
Chapter 9: becomes the force for students to move forward and the final destination for teachers

In this abyss of despair, Fu Hua's hand was a ray of light to her, bringing a touch of warmth to her already desperate soul.

The video ended there, but after a some time, everyone was dumbfounded and speechless.

Because the information revealed by the video is a lot for them to take in and was very surprising.

Before that they could never have imagined that Kiana, who always has a carefree attitude and the one who her problems with a smile no matter what happened‚ to be so hopeless that she thought about committing suicide.

'Who was the girl that looked somewhat similar to Kiana? Listening to their conversation, it seems that she wants to occupy Kiana's body. Is she the Herrscher's consciousness?'

'And why did Fu Hua become like that? What happened to Himeko?' is what they all thought.

All of this, the amount of information given to them is very shocking to them even for Bronya. It them took a long time to digest everything slowly.

"...Kiana, in the future you will suffer alot."

Theresa looked at Kiana with distressed eyes.

She didn't know what happened that made Kiana in the video became like that.

But just thinking that Kiana might end up like that in the future, made her feelings hurt.


Mei suddenly went to hug Kiana, her eyes were wet and her voice choked up.

"You idiot! Why did you want to kill yourself?"


Suddenly being hug by Mei made Kiana both happy and embarrassed at the same time. She scratched her face and said weakly.

"That is the future me but seeing her like that now has made me want to avoid an ending like that."

"I don't care whether it's the future you or the current you because you are not alone‚ are you?" said Mei

Mei held Kiana's cheek and brought her closer to her face and stared into her eyes.

"Kiana, promise me no matter what happens in the future, never think that suicide as the last resort okay?"

"Um... ok, ok, I promise Mei-senpai."

"Mei-neechan, don't get too excited." Bronya interjected "Although what you see in the screen is Kiana's future but the future is ever changing and because we already know what happened in the future. Are you still going watch Kiana fall into despair from the sideline?"

Hearing Bronya say this, made the people present were stunned for a moment and then they all showed a surprised expression.

Yes, how could they forget about this!

They already know what will happen in the future and of course they won't just sit still and watch Kiana falling into the abyss call despair.

But if you want to understand what happened, you have to analyze the information revealed on the screen interface.

"Bronya, you are the smartest one here‚ can you analyze the situation in the video?" Theresa looked at Bronya and asked expectantly.

Bronya nodded then asked Reloaded Rabbit to turn on the projection and rewatch the video it just recorded.

"First of all, from the beginning of the video‚ it is was not hard for us to know that Kiana is not with us during that time around but was wandering alone in the city." said Bronya

"The voice that sounded in Kiana's mind was an unexpected encounter. If i am not mistaken then the voice should belong to the class monitor, although I don't know why the class monitor became like that when she appeared in Kiana's mind. But judging from Kiana's attitude towards her she was hostile, so Bronya thinks that a conflict broke out between them and it was not a small one either."

After speaking, Bronya paused and glanced at Himeko but she was hesitant to continue speaking.

Himeko could see her hesitation but she already guessed it herself. Although she didn't say anything, she just smiled at Bronya and from the looks of it she encouraged her to continue speaking.

"...Then there are the visions that Kiana saw that are her memories."

"And in her memories Himeko-Sensei figure would always appeared in her mind and thinking of what she said, if Bronya's assumption is right then Himeko-Sensei may have already..."


The people present fell silent for a while and even Kiana was no exception.

Although she has a carefree personality, she is not so stupid to the point that she has no EQ. Bronya has said it in a straightforward manner for the sake of it. If she still didn't understand then she is really stupid.

"Hehe, what's the matter? Look at you‚ why the long face your face?"

After a long silence, Himeko spoke first.

They saw her smiling while reaching out her hands towards Kiana's neck and hooking it with her face still smiling as if she wasn't bothered by the news.

"Himeko-Sensei... I don't want anything to happen to you..." said Kiana

Kiana looked at Himeko with tears in her eyes, thinking that Himeko might've die because of her in the future and because of this she felt a sense guilt in her heart.

"Stupid ~ idiot ."

Himeko said in a carefree manner that was present in her voice. Smilling and poking her fingers on Kiana's forehead she looked at her in a loving manner. (Milf 🐒)

"Kiana, you don't need to worry about the future too much. Everyone in this world will die eventually and even i am not an exception to this. But luckily, my death doesn't seem to be in vain."

"I am like a candle, illuminating the way for you. Even if the light is very weak, it will not go out and i will always be by your side Kiana. After all, i need to be the strength for my students to move forward as it is my duty as teacher." said Himeko



Mei and Theresa also looked at her with a sad face.

"Okay stop it‚ don't be sad because am i not here with you? We don't need to worry about what is going to happen in the future. Besides, i am already dying, so the least I could do for you guys at the end of my life is to help my students and it would be the best ending i could've gotten."

Himeko gave them a carefree and easy going smile. To be honest, after learning the that she would die in the future, it would be a lie to say that she does not have any regrets left.

But so what?

As long as this flame can continue to be passed down, Kiana, Bronya and Mei... They will all take it up and pave their own path towards victory which was enough for her.

Just like what Ragnar once did for her.

'But what do i want to leave something for them?'

'Like a letter or something.' Himeko thought to herself

"Wait!" Hearing Himeko words, Theresa seemed to have suddenly remembered something important and suddenly called out to Kiana with an exciting tone.

"Idiotic niece! Where is the reward you just got!? Take it out!"


Kiana, who was still sadden by the news was stunned by Theresa's shouting and then subconsciously took out the potion from her pocket that the system rewarded her just now.

"Himeko‚ this potion should be useful to your current predicament. As long as you use it, the Honkai Energy that has eroded your body maybe cured!" said Theresa

Hearing this, Himeko was stunned. She looked at the pink potion in Theresa's hand and said with some uncertainty.

"Are you sure this thing is going to work?"

"Since this Q&A system has said that its effect will definitely work." Theresa's eyes lit up as she said it.

"Don't forget, the future can be always be changed! If this potion is really what it was said, then Himeko you don't have to die!"

"Then... I'll try it."

Seeing everyone's expectant gaze, Himeko couldn't refuse it so she took the medicine, opened the cork, and poured the liquid inside directly into her mouth.

After drinking, she licked her lips, "Well...it tastes like watermelon but it would've be even better if it tasted like beer."

"Who cares how it taste like! did it work!?" Theresa asked her impatiently

"The effect..."

Himeko didn't notice it at first, but after carefully checking her body, she immediately realized something was wrong.

She felt that her body seemed to be in a much more relaxed taste as she had always relied on alcohol to numb the pain caused by the erosion of the Honkai but now it miraculously disappeared from her body.

She even felt as if she was back in her prime again. Every cell in her body was exuding with vitality. This body, which was already beyond the point of repair seemed to have been repaired by a strange medicine in an instant.






To be continued.

On god bruh this chapter hella confusing if you read the MTL

Smebiuscreators' thoughts