
256) Heroines of Hogwarts: Part 2...

At Hogwarts, many of the girls were diligently carrying out their assigned missions, but some still managed to indulge in their hobbies. The Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin was a long-awaited event. With the news that seven Nimbus 2001s had been donated to the Slytherin team, everyone was eager to see how the match would unfold: would it be a crushing victory for the snakes, or could Gryffindor overcome this significant resource disadvantage?

The match began, and the differences between the teams became apparent. However, Gryffindor's team showed clear talent, especially among their Chasers. Once they got hold of the Quaffle, they advanced decisively, though they suffered constant losses due to the rivals' faster brooms. The girls on the team demonstrated skills they had fiercely honed in "The Nest," that secret place where they spent grueling hours perfecting their techniques. Only through the peculiar magic of the founder could they carry on with their daily routines after such demanding training.

They possessed brooms far superior to anything else in the world, but they couldn't use them publicly. The "Silver Stars," as they had named them, were a training secret, only available within the Nest. Although they felt the difference when flying on lesser brooms during matches, their intense training allowed them to stand out even with those more modest tools.

Meanwhile, in the stands, there were also interesting characters. Tracey watched the match with excitement, enjoying her house's advantage. Although she found it somewhat unfair, she couldn't help but feel happy; after all, she wasn't participating and had nothing to lose.

Cho Chang, on the other hand, observed attentively, pondering how her house could face a team as formidable as Slytherin's. Her team was already struggling to compete, and now, with these new brooms, the situation seemed insurmountable. Determined not to fall behind, she vowed to train harder whenever she could to try and bridge this gap.

The match continued, but soon something strange caught the spectators' attention. A Bludger seemed to be unnaturally chasing Harry Potter. The Weasley twins defended him as best they could, but eventually, a timeout was called. When the game resumed, Harry decided to face the Bludger alone, dodging it while searching for the Snitch.

The tension was palpable. The entire stadium watched with bated breath as the violent Bludger attacked Harry as if trying to kill him. Concern was evident; while deaths during Quidditch at school were rare, they weren't unheard of. Anxiety peaked when Harry flew straight toward Draco Malfoy, giving the impression he was ready to crash into him in a desperate "if I fall, you fall too."

However, what happened next was entirely unexpected. The Bludger finally struck Harry, knocking him off his broom and sending him plummeting to the ground. Despite the impact, Harry managed to catch the Snitch before passing out, though he suffered multiple broken bones.

The chaotic ending was as memorable as it was shocking. Everyone witnessed Gilderoy Lockhart's fiasco when, instead of healing Harry, he removed the bones from his arm with a botched spell. Despite the pain and trauma of the match, few knew that this incident wasn't the worst Harry would face that year. Had he not taken a diluted dose of Swooping Evil venom, a much darker event would have been etched into his memory.

Beyond the match's conclusion, the girls who witnessed it didn't linger in the stands. They immediately ran to the lair for an impromptu meeting to discuss what had happened.

"...The Bludger wasn't behaving as it should," Tracey remarked seriously. "It was clearly enchanted, like Potter's broom in his first year. Honestly, I think Potter should quit Quidditch; something bad always happens to him, or something tries to kill him. He must be cursed."

"It's only happened twice so far," Parvati pointed out, trying to sound optimistic.

"But that's two times more than anyone else," Tracey firmly retorted.

"That's true," several girls agreed as they continued with their respective tasks in the room.

"Potter's cursed never to have a single year without a Quidditch accident. It's like the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor curse," Tracey declared, crossing her arms.

"Do you think it was... you-know-who?" Hannah asked, her expression doubtful. "It's known that Harry's father was a great Quidditch player. Maybe he cast a curse as revenge, so Harry couldn't play."

"I don't think so. If Voldemort were going to cast a curse, it'd be something much worse, not just stopping him from playing Quidditch," Hermione interjected from her spot, busy at a cauldron. She was preparing Polyjuice Potion, thanks to certain ingredients her boyfriend had provided… in exchange for nearly an hour of kisses that had left her weak and dazed.

In another corner, Lavender was furiously scribbling in her diary as usual, filling the pages with her most questionable theories.

(Lavender's perverted writing: ...Then we discovered that Harry was cursed by the spirits of Quidditch. Possibly, this curse arose from performing obscenely improper acts with his broom or the golden Snitch. His love for Quidditch was even greater than any love he could feel for a woman, and the fruit of that love would unleash the first birth human-…)

"But maybe she's not entirely wrong," Penelope interrupted, looking at the others seriously. "Last year, Quirrell tried to kill Harry. What if this year is the same, and the person behind it..."

"Is the Heir of Slytherin!" Hannah exclaimed, realizing the implication.

"Girls, Harry is a pureblood. Even if there are marriages with half-bloods in his family, he's still considered pureblood," Daphne pointed out as she organized papers with data on the research table.

"Yes, but think about this: who was the greatest advocate of blood supremacy?" Padma added, immersed in her theories, focusing on a particular name on the investigation table that no one wanted to mention.

"Voldemort?" Cho hesitated, though she already knew the answer.

"Exactly," Padma replied confidently. "Potter was the one who defeated him. The heir could be seeking revenge for killing the greatest proponent of blood supremacy. Or maybe it's one of his followers, or even a child of theirs."

That's likely," Daphne agreed, adding 'Death Eaters and their children' to the list of suspects they were compiling at the table.

The discussion continued for a while, debating the possible implications and the plausibility that whoever was attacking Harry might be a follower of Voldemort. The debate abruptly stopped when someone noticed the absence of a teammate.

"Where's Pansy?" Tracey asked, looking around curiously.

At the question, both Penelope and Hermione blushed and avoided eye contact, though they eventually responded.

"She's in the infirmary. Investigating the victims for clues," Hermione said without looking up from her cauldron.

"We found a way to keep her there overnight," Penelope added, nervously glancing toward the door.

"And why do you look so embarrassed about it?" Tracey asked, tilting her head in confusion.


Pansy had just stepped out of the infirmary bathroom. Her face was pale and gaunt, her eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and restrained fury. She staggered to her bed and collapsed face down, too drained to even adjust herself.

"I'll get my revenge, you fucking bitches..." she muttered weakly before closing her eyes, motionless.

Getting to the infirmary had been part of the plan; she knew she'd need to investigate the victims' conditions and might suffer a bit for it. However, she hadn't expected things to go so awry. Hermione and Penelope, naturally peaceful, weren't skilled with curses or dark magic, so they had decided to try certain potions to avoid mistakes. This had resulted in chronic diarrhea for Pansy, leaving her on the brink of hemorrhoids. In her mind, Granger had done it on purpose, and though she was furious, she didn't have the energy to exact revenge... yet.

She fell unconscious for a few hours, only stirring slightly when Potter was brought into the infirmary. She didn't catch much of what was said as sleep overtook her again. Finally, past midnight, she woke up hungry and devoured an apple sitting beside her bed. While waiting for the right moment to act, she almost fell asleep again but was jolted awake by nearby voices.

Without wasting time, Pansy activated the spells she had been practicing with Red, who had taught her to perfect them over long hours, even skipping classes with the excuse of being sick to master them. Though not perfect, they'd be sufficient to help her sneak around. Silently, she approached the voices. She immediately recognized one of them: Potter. But what caught her attention was his companion, a house-elf named Dobby. The elf's words made her tense up more and more, especially when he mentioned something related to the attack and what was happening in the school. Though she wouldn't learn anything from Filch and his cat, this information was already worth the trip. Besides, that Dobby seemed familiar, but she couldn't recall where she knew him from.

Pansy didn't have time to figure out who the elf was, as approaching footsteps forced Dobby to vanish quickly. Panicking, she jumped into the nearest empty bed, covered herself with a blanket, and carefully undid the Disillusionment Charm, trying to remain inconspicuous. She stayed still, listening to what the newcomers were saying. Though they whispered, she managed to catch something crucial: there was a new petrified victim.

When the infirmary finally quieted down and Potter fell asleep again, Pansy took the opportunity to investigate the victims: Filch, Mrs. Norris, and Colin Creevey. However, none of the methods she had agreed upon with her companions revealed much. Exhausted, she returned to her bed, allowing herself to rest until morning.


The next day, Pansy left the infirmary looking better, though still somewhat upset about the recent events. She summoned her companions to the lair to report what she had discovered. However, she didn't immediately show up in the meeting room. Instead, she waited until Hermione was distracted, then activated one of the techniques she had learned with Red, crept up silently behind her, and...

"One Thousand Years of Death!" she shouted, launching herself toward her with her fingers extended.

"AHHH!" Hermione screamed, jumping and covering her backside after the surprise attack.

"Alright, girls, we need to talk about some things I found out," Pansy said nonchalantly, ignoring Hermione's protests as she dragged everyone to the meeting room.

(Perverted Lavender's writing: ...And thus, we witnessed the explosive prelude of a forbidden passion story. Young Pansy, with a burning desire to assert her dominance, attacked Hermione with an ancient technique only Red, the divine master of pleasure and torment, could have taught her. The touch of her fingers, deep and precise, made sweet Hermione shiver and cry out—a siren's song resonating in our hearts.

The air was charged with something indescribable, a mix of t̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶ excitement that made us all tremble. Pansy's sudden and daring proclamation was more than just a strategic meeting: it was the declaration of a love war among the girls in the group. A fiery, shameless lesbian spark had begun to spread among us, defying the supreme authority of the glorious Emperor Red.

The harem, once faithful and submissive, seemed to rebel under a fervent desire to explore forbidden territories. But we know this won't last. He, with his mighty magical flesh wand, will restore order and punish our insolence. His judgment will be severe, his methods deliciously relentless.

I, Lavender, your devoted chronicler, patiently await my turn. Oh, Emperor, allow me to suffer your divine wrath for my impure thoughts. Take me as an example and correct this wayward soul with all your power!...)


