
Chapter 99: Stuff Happened

Currently, inside the Lair, there was a secluded area where the closest group of girls was gathered, surrounding me in the vibrating chair. They were here, far away from the other girls of the place, since the dragon's story was being told.

As with Parvati and Lavander the night before, it was decided to tell the story and why of Gryffindor's abrupt loss of points, though only to this particular group. We were in a secluded spot with a do not disturb sign, and little by little, the group became more complete, gathering to listen to the pair of lionesses who had heard this story the night before.

Hermione was one of the last to arrive, as she was nervous about the reaction of the people in this place due to her mistake, but what she found was different. There were a few stares from her seniors, but when she got to where we were, there was more anticipation than contempt.

Upon arrival, being the main participant in the story (as reported prior to her appearance), she received a lot of attention and several questions. Hermione had to retell it all, as well as make some corrections to the hype that Lavender and Parvati changed within the story.

To her surprise, none of those present complained or judged. For them, all that adventure was worth more than the lost points, and they agreed with what she did.

"In your first year you have done more interesting things than in all my years here" (Penélope)

"I must say that if you are a Gryffindor to dare to do something like that" (Hannah)

"How lucky" (Tracey)

Those were some of the comments, in a mixture of admiration and jealousy. There were several questions that I participated in but not much, I left her moment to shine to Hermione... until I decided to tease her about what happened in McGonagall's office.

"... And there she was, being scolded by Professor McGonagall, already losing all hope and falling into complete despair... caught up in her thoughts, thinking of the worst..." It seemed the old man telling the legend in front of the bonfire.

"That's not true! I was a bit scared, but didn't get to that point..." Hermione, embarrassed at what she said in front of others since that wasn't her best moment, swore at me.

"Come on... I was there, I saw it on your face, and I know that for a moment you were lost in your thoughts. I'm sure by the expression you had on your face that you came to imagine being a fugitive, fleeing for your crimes. The two of us, living in a cabin in the woods, learning to survive in our new lifestyle away from society… growing up and teaching our children how to hunt… our 12 children…"

"12?!" Several girls asked, very involved in the story.

"Well, Hermione is a bit overwhelmed from living away from society, and she's lonely…"

"SHUT UP NOW! That's not true!" Hermione came in front of me to stop me and then turned to look directly at the girls who had their eyes fixed on her, some with smirks "I only thought about being expelled and going to another school, nothing more" she tried to explain.

Hermione was a little desperate, my words and the look of her friends made her hair stand on end, and, just for a moment, remembering that she had her back to me, she felt a look on her behind. Quickly, she turned around covering her buttocks with her hands and a frightened expression on her face, but that sensation of being seen was only her illusion, no one was actually looking there.

The girls, seeing this sudden action and how Hermione's face turned red, turned to look at me and then once more at her... until they all ended up giving me a bad look.

"Red, what did you do to Hermione?" Penelope questioned me followed by some of the braver girls.


"Hermione, did he do something to you?" They asked annoyed.

Certainly, many knew the side of me less... Innocent...? But since it was just a few off-color words that could embarrass the younger ones, they did nothing but complain or the like. Now, seeing how anxious Hermione was, they thought I overdid it in a bad way because of how drastic her reaction was.

"Hmmm…no…" Hermione didn't know how to answer the questions she received. She didn't want to mention what I said last time because she felt that when she did, there would be more people looking at her there.

"Tell us, Hermione, what did I do? It seems to be something very shocking for your reaction, tell me, so I can be proud of my actions..." I expressed without fear, knowing that I didn't really do anything... I think.

Hermione was getting angrier at me, she used to be worried about the attention she would get for losing her points, and now that that stopped bothering her, she got unwanted attention again.

Penelope ended up taking her aside to talk, thinking it was something she didn't want many to find out about, and then came back holding her laughter. She tried to explain to Hermione that I had only said it to annoy her, and, although she agreed, she couldn't help but respond with "What if he's actually looking at me there...?" Answer that she almost made the Ravenclaw laugh out loud, who found it amused.

The issue of Hermione's buttocks was dropped, and our focus shifted to Lavender, who had been quietly taking notes as we recounted the dragon. Parvati had forcefully taken the notebook, and there we discovered that she had briefly jotted down the story of Hermione and me in the woods.

She was a bit embarrassed but confessed to us that while she was reading the book that I gave her, she was feeling that when she finished it she wouldn't know what to do, so decided to write down each story that was similar to the one in the book or interesting so that she could write a continuation if I didn't.

We were quite surprised by how immersed she was in the subject and the possible fact that we have a possible future writer in front of us...but that backfired on me when Lavander asked me about particular parts.

According to her, it seemed like had cut some scenes or parts were missing, and I really didn't want to answer that question. Under the insistence I answered with the truth, I had written in some parts 'content not appropriate for minors' that I decided to remove, so in some scenes, there were unnatural transitions.

This slightly embarrassed some of the girls who were currently looking at the places Lavander pointed out, understanding why some parts might seem missing. This also brought me other bad looks from other girls like Penelope, Pansy or Tracey...

The climax of this situation and my karma for upsetting Hermione was when Lavender, very red, asked if that was so... Why are there still some parts that are very risqué and others very, very descriptive? This question embarrassed me at this time since while I was doing the censorship, I got bored, I left and forgot to remove them.

When Penelope read one of those scenes, she quickly closed the book and started chasing me to hit me quite angry, being also chased by Lavender who wanted to protect her book. Maybe I deserved it, especially when you consider that, as Lavender said, her mother may have read it... I pray she didn't get to those parts.


I was in my room now, with Gemma applying a healing balm to my face to ease the swelling and burning. Penelope, really furious, didn't hold back and punished me for my 'corruption of minors' I guess, also making sure that if she saw my face healed tomorrow, she would leave it the same again, so I couldn't use my healing and could only do what I do now... I have a little regret that I went with my real body to the lair.

I don't blame Penelope for my state, considering Lavander's age, I will possibly go to jail for what I wrote. She did not stop with the blows, she took me to a room and did not let me leave, scolding me more than my mother ever did in my life. She won't forgive me quickly, and I'll have to bear her gaze for a while, but I can live with that.

Penelope wanted to confiscate the book so that Lavander wouldn't be exposed to some things that I didn't even remember putting there, but the girl who wanted to protect flatly refused, even the idea of erasing those parts, since for her that book is one of the most important objects in her life.

Being so attached to it, the destruction or extraction had to be called off, but that didn't stop Penelope from taking action. She would take the book, and she would enchant it so that some of the parts would be unreadable, at least until Lavender learns spells that she would only see in later years.

"It looks ugly?" I asked Gemma.

"No, just red, puffy, and a little... Anti-symmetrical?" She said as she applied the cold ointment that eased the pain "Are you sure you don't want me to use magic? I think I'm clever enough to take care of most of it" she asked.

"No, I partly deserve it, I didn't remember putting so many things..." I said and then looked at Gemma in front of me.

I slipped my hand through her clothes so that it ended up on her squeezable bottom, reaching out to dig my fingers into it. Rubbing It for a while, watching her face get redder and redder, and let out an almost inaudible gasp from her mouth as she continued with her nursing work, I decided to stick the first joint of my middle finger inside her ass, causing her to moan loudly.

"You've been excellent lately" I smiled at her as I wiggled my finger inside her "I think I can give you a reward...what do you want?"

"...I-I...I-I'm fine w-whatever you want...ahhh..." she replied in a very erotic voice.

"Come on, you can ask this time, it won't make me mad" I said as put my other hand on her free butt cheek to squeeze it, while bringing her closer to me.

"... I... We...can we do it from... back?" She asked hesitantly.

"That's not too different from what we usually do..."

"Yes...but...you can make it slow while you touch me...touch my pussy at the same time and...bite my neck... slowly..." she spoke in a lower voice each time.

"Interesting... I think I can indulge you tonight" I said to which she became very happy "But first... kiss me a little" I ordered.

My order surprised her a little, but didn't hesitate. She approached me and placed her lips against mine, slowly inserting her tongue into my mouth in a very submissive way to avoid my displeasure. Gemma went out of her way to please me, with sounds, gestures, and technique, making it all quite seductive.

"These days come every night and keep this way of kissing. We'll do it often for now, also prepare some endearments, and I'll let you be a bit amorous if you want" I told her as we parted our lips for a moment before bringing them back together and my hands getting very dishonest with her breasts.

With my face as it is and knowing that Penelope still hasn't let go of her anger, I wouldn't present myself to Tonks like this. If I showed up in my current state she would ask me what happened, and I don't want her to find out that I was punished for something like that, not yet at least… besides I want to deny her sex for a few days because of her situation...

Recently, she wanted to tease me about her 'horse penis', but she forgot about our earlier pact and the consequences of doing so. It was heard all over the house the explosion and screaming as her penis burst, and it was hilarious. Andromeda was very scared and Tonks... she could have a new emotional trauma very big.

This wound was done by the 'Blood Pact', so it was controlled, and we didn't need to go to St. Mungo's, just rest and some potions. Once we explained to my mother-in-law what happened and seeing that it was nothing serious, she laughed out loud saying "you earned it".

The explosion was not very physically damaging for her but it was painful, besides it has the characteristic of slowly healing itself even with magic, and only after healing could it go back to being the pink pussy that I love.

In the absence of such a beautiful valley, in addition to the resentment that Tonks still holds me for making her penis explode, sex with her will be suspended for several days. For this reason, Gemma now has to temporarily take on the role of a loving wife and satisfy not only my physical needs but also my emotional ones. Let's see what a relationship of this style with her will be like.
