
Third Region

AS SOON AS the fatty of a sect master got up from the wall he got stuck with, he delightfully looked at Yang Lujia and ran to the latter's side as though he had seen his long-lost lover.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Yang Lujia was frightened that he unconsciously used the rules of time, stopping the sect master's tracks. "You're making all the hair on my body stand!"

Another time later, the two finally settled down, with Yang Lujia's eyes strangely looking at the sect master's worshipping eyes. "Why are you suddenly like that? Before, your voice really sounded so dignified and now you act like a little girl."

"Nothing, brother! It's been a long time since someone was able to send me flying. Not even the sect masters of the other sects can do that. I grow my fats for a purpose.
