
Chapter 122: A Little Time Skip

"What do we play?"(Lily)

"Shall we jump rope?"(Petunia)

"Cards?" (Red)

The three of us were on the patio of the Evans house, a month had passed since the last time I came and I had returned as promised. I met with the girls' father and like everyone in this family, there was a line of "so red!", only there were some swear words involved. I got his attention and I had to repeat the thing about Hogwarts and all that, I also noticed how he stared at me for a while until he got used to my appearance.

Now we were deciding what to play, as children, it would be supposed to be something normal, but the truth was that I couldn't think of anything, nothing appropriate. We ended up bowling, I improvised some with things I had and childhood made it fun. We played all afternoon until I left, but not before telling them I would be coming the following month.


Things went well, with Elise we worked hard to expand the [Fief] and it was growing well, before long we could have enough space to build the first building. I saw Lily and Petunia every month, between one and two days a month, we can now call ourselves friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Evans asked me to invite Elise over so they could meet her, but I turned them down because it wasn't suitable. I made excuses that it couldn't be done due to the rules of the wizarding world and that, but that after Lily goes to Hogwarts I could invite her to come because there she could. A silly thing, but it would give me enough time to form a good relationship and in the end not be questioned too much that I grew up in the forest with a unicorn.

Besides that, nothing interesting to comment, maybe just the fact that I've been getting hotter than before, the downside of growing up. I had to solve my problems and it wouldn't be easy, it's not like I could go after a prostitute at my age.

Elise wanted to help me, but we already know we have problems with that. She tried to use her mouth again and I didn't refuse, her tongue was pleasant, but besides that first time it wasn't very effective, our anatomy was very different. Did it work? Yes, but only sometimes. On top of that, I tried to use my hand while Elise tried to say dirty things next to me, but it was more funny than exciting.

I need to fix this problem, either by getting a girl or by making progress with Elise. From that moment, I endeavored to find a method for us to do it. I spent more time inside my mental library, hoping that a ritual could help us, perhaps within those disabled rituals.


(Time skip)

I got to visit Lily and Petunia over the years, currently Petunia is 9 years old and Lily, like me, is 8. We grew up a bit and became close, Lily and Petunia wanted to introduce me to their schoolmates but I refused, I am not an attraction or an exotic animal, that I know what is the way they would see me.

Over time, we told each other some of her secrets, Lily's powers became more evident, so I started to tell her a few more things about the magical world. With that, Petunia demonstrated her true interest in magic.

I knew about the sad reality and knowing that I was the one who told them about this world ahead of time, I should be the one to tell her about it. I took my time preparing her for the blow and finally explained it to her, but she still don't take it well.

She had seen the appreciation her parents showed her sister because of her power, and learning that she could never have such a thing made her cry. I tried to comfort her and make her understand that not having magic wasn't bad... although it was very sad.

Lily found us and when she saw her sister crying she wanted to go over to help her, but this ended in a bad reaction from Petunia. I had to intervene so that her relationship did not deteriorate, Petunia complained to her about why she could not be special like her and that her parents treated her the same.

I separated them and made them talk, I explained to Lily what was the problem with her sister, since she didn't understand anything. On the other hand, I tried to make Petunia understand that it wasn't Lily's fault, and that she had nothing to do with what was happening.

In the end, I told them that I would show them something that isn't magic, but is just as special. I hugged them and used [Calm] and [Ecstasy] to give them something to think about other than fighting each other. It worked, maybe too much, I didn't use a lot of power but it seems like it was a lot for girls her age.

I felt her legs go slack and I had to hold them so they wouldn't fall, Lily even urinated a little, which has embarrassed her ever since. I didn't expect this, it was just a small dose. Did I get stronger in my blood magic by using it so much since I came to this campaign?

My plan worked, although not in the way I expected, the fight between the girls fizzled out. Since then, the girls didn't fight, but they also started snooping around with my 'special technique'. I didn't make it easy for them, I avoided the subject but from time to time I let them try a small dose, it was either that or they told me they would fight again.

After taking care of the girls, I turned to Mr. and Mrs. Evans. I informed them about the situation and the harm they were doing to their daughter and the relationship with her sister. I told them stories about the squibs and some other made-up ones, trying to make them see the problem. They told me they would try to prevent it and make amends, but I'm not sure how they'll do if they haven't been able to see it until now.

Besides that, what I can tell about girls is...also...well, I wouldn't like to think it was my fault, but there was a situation where... we practiced kisses. It really wasn't my fault, I hope, it just happened, the topic came up and we ended up kissing each other on the lips superficially. Nothing really beyond the innocence of children, but it was still something I didn't expect for a few years.

After telling Elise about it, I had to give her kisses too. There had been a few every once in a while in the past, but this time I had to oblige her and kiss her all night long, even if she didn't appreciate it like humans would and did just out of jealousy


At the age of nine, there was someone else who discovered Lily's powers, a boy just caught her using her magic, but things didn't end badly as expected. The boy tried to contact Lily ever since.

The boy was Severus Snape, who after discovering that Lily had magic wanted to befriend her. Lily was surprised to find out that the boy who had started following her was also a wizard who could do things like her.

Over several days, weeks, Severus spent time with Lily and they got to know each other, their friendship going smoothly almost like in the original story. I didn't get much involved in it, partly because I didn't want to, and because there was a problem with the acromantulas. Their numbers began to grow and with the centaurs we organized a pest control plan.

Severus told her about the wizarding world to try and have a common theme and was surprised that Lily knew a bit about it, but her parents weren't wizards. When he asked, she replied that she had a friend who told her about it and he deduced that this friend was also a wizard, but that assumption was also denied by the girl.

After two months of fighting spiders and earning good money selling their bodies, I went back to our normal routine. With the money we were earning we expanded the [Fief] further and bought the first building, the [Farm]. It took a week to build because we didn't want to spend more money to speed up the construction.

The [Farm] is a production building. A small thatched house is created and next to it comes a 5mx5m plowed field. The size of the field, as well as the house, could be improved in different aspects.

That field could be completely planted with a single seed, although not all the plants, for example, if you wanted to grow grapes you had to upgrade the farm to a vineyard, and in the same way with the trees. Depending on the rarity of the crop would be the number of plants generated in the field, the more common, the more there would be and the less it would take to grow.

The base growth time was one month, which was necessary to harvest most of the vegetables that were available in the muggle world, for rarer things the time increased, but it was still shorter than in the real world.

With this new addition, Elise, Marrill, and I plan to create a new source of supplies that we can constantly stock up on. Although we currently only had one, with it, we would get a food reserve, even if we were in a desperate situation, like with the cave. We also made a deal with Marrill to supply the centaurs.


Lily, Petunia, and Severus were in the courtyard of the Evans house, although the atmosphere between Severus and Petunia was not the most pleasant. Severus did not consider Petunia in the slightest, for him, she was like nothing, something that did not go unnoticed by the girl, nor by Lily, but her attempt to harmonize things between her new friend and her sister was not very helpful.

At that moment, footsteps were heard from the other side of the fence and the wooden door began to open. Both girls seemed to recognize the situation and ran towards the door, excited.

"Red!/You're back" Said the two girls who hadn't seen their old friend in quite some time.

"Hey girls, long time no see" (Red)

"Why were you gone for so long?"(Lily)

"Sorry, we had a spider infestation problem that we had to solve"(Red)

"You took more than a month!"(Petunia)

"Well, I'll apologize with some nice gifts I brought with me"(Red)


"But I think we should first introduce myself to this confused friend" I said looking at Snape who had a shocked expression on his face.

"A vampire?!" Severus said, pointing at me.

"No, I'm not, I'm Red" I walked over to him and held out my hand.

"You have to be a vampire" he kept hesitating with no intention of shaking my hand "Your eyes are..."

"That I'm not a vampire! I thought the girls would have told you about me"(Red)

"We did it. He is Red, the one who taught us about the magical world" (Lily)

"The squib?" (Snape)

"Squid? I'm not a squid"(Red)

In the end, I presented myself to my future potions master, it was curious to see a Snape who was not yet so damaged. At first, it wasn't the most pleasant, but my relationship with Lily was too good and the fact that I also belonged to the magical world helped a lot.

Thanks to my insistence, the four of us played a few games like normal kids, and then ate the special snacks I brought. The girls adored it, they had happy faces when eating each cake, and even Mrs. Evans came to steal some of us on the sly. Severus was surprised as well and was able to enjoy it, pulling us a little closer.

Although my supposed Squib status meant that Snape had no real interest in me, my knowledge of the wizarding world caused a certain closeness, even at times more than with Lily because I knew his situation and could be more empathetic.

This first meeting was quite good, after our first bad presentation. Snape isn't a bad boy, he's just in a bad situation and with the right words, could make the boy open up.


The four of us kept meeting to play, and to achieve that I had begun to coordinate my visiting times. With my experience of having manipulated... a lot of people... I managed to get us to form a good group without many problems, including making Snape and Petunia not spoil their relationship anymore, although not improve it either.

I gave Severus some particular gifts, such as suitable clothing for him, and when he was about to turn it down thinking I was looking down on him or pitying him, I explained that I understood his situation. I told him that a few years ago he didn't wear anything but a few rags, which was true, and after talking for a while he ended up accepting.

I accompanied him to his house one day and I found his parents fighting among themselves, I could see Snape's dark past. He was embarrassed but I also saw the terrible indignation he felt, and I wanted to help.

The only thing I could do was find his father when he had gone out to work and use a lot of [Fear], among other things, to let him know that he had to be careful what he did. After that, I didn't mess with his family anymore and I only helped him in other ways.
