
Chapter 36: Kidnapped Again

Sabrina woke with the feeling of being watched. Her eyes flew open to find Mark staring down at her. "So do you like angry sex?"

She could feel the burn of the blush start in her neck and spread to her face. "No, and anyway it wasn't angry sex, I didn't bite you."

"Wanna try again, this time you can bite?"

She smiled and lowered the blankets. "Maybe."

This time they made love slowly, exploring each other and when he was deep inside her they lay facing each other, his thrusts small and gentle until eventually they both came. They dressed and showered and Sabrina wished they could've stayed in bed longer. At least when they made love everything was less complicated.

They had breakfast and Mark left to search for the drogge. "Don't go out without Samuel." He gave her a brief hot kiss and left.
