many others also arrived and witnessed the fleet coming back.

Also, it must be noted that seeing the portal up close was really aesthetically pleasing.

The blue color flowing in the circumference of the portal and the starlight-like white spots weren't something that could be described in words.

After some time, the entire fleet and crew had left the portal under the sight of many bigwigs of the Empire.

Kartik looked at the tail of the fleet that was leaving the portal.

Suddenly his pupils dilated.

At the instant when the fleet spaceship left the portal, he saw the other side for a split second there.

It was beautiful beyond words.

If he needed to describe it, the only thing he could compare it to the best places in the Pearl.

Even then, he felt that the other world was better than the inner world of the Pearl.

It was simply not the same level.

At that time, he remembered a line that his senior had told him long ago.

He said, "Do you know that for the Boss (Cosmic), even the best place in Pearl is still lacking."

"You should have also seen those places. What is your opinion."

At that time, he felt what his senior had said was just a joke; however, he suddenly understood what the emperor (Cosmic) had said when he saw this world.

Before the birth of the Earth Empire, Cosmic was called Boss by everyone.

After the formation of the Earth Empire, his title changed to Eternal Emperor.

CosmicMysterycreators' thoughts