
Chapter 85: Valentine 2 (Penelope's 'secret')

I arrived with the merchant and saw that he changed his appearance again like Christmas. The carriage was cream and red in color, with hearts hanging from the sides as decorations. It still had two horses, but they nuzzled each other with their heads, and the merchant also had some heart-patterned clothes.

I greeted him and went to see what the new merchandise was, which was practically the same as last time. There was a cupid costume that had some curious features, but was not very relevant. A skin for the wand of hearts, a hat of floating hearts, and as pets they had a large flying heart and turtledoves.

Interesting, but not as special as Christmas, first I'll go see what the archmage has and see if I buy anything, I need to save money. What I did notice is that they had special heart chocolates with an effect that made them taste like the favorite flavor of the person who ate them, and I bought a lot of those.

I went to the archmage's tower and there was not the slightest difference in appearance, but there was a new place where there were some columns carved in a romantic style, with objects floating on them. I didn't need Luna because I gained a peculiar ability that allowed me to understand these two.

[Auxiliary: Subtitles]

-You can activate subtitles to see the conversations in the form of dialog boxes, these dialogs will have the respective symbols of each language-

It was kind of funny, it reminded me of the first 'Final Fantasy', with blue rectangles and white letters, plus when I talked to both of them, the names appeared in the upper left in the same way.

Now that I was able to speak well with them, I made sure to remove all the doubts that occurred to me, in addition to asking about the new products, which despite having descriptions I decided to make sure of.

Those products were resistance potions without secondary effects or repercussions, but only useful for the sexual act, and even after Valentine's Day they would be available, some enchanted letters and mainly a very powerful love potion. This potion only lasts 24 hours, but in those 24 hours, the affected person will feel true love for the designated person, not an illusion or obsession like amortentia. This potion is only good for enchanting people weaker than those who use it.

I bought the potion, since it is only available every Valentine in random amounts, and this time I only had one. Also, I bought some stamina potions so I could give Tonks a good night, and after that, I made it my business to create as many non-magical clones, so I could spend time with all the girls and figure out what to do with each one.

I didn't buy cards, since with my [message] ability I could do almost the same thing and I thought I'd use it today.


On the morning of Valentine's Day, several girls woke up to find that next to their beds were some letters, all from the same boy, wishing them love and happiness.

Some male and female teachers also received similar letters but with a more cordial content, in addition to the fact that they also received the chocolates with the letters, while the girls did not.

On that day, each girl went to the lair to meet the letter boy to thank him, some with her own letters. On top of all that, I'll also clarify that Gemma came too, only she stayed away from me to keep the secret.

She has been able to enter the lair for some time now with the permission of the Slytherin girls, which I told them to do so, much to their surprise. I explained to them that in reality, we settled our differences, and even though she insults me in front of the others, she does it to protect me, and they recognized that this was the case after thinking about it for a while. The only one who was suspicious was Pansy.

When the girls arrived, I greeted them with a kiss on the cheeks and a box of chocolates that left them fascinated with how delicious they were. They were all taken to a table by another clone while the others arrived, while another was in charge of receiving the cards and reading them.

Lavender's letter was one of the cheesiest I've ever read, plus it used older language like some of the phrases in the book. Millicent's was the shortest, but I felt like it had a lot of feeling in it. Susan's was the one full of thanks, and Hermione's was the one with very technical but nice writing. The others had nothing particular to highlight, but I read them and kept them all with the others.

Everyone sitting at a new circular table, with me on a throne, which they all recognized as a reference to the Knights of the Round Table and enjoyed a bit because I added female armor to the list of outfits, although some were very unprotective... you understand.

"Well, I think today is a very important day for everyone since I plan to enjoy it with all of you" I told the girls.

"You say it as if you are going to woo us all" Tracey said as she put some chocolates in her mouth, which were distributed in bowls all over the table, causing jealousy in all the girls who were not invited to the meeting and could only look from afar

"Maybe" I answered.

"Playboy/pervert" Some girls said in unison, they got used to synchronizing.

"Yes, yes, I'm a degenerate... But what are you going to do? I don't have many clones available, and the ones I made have no magic and are weaker than my original self. Let's spread out as a group to enjoy the day in different ways"

"Why do you think we want to spend time with you?" Pansy, who was here too, growled.

"Certainly, I have no problem staying here for a while, but I have some plans" Daphne said who came with the others, but she planned to go to greet the other people because today is a good day to establish connections and improve communication.

"Okay, I know, I'm selfish for wanting to occupy your time. I'm going to hang out with each of you, at least for a while, even if it's in a group" I said pulling out a list "Tracey, Millicent, Daphne, and Pansy are on the same team, team 'snake', will spend the morning with going around the castle to greet the different people for the day while we chat and play with some new things from my brothers"

"I agree" Daphne said, since it was going according to her schedule.

"Me too, I want to see what they did now" Tracey said that she had already tried the Weasley products of the place, my brothers gave it to me in exchange for being able to enter the lair sometimes to use my rooms for their experiments when there is no one.

"I don't have a problem either" Millicent said, that in reality, she would have wanted to spend some individual time.

"I do have a problem! I'm not going to participate in your games" Pansy said and then left the place while everyone looked at her.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to her later, I think she has problems" I told the group.

"Shouldn't we leave her alone?" Hermione said.

"Yes, it's always like that, if she doesn't want to spend time with us, she's the one who misses out" Parvati complained.

"It's not that she's bad" Tracey said "She had a fight with Malfoy the other day, and she's been in a bad mood, plus they have some problems with Red and that's why she's always so sharp" Saying that everyone looked at me again.

"Yeah, that's why then I'll go see her and try to solve our problems. Well, let's continue with the plans, Parvati, Padma and Lavander will be the 'Rarity' team, we will use the tailoring facilities, and we can design some clothes while enjoying a little party with some things I brought back from the Muggle side."

"Well/me too/and me" They replied.

"We continue with Penelope, Hermione, and Cho, here is the most diverse group and with different tastes, so we will move in everyone's hobbies, they will be the 'Jack' team. We will use the nest to fly with Cho while the other two will help us, then we will come here and have a dance competition or something, and then we will finish with me teaching you some very curious particular things"

"Fine/It'll be fun/We're not going to fly together, are we?"

"The last group is Susan and Hannah, 'home' team. With you, we will be working here in the lair as well, but we will exchange between the Greenhouse and the kitchen. Also, in the kitchen, we will try to make a big cake to end this day, so I hope everyone gets ready" I finished telling.

At that moment, everyone agreed, although there were also people who said that it was not necessary, that I should only go with the others and not take the time of the others, Penelope being one of them, who had a better eye to judge my intentions. Some girls only believed that this was just a meeting of friends and not anything related to lovers, but others doubted it a little, knowing my tastes such as suits.

At one point in this talk, which seemed more like a business meeting, a girl dressed in a Kneazle cat costume came to call out to us.

"Red, your brother is at the door asking to come in" The girl said.

"Who? Did he say what she was here for?" Asked.

"It's Percy…he said he was looking for Penelope" She replied causing Penelope to frown.

"Thanks Rinna, have a chocolate" I threw a small bag of chocolates at her.

After he left, I kept thinking at the same time that Penelope did the same, with all the girls looking at us intrigued.

"Something happens?" Hermione asked.

"My brother has been trying to woo Penelope for a long time" I clarified, but I didn't say more, it wasn't my right.

"And at one point I agreed, and now I don't" Penelope continued "I... for personal reasons I no longer feel comfortable in starting a relationship with him, I know that maybe I should give him a chance, but..."

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Parvati told her.

"Yeah, he can't make you" (Tracey)

"Can't you cut him off for good, so he doesn't try again?" Hermione asked.

"I just don't want to hurt him, he's a good boy, and I'm the one who abruptly changes my mind. I can try to tell him I don't like him, but if I do, he might end up hating me after I've been accepting his courtship all last year, and not I want that"

"What plans to make?" (Hannah)

"I... I have an idea" I told them, and they all looked at me "But it might have some consequences"

"We're not going to hurt Percy," Penelope said.

"The consequences are not for him, but for you"

"We're not going to hurt Penelope," Cho said.

"Not physically, but... her reputation, on the other hand..."

"That doesn't matter much" Penelope clarified "What's the Plan?"

"Well, we're going to need a volunteer from you, as well as... Gemma!" I called Gemma that she was near here.

"Yes?" She came over quickly, acting a little cool, but it was all part of the act. Most of the girls from the other houses looked at her curiously, it was thanks to the Slytherin girls that they knew how our relationship was, although they didn't know anything about what happened at night.

"The plan is this..." I began to relate a plan that left all the girls surprised and also doubtful. The most hesitant was Penelope, but it didn't take her long to accept, since she didn't care much about the consequences.

"Well, who's offering?" I asked, but many girls fell silent until one was the first to raise her hand.

"Susan? Do you want to do it? In fact, it might just work with Gemma, you don't have to force yourself"

"Okay, I want to do it to help Penelope, we're all friends here, and I think it's right to support each other when it's necessary. You taught me this" she answered, somewhat nervously.

"I think we have some angels at this table, it makes me feel bad that I'm the devil that corrupts them... let's get to it" I said and then went to the door to talk to my brother, while Gemma, Penelope, and Susan they put in position.

Once I got to the door, I could see how Percy was already annoyed for waiting, which he didn't hide when he saw me.

"Red, why did you take so long?" He complained.

"I was making a potion and I couldn't stop"

"Okay, it doesn't matter, I need to go in"

"You know the rules"

"But I'm your brother, and you let Fred and George in."

"They offered something that was worth it, and they don't interfere in my business, which I know very well that you can't say for sure if I ever let you in. This place has rules and everyone follows them, including me"

"Well, that's fine, although I don't agree. Just call Penelope, I want to talk to her" He was a bit annoyed, but he didn't want to waste any more time arguing.

"Sorry…she's busy right now, what do you want her for? I'll only call her if she's important"

"That doesn't matter to you, it's something personal"

"Then I won't call her" I turned to go back inside.

"Wait!" He stopped me, surrendering to hide it "I want to invite her to spend Valentine's Day with me" he said somewhat embarrassed.

"Oh… are you still trying? Didn't she tell you that she didn't want anything with you or something?"

"Yes, but I won't give up, only those who persevere have a chance in life" he exclaimed with confidence and I could only look at him without comment.

"I... I think you should give up, she's not the girl for you"

"What?! Did she tell you something?!"

"No, nothing...but have you ever thought about why she hasn't reciprocated in a while, or why she doesn't mind dancing with me as tight as she sometimes is?" The moment I said those words, his face changed.

"WHY?!" He said in a very breathy way because of the fury that she was beginning to feel, in addition to clenching his fists tightly.

"Because I found out that she is...or rather I found out that she found out that she has similar tastes to us...if you know what I mean" I signaled to him with my eyebrows.

"What...?" he asks confused.

"I didn't mean to be a gossip, but I can't stand to see you bang your head against the wall...she got to like girls...or maybe she found out she always liked them"

"What? No! That can't be true" he denied.

"Wait" I said looking inside the lair and making some signs to the girls, then I looked back at Percy "I'll show, you know how to use the camouflage spell? I don't want them to know that I have favoritism and judge me later"

Percy hesitated for a while, but the spell ended up being cast and then he 'sneaky' followed me until we were some distance from the patio area, where Penelope and Gemma could be seen sitting on a bench talking to each other very close.

"Go There"

"Yeah... What's wrong? They're just talking" he questioned.

"Take a good look at where Penelope's hands are" I pointed at him.

Listening to me, Percy began to pay attention, and so he could see how one of Penelope's hands was around Gemma's waist, pulling her towards her, and the other was lightly stroking her leg.

"That... could just be a good friendship" he said somewhat unsurely.

"It's not like that, I've seen her, and she didn't behave like that before, besides that's just the position you and I would like to have with any pretty girl. Look at her eyes, they are clearly hungry, and they are tasting the Slytherin prefect... "

At that moment we saw how Susan came to bring them a fountain with chocolates from the table and at that moment Penelope thanked her and called her to sit on her lap, which she did, doubting. Once in that position, Penelope grabbed a heart chocolate with her fingers and put it in Susan's mouth, which she accepted with difficulty, so that after receiving a kiss on the cheek from the Ravenclaw prefect she almost ran out flushed.

"Don't misunderstand that, I haven't seen Penelope lust after younger girls, but I did hear comments like 'when you grow up you'll become a beautiful woman'"

Percy's jaw dropped, he didn't want to believe it, but he did notice that this wasn't Penelope's behavior in previous years. I ended up getting him out of the lair after showing him that.

"I don't know if she's only interested in women or if she likes men too, but I'd tell you to go find another target just in case..."

"I... I can't believe it..." He said, staring into the void.

"The reason she doesn't bother dancing close with me is that I'm so much younger, I don't think she thinks I'll try to seduce her or anything, but if I was your age, she probably wouldn't let me dance like that with her. But I'm sure she would dance with any girl

"How could this happen?" He said something irritated.

"Calm Percy, it's not like it's our decision"

"I know, but... it's like a big joke"

"Oh... yeah..." More than you think "Percy, don't tell anyone about Penelope's sexuality. It may be just a phase, or it may not, it's not our right to expose it to everyone. I showed it to you because you're my brother and hiding this from you would cause future problems, but I don't want people to think of me as gossip or someone who can't keep secrets."

"Yes... Okay, I won't say anything, but this baffled me so much that..."

"Let her go Percy, unless you grow boobs and the thing falls off, you'll hardly stand a chance..."

Percy ended up leaving still thinking about what he saw as if he found out a secret that everyone knew except him, and began to believe that he had received signs of this all the time and that he didn't notice them because he was distracted.

When we got back to the girls, we all laughed at what happened and a bit at how embarrassed Susan was, but with love. After that, each clone took their places, and we started with our day.
