
Chapter 134: The Next Day

After a morning hike with Elise, we headed back to camp, where Newt and Tina had woken up. As we had talked until very late yesterday, they had slept more than usual.

We talked for a while and ate breakfast before moving on to the next chores for the day. Tina would have to leave in a few days, although she liked this "holiday in the woods" with her husband a little, this was not her life and she had already spent a lot of time here, so in addition to helping her with her things we decided to prepare a small party before she leaves.

"Red" Newt called me.

"Yes?" (Red)

"What else happened yesterday? Or rather, what specifically happened?"(Newt)

"Why do you ask?"(Red)

"« Revelio »" Newt took his wand out and pointed it at my face casting the spell, making my eyes return to their new true look "That's why..."

"You don't miss anything, are you?" I sighed.

"There are some things that escape me, but this… I have been studying you for quite some time and although the spell on your eyes made them very similar to before, they still had small flaws that I managed to notice."(Newt)

Another time there was a chat at the bonfire, it were already a habit. I explained that my abilities and attributes can change under certain circumstances, and when that happens my body can change too.

I told them that at first I was almost entirely human, but now I am, what they know, an unknown species. This gave them a new understanding of me and Newt's interest almost peaked, although any investigator would have it in a constantly mutating creature.

For the rest of the morning we continue chatting, doing our respective tasks or organizing things for the party.


After lunch, I went to Snape's house, my [Travel] skill was one of my favorites for this, in just ten minutes I could be anywhere, less if I rode Elise.

When I arrived, I knocked on the door and the person who received me was not Snape, but his mother, which I didn't like very much.

"Can Snape come out and play?" I asked for.

The situation was not so pleasant after that. The woman invited me in, but I declined, feeling that her intentions were not good.

Failing in her attempt, Eileen spoke honestly to me directly...telling me how much she disliked me, not to go near her son again, and what she would do to me if she saw me again.

Things didn't go well and I in a certain sense understood her, but couldn't leave things like that. I left the site without saying much, hiding in the surroundings without her noticing. From there, I sent a [Message] to Andra.

After confirming her location, I once again used [Travel] to reach the Knockturn Alley travel point. She was waiting for me there, still with her fearful and submissive attitude toward me. She was very obedient and diligent, I have to admit that.

With her by my side, I used [Travel] once more to return to Cokeworth. She was a little surprised by this different way of traveling than the apparition, and had questions if it could be tracked or its limit, but she didn't open her mouth and just followed me in silence.

Seeing Snape's house in the distance, I began to tell Andra what I needed from her.

"That's where Eileen Snape lives, née Prince. I'm friends with her son, the boy I went with yesterday, but she doesn't like me" (Red)

"Do you want me to make her disappear?"(Andra)

"No, that could be done by me, I need things to get to the point where I can still be friends with Snape without her getting in the way. I don't care what, blackmail, seduction, persuasion and even mind control... I called you because I thought that you would have more resources than me, I hope this is resolved as cleanly as possible, Sev is my friend and she is his mother" (Red)

"I'll do my best"(Andra)

"Okay, if you need something or my help just say so, this can't be missed. You saw the way I contacted you, we'll use it so we can talk without anyone knowing, that way we'll coordinate our stories. No matter the lies whatever you say and in case something is getting out of hand I will notify you that way" (Red)

With the established objective, we continue with the plan. Andra knocked on the door and I hid nearby, covered by my invisibility.

Eileen opened it and she doubted her at first, she was a stranger who came to her door, worse when she found out that she was my 'guardian'.

There was a long talk at first, but Andra was an expert in the art of talking, not unusual considering her work. She succeeded to get into the house after almost half an hour, and the talk continued there for another hour and a half.

From what Andra told me during the process, there weren't many problems. She managed to strike up some cordiality with the woman, and my goal of allowing Snape to meet me was accomplished.

Andra's bloodline abilities were effective on Eileen and she had been able to charmed her, making this mission quite easy. From what she told me, doing it was much easier than with me.

My abilities gave me a strong resistance to her charm, so it was difficult, but Eileen was different. She was an ex-witch, frustrated and the victim of physical and verbal abuse by her husband, Andra's influence had many ways to insist.

In the end, she still doesn't like me, but it won't stop Snape from leaving his house to play at Lily and Petunia's. Besides that, if we want Andra's charm to keep working, then she should come every so often to reapply it or it will wear off over time.

Knowing these things, I wanted to plan more for the future. I ordered my slave to become 'friends' with Eileen and to improve her relationship as much as possible, also applying her charm on her constantly. Tobias, Snape's father, we would approach with some of the girls from the brothel and a bit of manipulation.

My goal was to make Sev's life better, either by making her parents' relationship less acrimonious through prostitutes and lies, or by getting them to separate peacefully. It would take some time, but I expected good results.


In the middle of the afternoon Snape was awake and left his house to go to Lily's, but I intercepted him on the road, not near his home, so as not to provoke his mother further by the doubts.

"Hey, Sev, what's up?" (Red)

"What do you think? My mother scolded me for almost an hour..." he replied somewhat angrily, since it was my fault "she also told me to try to stay away from you"


"It felt strange... my mother was weird today" He replied, not that his mother hadn't scolded or advised him before, but today she seemed especially worried about him, as in a few moments in his life.

"Let's put that aside, let's go see the girls before they get bully us for ignoring them or something."(Red)


"And none of what happened yesterday..."(Red)

"I'm not stupid" he interrupted me, looking at me as if he saw an idiot.

We walked to the Evans house while also talking about random things. Truly, we consider ourselves friends, weird considering that the Snape of my day disliked me, but at the same time I feel like it's nice to have a friend.

We entered through the patio and the couple of girls were already there. When they saw us, they seemed to ignore us on purpose, which confused us.

What really happened was that Lily and Petunia had planned to act like this to show their dissatisfaction and upset us that we kept things from them.

"So, you guys came back... got tired of seeing your girls naked?" Lily, arms crossed and not looking at us, mocked us with some contempt in her words. Petunia didn't seem too sure about this, she also maintained that dismissive attitude towards us, but her nerves were evident.

"No, we had to leave because we ran out of money"(Red)


*Elbow to the ribs*

"I hope you had fun" Lily said sarcastically.

"Oh…of course we did, there were boobs that big!" I exclaimed, with my hands showing a great size, far superior to my own torso.

"Grrññ!" She growled, annoyed at my lack of guilt or overconfidence.

"Yes, they were like two big fluffy buns, they moved in a hypnotic way and made you want to put your head in there to use them as pillows," Snape continued, surprising me that he understood what I was doing and his great cooperation, while I wondered if he had just made it up or was it what he really lived with Gigi.

"Oh yeah, they were majestic, all I wanted to do was hold them, open my mouth and take a good bit…"(Red)

"Foul!" Lily yelled at me, while Petunia's expression was also strange.

"Won't you be jealous? Don't worry, when you grow up, your boobs may also be big to the point that we want to see them too"(Red)

"Uhhh!" Lily couldn't stand what I said and she hit me with her hand on my chest "If you're not going to tell us the truth at least stops saying your stupid things"

"Well... you insisted on despising us"(Red)

"You're the idiot" she complained, kicking me in the shin.

"Well...well, I actually took Snape riding a unicorn," I said as held onto my sore leg.

"Without us!"(Lily)

"Why do you believe that and not the boobs' thing?!"(Red)

"Hmm...you talk a lot and do a little... I'm sure you wouldn't dare go see a girl" she muttered angrily.

"Let's call a truce, I brought cakes, you can be angry and hungry or calm and satisfied... but also angry and cakes. Look at Petunia, she's not happy with this talk and I'm sure she wants to end this and eat my cakes"(Red)

In the end we managed to calm the beasts with food and although they were upset with us, we put up with it. Although they also pressed the issue, Snape and I remained silent as graves.

At a certain point, the girls' father came and sent his daughters on an errand. While Lily and Petunia were gone, Mr. Evans stayed on talking to us quite amicably, maybe too much.

He talked about various topics, arriving at the time of yesterday and how it was after we were left alone and that's when we more or less understood what was happening.

The girls had told their parents that we were going to do something else after they left, and even what they said about naked girls. Mr. Evans at this time was trying to find out what was true and what was not, to see if he had to do something with us and get us away from his daughters.

"Actually, we went to see something we couldn't tell the girls" I said, deciding to lie to save ourselves, and luckily Snape noticed and played along.

"What is it?" Mr. Evans asked calmly but showing some false childish emotion, although in reality he is very serious on the subject.

"A friend told me about a place where... there are fights"(Red)

"Fights?" (Mr. Evans)

"Yeah, it was some kind of bar where there was a quad where two guys were fighting, but it wasn't pretty. We were kind of excited, but when we saw it in person, it was disgusting. The moment we saw how one of the teeth fall out, we left them," I explained as Snape nodded with very believable expressions.

"So you went to see a fight?" (Mr. Evans)

"Yes, that's why we don't tell your daughters, we don't want them to think we are brutes. We knew that this place was a bad place, but we still went, we are sorry and a little ashamed, but we don't want them to know... especially Lily who takes advantage of any situation to make fun of us"(Red)

"OHh... And why did they tell me that you guys went to see women?" He asked, still trying to get the truth out.

"Yeah, we thought that saying that was the best thing. My aunt Andra told me that to hide something, you have to lie with something equivalent to what you are trying to hide. Also, we thought that if we said that they would stop asking"(Red)

Things didn't go any further, Mr. Evans didn't ask any more and he just gave us a little talk or maybe a scolding. When he left, he seemed satisfied with what he got, although not very comfortable with what we did. He would surely talk to his daughters about this.
