
Let’s end this, shall we?

The battlefield was already a storm of chaos and death, on one side, the otherworldly army continued to run away from the giant dragon that continued to destroy not only the enemies but the very battlefield they stood on. On the other side, the onslaught of the Blood Army had started as well, around 10 Blood Soldiers chased after a single enemy soldier. Melia and Ember, who commanded over them followed their soldiers as well, ready to deal with any slightly stronger enemy that might rise up. 

Lane acted like death incarnate, killing enemies at a speed so fast that even the greatest killers of the world would sweat buckets, the Shadow Demon simply had no regard for her own life. Thyra continued to kill and weaken the enemy's entire bloodline. Even 1 attack from her dealt massive damage to the enemy army. 

The enemies were in despair, 

This, however, was only the beginning. 

"Oh my? Is it my turn already?" 
