
I will stay with you, just like this. *


Rune tried to resist and forcefully closed her mouth, a moan, however, still managed to sneak out. 

"W-What are you doing?" 

Rune questioned, her face flushed and her body was so weak that she didn't even lift her face to look at Nux's. 

"Hmm? What do you mean? I am only doing what you already permitted me to do." Nux answered in a gentle tone. Since Rune made it difficult for him to touch her head, one of his back moved towards her tail, rubbing its end with his thumb, while his other hand went towards her thin waist, moving in small circles as he felt her abs.

"I-I didn't tell you to touch my s-stomach…" Rune retorted. 

Ears and Tails were the only places he was allowed to touch. 

"Huh? You are lying on top of me, how am I supposed to keep the balance if I do not hold you?" 

Nux questioned back, then, a perverted smile appeared on his face and, 

"Or do you want me to hold you in some other way?" 
