
Chapter 437 – Progenitor of all Warriors

"Jerald, I need you to come here right now," Shang said to his Communication Crystal.

"Did something happen?" Jerald asked with a serious voice.

"Yes, something serious has happened. Come to the Caves," Shang answered.

"Are you in danger?" Jerald asked.


"I will be there in five minutes," Jerald said before cutting the connection.

For the next five minutes, Shang only waited in the middle of the cave. The spear had already told Sword about everything that happened, and Sword had told Shang.

The day Shang had feared for many reasons had finally arrived.

He had lost one of his friends, and he knew that there was nothing he could do about it right now.

When Shang had fought Mervin in the trial, he had come to the realization that one day, one of his friends would die, and he would be forced to stand by and only watch.

Shang had put his power before everything else, and this was the sacrifice he had chosen to make.
