
Chapter 38: The Scary Red

"Do you remember what it looked like...?" I asked for.

"Eh...? Yes, I think... Why?"

"Could you take his form?"

"Um…" she stated before taking on Garrick's appearance.

"Great" I said then standing up and with my wand transfiguring Tonks's clothes to his surprise very skillfully and quickly, possibly due to my uncontrolled emotions at the moment.

Tonks was startled to realize that he now looked completely like Garrick a moment ago.

After that, I took my camera out of inventory and placed it on a chair next to the door facing my direction. I then levitated all the papers that Tonks threw on the floor into place, transfigured a real enough plastic hand and foot and placed them on Tonks table and chair and then re-pointed the direction of the camera so that see in part

Cast a copy spell on one of the reports which then magically change their appearance and place them on the table. Create a small sphere of blood that you place just above the take photos button on the camera.

"Tonks, can you just hit the table with your hand when I tell you to in that way?" I asked to which she nodded uncertainly. I sat on my chair, with my palms on my knees and my head down "Now"

When I said that, she slammed her palm against my desk causing me to flinch, while the little ball of blood pressed the camera button taking a picture.

"Okay now you can..."

I continued in this way until I had a group of photos. Garrick pounded on the table, grabbing papers from our desk, ripping them up in front of us, then burning them. Seeing them all, I smiled.

"Red... What are you going to do? Don't do anything rash... our future is at stake"

"Only if we can control it by ourselves can it be our future, and it's too late for you to be holding back after you help me with these photos. If something bad happens, I assure you that I will compensate you, you will be an auror somewhere else, I have ways to ask Dumbledore... Perhaps the United States, South America or Asia" I tried to calm her down, but an evil smile could not be hidden on my face.

"What are you going to do?" She asked very hesitantly seeing that she had the same expression as those two other times at Hogwarts.

"What I know how to do best... bring Chaos and Discord to the world HAHAHAHA" There was a laugh that did not seem that of a young man... or human "Come on, it's lunch time"

Tonks freaked out a bit, but resentful that we weren't even mentioned in what happened, she decided that this time she wouldn't care what happened. She believed that she was right, she came here to be an Auror, not a slave to the corrupt.

We both went home for lunch, but after telling her to order some food I went to the table in the living room.

From there all my selves began to work. Tenebrius wrote some letters to some people by hand, Red did the same, but with magic, with different letters and different wands, as well as using her [message] ability; and the non-magical clone used the [Travel] skill to go to a Muggle town and type others there on a normal typewriter.

Then using the [Gift] skill I sent most of them to myself and then went to the owlery to send them all. Don't send them directly to their respective targets, but send them inside another envelope to various owl post offices with apologies and requests that they be sent to the right place. Some of them traveled to three different places before reaching their goal, some even returned to Hogwarts to leave once again.

[Red message to Xenophilus]

[Hello Xenophilus, this is Red, I need you to do me a favor. You can publish the following article in "The Quibbler"...]

-Letter to Alastor Moody-

[My dear Alastor

You may not know me, but I know you. At the time you saved someone very important to me, for which I am eternally grateful. I am already old and tired, but I still have my ways to repay you for the kindness of the past, it may not be much, but I want to do this for you.

I've heard that within the Auror department you work for there are two people you should pay attention to, Tenebrius Akaichi and Garrick Rotenrot. The first one is too suspicious, since he is someone completely unknown that I couldn't find any information about... On the other hand, Rotenrot just took credit for the German ambassador finding him. I think they're trying to make Akaichi seem more discreet, like he's doing it so he can be more inconspicuous. I can't clarify my suspicions, but I hope this information can help you at some point in case they are true.

With love An old friend]

-Letter to Amelia Bones-

[To Amelia Bones

Miss Bones, I'm a huge fan of yours, I'm in awe of what you've done over the years. I thought that the world was ending for me when the dark lord murdered my parents, but after my aunt told me about you I could have some hope for the future, but I have learned something from my aunt that has upset me a lot and I thought that if you could tell him that you are the very image of justice, you could solve it.

Yesterday the missing German ambassador could be found, but things were not as reported. His discovery was thanks to two interns from Hogwarts who are in his auror department, all the credit for his effort was stolen by his despicable boss... when I heard it I couldn't believe it, I plan to be able to enter the ministry in the future to be someone as great as you so when I found out I felt really bad for those guys. You were the only person I could think of asking for justice for those two, I hope you can do something.

With much love and appreciation

Emily Evans]

-Letter to the German Magic Ministry-

[Ich schreibe diesen Brief, um meine tiefste Unzufriedenheit mit meinem Land und den Menschen, die es regieren, auszudrücken. Ich habe die Rettung unseres geliebten Botschafters Volker Müller persönlich miterlebt und hatte das Glück, die ganze Situation von allen Beteiligten zu hören.

Was mich am meisten stört, ist, dass die Person, die das alles möglich gemacht hat, nicht erwähnt wird, nur die Namen der Briten, die nicht einmal aktiv an der Rettung beteiligt waren, erscheinen überall, wo ich sie sehe ... Ich dachte, meine Leute würden unsere erkennen Wohltäter, anstatt sie zu vergessen, nur um der Selbstgefälligkeit der Führer dieser Insel zu erliegen...]

-Letter to the German ambassador in St. Mungo-

[My most sincere greetings and my wishes for his speedy recovery. I am Tenebrius Akaichi, the person who broke him out of that horrible prison, the Asian.

Sorry for not being able to speak with you in person, but I have been forbidden... I wanted to communicate with you so I could wish you the best after what happened to you and ask if you could please not mention that I was the one who found you...

My boss has taken credit for the rescue and has threatened me and my partner that if we tried in any way to tell the truth he would kick us out of here and even expel my friend from Hogwarts. I recently lost my mother and am left completely alone, so I need to be able to complete these internships to have a chance of getting a good job to support myself in the future, so I can't let my comrade's future be ruined either. That's why I ask her if she can not say anything about us, it's the only thing I have and I hope I don't lose it.

My sincere thanks Tenebrius Akaichi]

-Casta Rita Skeeter-

[Miss Skeeter, I am contacting you because I am an avid reader of your reports and have found a story that may possibly give it that special touch that you have.

I heard that within the ministry there are those who seem to oppose Minister Fudge, some people are trying to unseat him by trying to create a diplomatic conflict. An auror named Garrick Rotenrot took credit for one of the practitioners the minister personally approved of in the missing German ambassador case, even if they knew it would bring major conflict with the foreign ministry. They threatened this young man not to say anything, but luckily I was able to take some photos of the event from the door without being seen, I attach them here...]

-Letter to the Ministry of Magic-

[This letter is written to show my greatest admiration for the ministry. I am very impressed that two simple practitioners have been in charge of layering the rescue of so many people...]

-Letter from a friend of the victims-


-Casta to the ministry of a person who suffered a kidnapping in the past thanking for the feat-



-Castes Dumbledore-

[My dear director, it is I Tenebrius, or Red for friends. I am sending you this letter to tell you that, due to something that was clearly not my fault, I have had to take the necessary steps to, in other words... 'Set Troy on fire again'. I only inform you so that you prepare for it, I hope to have your support, since you are a very loving director with your students (and because you are involved in all this Tenebrius lie with me). So I hope it's ready.

With love possibly the person you are cursing at this moment]

After sending all the letters I went with Tonks to eat what she ordered. When I sat down at the table she stared at me for a while as she ate my food.

"Y...?" I wonder


"What did you do?"

"Nothing major, but you should start carrying umbrellas these days"


"Because it will start to rain fire hahaha"

She shuddered a little thinking what she could have done, since my laugh was not something simple or within the law.

Anyway, she just gave up. She already had it in her mind that she might lose her chance to be an Auror, anyway after what she saw yesterday and today it might not be so bad. If things go wrong, maybe he'll do what her friend recommended, go out of Britain together to find a future elsewhere. 'It would be funny'.

In the afternoon we went back to work without anyone knowing what she had caused, we just continued with the paperwork as usual, although Tonks was a little nervous. From Hermione to Hogwarts and now the Ministry, my plans have continued to grow in scale and I was beginning to worry about what I might end up doing, so I decided that she should start checking in on me a little more.

In the afternoon we received a visit from the leader of our first mission. He came with a smile on his face towards us bringing good news.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask, but none of us wanted to tell the truth, so we just stayed silent "I have good news. Remember the scammer you caught the other day, he wasn't just any scammer"

"..." We both looked at him intrigued.

"During the interrogations and his prosecution we learned that he is a recognized criminal. He goes from country to country, from city to city... robbing entire warehouses of notable businesses or families and then selling them at his next location. He has acted in Spain, Italy, Ireland, France and Norway so far, as far as we know. They don't have any deaths on their record so far, but it's still a great achievement to have stopped him and more before he started his thefts here" he smiled telling us what they discovered .

"That's great" Tonks said.

"I guess... we'll get something in return?" I asked for.

"Shut up, it's enough if that's recorded in our file" my partner scolded me.

"In fact we have something for you" He said causing Tonks to widen her eyes, although she didn't show it, she was still excited with the idea of ​​receiving a reward "You see, after catching him we were able to get the location of the place where he kept all the merchandise stolen, including many belonging to foreign countries. After notifying the other ministries to inform those who belonged to them, some important families gave a monetary reward in gratitude. These families wanted to properly reward those responsible, so the ministry only took one part as an intermediary and institution, so taking away what they kept along with a small part for Frederick's treatment, we have decided to leave the rest of the reward to the two of you who were primarily responsible. they will deliver 150 gallons" he smiled taking two bags out of his tunic along with two papers.

Clearly, the distinction between him and Garrick was noticeable, despite being able to divide the money, he decided to do the right thing and give it to us.

The bags contained the gallons, while the papers were remittances that we had to sign to indicate that we received the money correctly. Both myself and Tonks are pleasantly surprised, it's nice that he gave us something for our efforts. I am sure that if those responsible had not made it clear that we should be compensated, surely the ministry would have stayed with it.

We left our work in the afternoon, but not before finishing the paperwork again, he was right, my speed increased.

"What do you plan to do with your money?" I asked for.

"I don't know, I've never had that much on my hands. I thought I'd go spend it straight, but I don't want to waste it stupidly... Assuming whatever you've done gets us kicked out of here, I think it's best keep it for the hard times...maybe I'll give it to my parents" Tonks mused on our way.

"Oh... I was thinking of buying some things, but I thought maybe we should celebrate... how about if I invite you to dinner tonight, I'll pay" I offered, I was happy, partly because of the reward and mainly because tomorrow they're going to break Garrick's ass... I hope. That guy will suffer divine justice or worse... mine.

"Are you asking me out to dinner? Is this a date? Don't think you can charm me with candles in the middle of the night like any other innocent girl. You'd be lucky if I even held your hand" He narrowed his eyes and he laughed mocking me.

"If you want you can come and see me eat, you are not obliged to accept"

"I never said no by Merlin! It's free food, even if it's you"

"Hey, that last one was offensive"

"I know" he laughed.

Arriving home to her, and after telling Tonks that he was taking her to the non-magical world to eat so she would change into Muggle clothes, we took a shower and got ready to go out.

I had bought some Tenebrius-sized muggle clothes from the merchant before, since I thought that as an auror I might need them, today I thank myself for that purchase. He was wearing a style that I liked a lot, mainly the color black stood out: dark jeans, a good belt with a silver buckle, a black T-shirt under a leather jacket due to the September cold, although I didn't really care (the most important thing is which looks great...), along with metallic toe shoes... maybe a bit metalhead style. I like the way I look, I'm the bad guy in the movie.

After finishing fixing my hair, which was necessary if I want to give the final touch to my image, I left my room and by coincidence Tonks also came out at the same time, leaving us facing each other.

When we both saw each other we were surprised with our eyes wide open, looking at each other. Again by coincidence or fate our clothes matched.

Tonks in front of me freaks me out, it's not like the clothes I'm wearing don't exist separately, but the outfit I'm wearing I don't think is common here these days. Certainly the image of him is stunning and I can't take my eyes off of it (image here)


"It seems we think alike"

"Yeah, I didn't think we could be so much on the same page"

"How did you get that outfit?" I asked intrigued.

"I've gone out with my parents sometimes to the Muggle world and I've bought some clothes, if there was something I liked I would buy it. A moment ago I was looking for what to wear and I gathered everything I liked and put it on, I thought it was I looked good, is it wrong? I don't know if it makes sense in the muggle world, but I like how it looks on me, should I change? I don't want to attract attention by dressing like a crazy person" she said as she ran her hands through all her clothes without knowing what I was starting to get excited.

"Tonks... you'll draw the attention of others, but it will be because your clothes look great. I love your style, you could impose a new fashion in the non-magical world" I told him causing him to smile happily "Let's go"

As we headed toward the fireplaces, I noticed Tonks's hair change from pink to a normal brown.

"What about your hair?" I asked confused.

"I know my hair color wouldn't be normal in the muggle world and I don't want to stand out so I changed it back to her original color" she explained somewhat shyly which was rare for her.

"Tonks... put it like she was, I want to party with the real Tonks. You'll attract attention, even if you don't want to, if you're going to do it, do it for who you really are"

"Are you sure?"

"100% sure, I want to see you as you are, let the others rot"

With that she recolored her hair and got her lively attitude back, she seems like she feels more comfortable like that and that's what's important. When I saw her again with her full look I got excited once again.

"Tonks…I know I told you it wasn't a date, but…I can change your mind, you look so amazing I want it to be"

"Hahaha, stop drooling, let's see where you're taking me first and then she'll reconsider" she teased that she looked like a dog wagging her tail.

Arriving at the chimneys we went to Diagon Alley to make a stop at Gringotts to change some muggle money that I was already running out of. After that we went to the Leaky Cauldron to head out to London.

From there we took a taxi, which surprisingly was the same one that took me to King Cross station on the first day of school. He looked at us in the rearview mirror and...


"Some fancy expensive restaurant" I said surprising Tonks a bit.

The taxi driver took off.

"Will you take me somewhere fancy?" I ask something curious, I was expecting something more casual.

"Yes, by the way, remember not to do anything with your face" I reminded him about his habit of changing his appearance and to which the taxi driver also listened to us.

"They make a nice couple, and they look pretty good" the taxi driver complimented us.

When Tonks heard him, she smiled and hugged my arm affectionately, resting his head on my shoulder, acting like a couple in love.

"Tonks" I whispered "You do know that we look like a couple of thugs instead of a honeyed one, right?"

"Oh ..." I say and then change his expression to one of arrogance, he accommodated puffing out his chest and lifting his chin and then leaning on my shoulder with his elbow, giving the aura of a bad girl .

I could barely contain my laughter and it seems the taxi driver couldn't either, since he also realized that he was acting, but neither of us said anything and let him think that he was doing it right.

When we arrived, we got out of the vehicle and when I approached the driver's window to pay him, I exchanged glances with the taxi driver and we laughed a little, I left him a very good tip and he gave me a thumbs up while telling me "Good luck"
