
Chapter 105: Elections and Penelope

I was drilling my head to have to decide something as important as this while I was walking through the forest, if any creature attacked me now it could easily kill me from how lost I was in my thoughts.

"Ahhhhh... that's it..."

Let's not deny the inevitable or make something easy difficult. I know that I am not the best person and possibly with this decision it could be much worse, but who cares? I just hope that this 'influence' doesn't make me lose some of the good things that I now have.


Select the alignment and the screen disappeared. Then the following prompts appeared in front of me.

[Auras and Essences: "Evil Aura" Obtained]

[Ritual Magic(All) Unlocked]

[Evil aura]

-You give off an evil essence, easily identifiable by beings with good perception. Evil creatures of lower level/category/lineage will be suppressed by your presence, and the power of all your offensive auras will be increased-

Those warnings did not come alone, I could feel how something in me changed, like a kind of peace of mind that made all my thoughts order. That change made my real body wake up, as the feeling was stronger in it.

I didn't feel like I had become evil... well, more evil... but I felt like... like I didn't feel guilty anymore. I knew that I did some things wrong but now I felt that I was not overwhelmed by having done them, as if they were just something else in my day-to-day.

It wasn't just those slight psychological changes, but my physique was also affected. First I noticed how my slightly darkened nails were becoming increasingly black and, noticing that, I took out a mirror to see if anything else had changed.

My fangs became more pointed, my hair grew a bit and the tips darkened a little. The most remarkable thing is that now my face seemed to have applied eyeshadow and eyeliner, but after checking it I realized that it was not something artificial, my face had changed to really look like that.

I was somewhat shocked by my physical change, which was only seen in my main body, but after I thought about it, I realized...

"Eyeliner...singing and dancing skills...evil tendencies... I AM A DISNEY VILLAIN!" Said both my real self and my clone in the forest.


The morning of that day was quite normal for most, unaware that one of the more unstable students was losing his already weakened moral compass.

Currently, I couldn't say that I was mentally unstable due to my decision, as I can feel that every chaotic thought I ever had seemed to suddenly fall into place, but I also realized that many things that I restricted myself from due to fear, shame, or guilt they could no longer be easily controlled.

My aura and appearance were particularly strong in my real body, so I stayed in my room to try and control it and return to my normal appearance while leaving the rest of the work to the clones, but my change didn't go entirely unnoticed.

Some of the girls who came across with me told me that something in me was different, that it gave a different feeling than before, while my voice... or rather my tone changed. I ran into Gemma and, being as familiar as we were, I asked her about those changes that the other girls couldn't quite describe.

She began to think, and her answer was that my attitude, seemed calmer and my smile no longer seemed like a smile of constant amusement, but something more like a fake smile at times or one similar to the one you put on when you see someone who you hate, suffering.

As for my voice, he said that before my tone was always melodic, like a song, but now it seemed more... a temptation, as if my singing was a spell that tried to confuse them and attract them to do something bad.

I was surprised by those details that were not so easy for me to see. I wonder if I had chosen the path of good, my voice would have sounded like an angelic choir or something.

Once I got that answer and returned to focus on my goal, I told Gemma that this afternoon she would send her a message to 'see us', since I still had to check on my status.

She replied that she shouldn't push me, referring to the previous nights where I couldn't... but hearing her say that with pity and compassion, I couldn't help but get angry and replied with "I'm going to break you in two".

During the morning, I spent most of it trying to suppress both these bad thoughts, which were not so strong before, and so too, these changes in me. Thanks to my previous situation with my auras and 'mortality', I was able to get results quickly.

I managed to seal much of that evil in me, so to speak, but I knew that it was something fragile that at any moment could be released, so I reminded myself to keep trying... but I would have slips like the ones this afternoon.

During lunch, I sent a [Message] to Penelope, saying to meet me at the place where we had our talks last time. She was surprised because I didn't come directly to her and tell her in person, thinking that maybe it was something secret that others couldn't find out about her.

Once lunch was over, Penelope went to do her things until the agreed time arrived. The secrecy of this meeting made her somewhat anxious, but also curious. She arrived at the empty classroom, full of crowded tables, without finding 'who had called her here', so she could only sit on one of the old tables and wait.

A few minutes later, footsteps were heard behind the door and after it opened I was seen smiling, but Penelope felt something different.

She hadn't seen me so far, so she was a bit surprised. Even though I suppressed much of my change, for someone more experienced with people like her, she could tell that my expression wasn't one of the usual or particularly well-intentioned.

"Hi Penny" I said as approached her.

"Red... Are you okay?" She asked, somewhat puzzled.


"Why did you call me? You wrote me not to tell anyone. What's going on?"

"Remember that in this very room you told me that if I needed help with my hormonal 'problem', to come to you" I said while little by little my size grew under the power of [Wrath], not much, but enough to get a little taller.

"Yes..." she said remembering but the next moment she reacted and was surprised to be caught in my arms "What?!"

"I'm sorry, but I've been putting up with it these last few days and I can't control myself anymore" I answered, at the same time I couldn't control my emotions and my appearance stopped being normal and returned to that 'Disney Villain' version

"Hmph... HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Penelope, who was caught up in the dramatic atmosphere that had been created a moment ago, couldn't help but burst out laughing at my appearance, breaking all previous tension. Her laughter was such that at first she almost spit in my face.

"Don't laugh" I said angrily and with some embarrassment, my control over myself wasn't perfect yet and I couldn't help but change my appearance.

"Hahaha... Red, did you put on makeup to scare me?" She said, wiping the drool from her mouth, which came out of her laughing so much.

"No, this isn't makeup and it's not something I can control at all. So don't laugh or I'll do something really bad to you," I said, but she didn't find it threatening at all.

Seeing her not taking me seriously, I couldn't help but get angrier and want to take revenge a little bit. Maybe it was because of my new lineup or maybe it's something I would do anyway, I don't really know anymore.

While they continued to look at me with a smile on their faces, trying not to laugh at my extravagant appearance, I stood behind her and hugged her tightly so as that quickly give her a bite of the meat between her shoulder and her neck, with relative strength.

"Auuhhh... Why are you biting me?" She groaned as she felt a bit of pain.

"I revenge, you didn't have permission to laugh at me"

"Sorry, it's just that you came to me acting all intimidating, and then out of nowhere, you appeared painted... I couldn't help myself" she apologized as she couldn't help but laugh at the memory of it, not understanding the situation she was in.

"You're bad... but I'm worst" I said to bite her again but with less force.

"Ehh... Can you let go of me?" She asked me, noticing that she couldn't break free from me no matter how hard she tried. The strength of my arms seemed to her like chains that imprisoned, part of the power brought from me by [Wrath]

"No" (Red)

"Why not?"(Penelope)

"Didn't you hear what I said earlier?"(Red)

"It was true?" She asked something, surprised to remember what I had said

"Of course it was true! Do you think I would have called you here otherwise?"(Red)

"What is happening to you?" She asked something more concerned, but for me. She noticed that something was not right in my behavior or in the way I spoke.

"Something changed and it's hard for me to control some impulses, more by not being able to satisfy them in the last three days" I said plaintively.

"What change? Does it have to do with your diva looks?" She asked in alarm, not realizing that it was offensive.

"Yes... you know about my power, right? I reached a critical point and I had to make a decision" I said as rubbed my face between her neck, making her tense even more.

"What decision?"

"About me…personality. I had to choose my path from here on out, what kind of person I would tend to be…a fair one, a noble one, a determined one, a manipulator…"

"And what did you choose?" She asked, intrigued and very focused, but that concentration was suddenly broken when she felt something hard press against her butt without warning.

"An evil..." I answered with a certain questionable tone.

I was already getting carried away by my emotions, I couldn't help but smell the heady scent of the neck I was resting my face on, and enjoy the feeling my 'dragon' had as I pushed against her buttocks.

"RED?! What are you doing?!" She reacted strongly to knowing what it was that she felt behind her, but even with her sudden movement, she couldn't free herself from my grasp.

"Sorry Penelope, I don't want to hurt you or make you mad at me but I can't take it anymore" I said with some sorrow but without stopping my actions. I had started to move, and my rod was rubbing on her buttocks, up and down.

"..." She didn't know how to respond and she just froze for a second when she felt the movement.

"My choice had consequences. Previously I felt guilty for my brother and that's why I never called you to help me with my problem, even if I needed to, but now... I can't feel that guilt anymore and I don't have anything to stop me to do what I'm doing, although it wasn't what I had in mind" I said with a somewhat weak and pitying voice, almost as if I was about to cry the next moment and without being able to tell if it was real or not.

"This..." Penelope was dismayed because she actually felt that there were strong emotions in my words "Can you stop? I'll help you, we'll find a way" She said trying to calm me down, thinking that I lost control due to my power.

"I don't want to stop...it feels so good" I said, unable to help but moan a little, putting more speed and strength into my movement. This only made Penelope shudder more.

"Y-You-You... Are you okay?" She couldn't think of anything else to say. This is the first time that she faced a situation like this and she was scared but still she could keep stable.

"You don't know how long I put up with this" I spoke without thinking, drowning in the sensation.

"You... Didn't you have someone you... YOU DIDN'T DO ANY OF THIS WITH HER, RIGHT?!" She asked, very disturbed at realizing. What she knew was that my 'relief' was a girl my age and considering what I was doing to her now, she couldn't help but think...

"Calm down" I said in a low and slow tone, "Pansy is fine, I never did anything more than a few kisses. That was enough before, but now with my current situation... that's why I came to you, I couldn't let my lack of control will hurt a child. Sorry about this, it's not that I want to use you this way, but if I have to decide... I think you could accept it more and the damage would be less..."

"I... you... you know... I can't get something out of my head these last few days" Penelope was now trying to make conversation.

She didn't know what point my mental state had reached, but she hoped that this way I couldn't think about moving on. She couldn't break free from me and she couldn't reach her wand, she had no way to defend herself and this was the only thing she could think of.

"Yes..." I answered. I wasn't really that out of control, but my performance helped the blood magic I was applying on her not to resist too much.

"What you wrote in that book... I punished you at the time for the disturbing things you wrote but I got to thinking that even though you seem more... um... 'Mature', you're the same age as Lavender. I blamed you for that, but maybe it wasn't the right decision, I didn't know the whole story of why you wrote that... How did you know about all those things so...?" She ask, and about that if she was really curious, only now she was just saying it to escape from this situation.

There were times when she couldn't help but feel too embarrassed just remembering what read. She didn't understand how an eleven-year-old knew things, that she was sure that neither her parents... rather, not many adults, knew.

"Eh..." When I heard her question I couldn't help but stop for a second, I really wanted to say '21st century, babe' as an answer, but I couldn't do it "I don't want to answer that question. Let's just say you did well, I'm the man here and was the one who had the most knowledge on those subjects... you were right that he was perverting Lavender's innocent mind, even if it was an accident"

"Have you... have you not done anything that is written in the book?" She ask what really wanted to know. At this moment it was what she feared the most, she didn't even want to imagine that this situation would become like the ones she could read, she wasn't prepared for that.

"That book has many things, some physically impossible, without magic, now that I think about it. Don't worry, I don't want to talk about my private life or why I know those things, but you can rest assured that much of what was there is fiction..." I said, but in my mind, it was added 'for the moment'.

