
Chapter XI — Venus

She felt the feeling of dimension warping she was well acquainted with envelope her.

She was flipped around the moment they reappeared. And in the next second, her back was slammed against a door and her hands were pinned above her head. He intertwined their fingers — her gloves removed by him and tossed aside.

She didn't struggle and instantly, her lips were captured in a heated kiss, to which, she responded just as fervently.

At the familiar electricity that coursed through her — one that makes her blood thrum with excitement each time, Cassandra allowed her eye lids to flutter shut as she smiled against the lips that ravished hers.

Feeling her smile, he smirked and proceeded to deepen the kiss, sweeping his tongue at her bottom lip to ask for entrance. She denied, earning a playful growl in return. In retaliation, he took her bottom lip between his teeth and nibbled it to tease her back. With one hand still pinning hers above her head, his other hand released her waist and slipped under the fabric she wore, brushing his fingers against the skin of her stomach. He was rewarded with a soft gasp as he caught her by surprise.

His deft fingers then gripped her hips and slid upwards, leaving a blazing trial as he went. She fought to keep in the mewl of pleasure that threatened to escape her. She knew he knew she was resisting it as she felt him smirk again, and if she could see his eyes, she knew they would be dancing with amusement.

He took the challenge.

His hand left her stomach and worked to undo a clasp so her cloak fell to the floor.

In the blink of an eye, his lips left hers and proceeded to attack the crook of her exposed neck, teeth grazing it. Cassandra's eyes flew open her back arced as he sucked and kissed his way up her neck, leaving marks as he went. Subconsciously, she tilted her head to the side in order to give him better access. She regretted it instantly when he had decided to torment her by sucking hard on the sensitive spot at the middle of her neck, taking her skin between his teeth. She failed to suppress the moan of pleasure that escaped this time, earning a triumphant smirk from him which she felt against her skin.

Satisfied, he was still smirking when his lips left her neck and he released her hands that were pinned above her head and backed a few feet away. Both of them were breathing heavily. She stared into his stormy grey eyes, drowning in them, like she could hardly believe he was here in front of her.

"Lucifer,-" Her mouth parted and his name fell out in a husky whisper. She felt the events of the past few days, since the last time she saw him flooding back to her. She felt her eyes water slightly as it overwhelmed her. There was so much she wanted to say as well as so much she didn't understand.

"Shh. I'm here, Morgâne." He whispered tenderly, his smirk disappearing as he moved forward, closing the distance between them again.

Her heart fluttered like it always did when he called the name no one else did — that no one else other than her own blood knew.

Hence, it was to her surprise, he had called her the name she had never told anyone but had always loved for the first time.

His left hand grabbed her right arm and pulled her towards him. At the same time, his right hand was raised to her face, cupping it gently.

She leaned into his touch as cool, slender fingers stroked her cheeks and wiped away the tears that threatened to slip out.

There was no further words exchanged because no words were needed to.

Lucifer ran his other hand up and down her right arm soothingly. She enjoyed the electrifying sparks where his cool hand had touched. She laid her head and hand on his chest and his other hand moved to her hair, caressing it. They remained in that position for a while, soaking in each other's presence, both missing each other's touch.

When she moved slightly, lifting her head from his chest, he turned her slowly and using his index finger, he tipped her face up. Their eyes locked — intense grey clashing once again with shining amethyst. He ran his thumb over her bottom lip which parted at his cool touch. He leaned in, head dipping and for the second time that night, his lips met hers.

However, unlike the first kiss where it was hot and passionate, this one was slow and sensual. Cassandra allowed herself to be led by Lucifer's pace, responding to his firm yet gentle kisses. Her right hand slid in between their chests gripped his tie to pull him to deepen the kiss further while her left hand went to the back of his head to entangle her fingers in his jet-black hair. His on the other hand, went to both sides of her waist and pulled her impossibly closer. When his tongue swept her bottom lip to ask for entrance this time, she welcomed it instantly.

His tongue danced with hers, exploring every crevice of her sweet cavern — probing, tasting. The fingers that weaved their way through his hair gave a tug, earning a growl of approval from him. He ran his fingers through her own long silver-white hair as he held the sides of her head.

It was needless to say the only one who could hold this cold prince's heart — the only one the Prince of Hell was capable of loving — was the woman that he currently held in his arms.

While he was furious at who had caused her to be like that and swore to make them all pay, he shoved it aside as the beloved woman that was currently in his arms took precedence above all else.

He moved her back till Cassandra felt her back hit the wall again.

It took much effort, and reluctancy for her to break the kiss as her hand slid down slowly from his neck to his chest to nudge him gently. They wouldn't have been able to stop if they continued. He knew as much too, and being finely tuned to her emotions, he reluctantly broke it as well.

Their eyes met, each pair staring deep into the other but neither spoke in the serene silence that soaked in.

Lucifer stepped back as Cassandra's arms dropped to her sides.

Cassandra took him in, taking a moment to admire how perfectly tousled his hair looked from her running her fingers multiple times through it and the black tie she had loosened. With a seductive smirk gracing those sinful lips and those darkened grey eyes wanting her, he looked nothing short of wild, disheveled and sexy.

At the same time, Lucifer was returning the favour, leisurely taking his time to take her in as well. Pure silver-white hair cascading after being released from its elastic binds and having his fingers run through it as well, ruby red lips swollen from his fevered attacks and hooded violet eyes clouded with desire — she was breathtakingly beautiful.

He had an eyebrow raised, prompting her reason for stopping despite having a good idea of it.

"They are probably demanding an explanation which Priestess Rosalieé is likely to be the one to give it. I can only hope and trust she has only revealed what is necessary. We should head back before they maim or kill Claudius.-"

"He can hold his own against them. And the white witch surely would not stand idly by. Nor will the she-wolf."

"She-wolf?" She voiced, looking quizzically at her lover.

Lucifer threw her a smirk, but otherwise did not answer. To which, she narrowed her eyes at but otherwise let it go and asked another question.

"How long have you been watching us?"

"I have always kept tabs on you, Morgâne. This is my domain, you of all people should know that there is nothing that goes on in this city that I do not know about, my love. I have eyes and ears everywhere. I knew the moment you entered the city — I sent Agaliarept did I not? But certain preparations had to be made and I do apologise for my late arrival; his friends proved to be trickier to handle than usual. And even after rounding them up, one had still managed to slip away. What will I ever do without you, my Morgâne?"

He ran his right hand up and down her arm and used the other to brush a lock of hair behind her ear. She glared at the cocky smirk that tugged at his lips, but couldn't bring herself to remain exasperated with him as behind the layers of arrogance, playfulness and teasing, his eyes held pride and tenderness — reserved only for her.

An image of a black gift box wrapped in gold ribbons containing a red rose, a letter and an exquisite custom-made white dress, flashed in Cassandra's mind.

"Thank you. It's beautiful, I love it," she said earnestly in a whisper.

Lucifer didn't need to ask what she was referring to, he merely gave her a dashing smile as he pulled her closer, bringing her hand up to his lips, brushing it against her knuckles.

Their blood hummed with pleasure like it did the whole night for every physical contact made. They both felt it.

Lucifer peered up at her behind his long eyelashes. She felt herself smile, genuinely yet flirtatiously at his antics.

"Alas, we shall return. After all, there is a certain wolf whom I have yet to teach a lesson, don't I?"

Lucifer may have said it with a light, casual tone to her but the shadow that passed over his handsome face as well as the possessively lethal gleam in his grey eyes said otherwise. Cassandra knew her lover was beyond livid with the Alpha who had laid a hand on what was his. His sin demanded it. She opened her mouth to cut in but he continued on.

"Not to mention, the gift I have prepared awaits you, Princess."

And with that, before Cassandra could say anything else, she felt the inter-dimensional warping envelope her once more.


Silence reigned as all the revelations sunk in.

"You wolves often tend to forget that we are not the only ones living in this world."

Another realisation dawned on Lucas then as he began muttering to himself.

"The guy we met after brunch...Aga-Agari-"

"Agaliarept?" Claudius supplied.

Lucas nodded numbly, the name sounded about right he supposed, as what he had picked up in their noon conversation.

"They had the same aura right that's what you wanted to say? And who was he you wanted to ask? Who do you think he was? You can make a guess of his position without me even saying really, ask your mate — she may not have known exactly who he was but she had a gut feeling since the beginning, didn't you, Rosalieé?"

Claudius said, gesturing and addressing the white witch whom had been silent the entire time since the revelation was dropped. Her pursed lips parted slightly but otherwise offered no verbal answer, even when her mate turned to her.

"But if you must know, he is Second Deputy General Agaliarept — one of two of his most trusted subordinates and right-hand, also known as The Duke and Commander of the Second Legion of Hell. Honestly, who else would he have sent to receive his Queen in his city when he couldn't be there to do it himself? Though what's more astounding is the fact that you have set foot here multiple times but never once realised you were in his domain."

Claudius commented, shaking his head but internally, he was sighing as he allowed the information to continue to sink in deeper for the werewolves whom already had a hard time digesting all the previous revelations they had just learnt. They truly had been sheltered in their packs their whole lives, Claudius thought.

"So if D.C. is Luci-"

"I would suggest not repeating his name. Names have power. His is not one to be thrown out casually by just anyone." Claudius interrupted Dylan.

"So now what do we do? Where are they?" Lucas asked.

"And now, we wait. You can't locate them unless they want to be found and I can tell you they don't...for now." Claudius said, shrugging. "They'll return when they're done."

"Done with what?"

Claudius shot a deadpanned look at Lucas's question, answering.

"You of all of us should know best should you not, of what it is that lovers do when alone."

A snarl ripped through.

"Face it, Alpha. She was never yours to begin with. By right, there shouldn't even be a werewolve's mate bond. The sooner you accept it the better."

Moving forward before Jayden could attack, Dylan cut in despite the fact that he felt his gut twisting. He feared the answer but asked anyways.

"Why shouldn't there be a mate bond?"

"You said something similar too Rose...that you didn't understand how it was possible?" Lucas recalled.

Rosalieé fidgeted nervously and looked over to Claudius who still had a bored expression on his face. This was a question she had always wanted to avoid more than any other.

"Isn't it obvious? How else could she have controlled the demon just now, much less banish it back to where it came from? It's because they're bound. By soul and blood."

A feeling of déjà vu swept over all of them as once again, Jayden's thin veneer of self control snapped and he lunged at Claudius.

Everyone reacted. And there was a shift in the air.

All of them froze, unable to move as they were suspended in action by a strong force akin to telekinesis.

There was a tut sound of disapproval as the two of them approached together, hand in hand.

Cassandra's eyes flickered to the slightly ajar exit door briefly as Lucifer spoke.

"Could you not have lasted another five more minutes, Alderidge? Cassandra insisted we return back early — she expressed her worry they would kill you. And clearly, her worries are not unwarranted."

Chills ran down the others' spines at the silk like metallic voice that spoke with a cold formality.

At the snap of his fingers, they were released, all of them sagging at the absence of the strong force that held them frozen in place. But the unsettling feeling remained.

Claudius simply shrugged in response to the address by Lucifer. The former was also aware of Cassandra scanning him for any injuries.

The three werewolves, on the other hand, were still on guard and tense as they wearily eyed and took in the Prince of Hell for the first time — or in Lucas's case, the second time. There was an oppressive air and malevolent aura that grew more prominent with each step the Prince of Hell took as he strolled towards them. Their wolves stirred restlessly at his unnerving presence and they resisted the urge to shift.

Jayden's eyes were drawn to the couple's hands and he tightened his jaw. His eyes trailed up, scanning her and mid-way they zeroed in on the mark on her neck.

Despite ignoring it, she was aware of his gaze on her and when they stopped before they could meet hers and narrowed into slits instead, she turned to him. At the sight of his fists clenched and body trembling, she realised too late just what he had seen.

For the second time that night, Jayden felt his control snap and just before he could shift, he felt his whole body freeze, his muscles tightening. A sudden sharp flare of excruciating pain shot through him, causing him to let out a surprised shout as he dropped to the ground.

His Beta and Gamma immediately rushed towards him as he contorted and fought the pain.

Dylan felt alarm and confusion swept over him as he saw his Alpha and best friend freeze abruptly and collapse in pain the next second. He did not know what was happening, simply moving on reflex and in panic. His head swiveled to the cold, hostile voice that spoke that caused the surrounding temperature to drop several degrees. There was an underlying layer of rage and irritation that was barely concealed.

"Do not test my patience, Alpha. The last stunt you pulled is yet to be forgotten nor forgiven."

Hearing that, feral growls ripped from their throats as both Dylan and Lucas bared their canines, feeling a surge of anger at the threat directed at their Alpha. The aggressive defensive positions they took in front of their currently vulnerable Alpha was a result of their wolves' instincts kicking in. They gritted their teeth as they fought the overwhelming demand to give in and shift into their wolves and attack.

In that moment, the tension skyrocketed and crackled in the air.

Rosalieé was the only thing holding Lucas back. Dylan had his fists clenched, crescent shaped nails digging into his palm, almost drawing blood. Evidently, the rationale part of them that reasoned that giving in would not do them any favours was vanishing at a rapid rate. And just as the situation was on the verge of getting out of control-


At her call, the Prince's steel grey eyes flashed red without missing a beat. The two wolves standing didn't fail to notice how similar it was to the black witch's when she cast her magic. They remained in the defensive stances, guard never lowering and glaring eyes never leaving the threat before them even as the situation very slowly diffused. However, the sickly feeling that had built up in their gut had only worsened when their gazes went back to the black witch in question and realised what exactly had made their Alpha lose control.

While the Prince of Hell was dressed to the nines — his messily tousled hair sticking up in various directions and purposefully loosened tie the only indications, the same could not be said for Cassandra whose usually present cloak was missing, leaving her neck exposed with the — his — mark to be seen by all as well as with her white hair flowing down her back and ruby red lips plump and slightly swollen. It was evident what exactly had occurred between the black witch and the Prince of Hell during the time they were gone. How far they had gone could only be speculated.

The wolves' in them receded slightly but neither turned their backs on the enemy, eyes still trained on the threatening opponent before them. Instead, they utilised other means to check on their friend.

"Jay, you alright?" Dylan asked.

Still on the ground, Jayden felt the pain subside partially, but the anger did not, nor did the ache in his heart. Ignoring the pain, he managed a grunt in reply through the mind link as he got to his feet. And the anger only grew when Lucifer continued to speak.

"The only reason you are breathing right now is because Cassandra has not allowed me to kill you. However, do not think for one second, that I will hesitate in taking your life should you repeat what you did. I do not care for what beliefs you have in that werewolf's mate bond of yours."

Her soothing voice spoke, stopping him from any rash behaviour he was about to make.

"Alpha Jayden, I am aware that you are confused and seek answers. As do I. I do not know how but it is so. While I acknowledge the werewolf mate bond is present, I do not feel any attraction for you — I cannot and never will."

He flinched slightly — trying to control it, but his heart pierced at her last few words. They were resolute and spoken in a matter-of-fact tone. Aside from Lucifer who stood shoulder to shoulder with her, the others' eyes flitted back and forth between them. A palpable silence stretched a few seconds, as she allowed for her words sink in before continuing.

"It is getting late and it has been a long day for all of us. I believe a good night's rest would benefit us all. And like you have done so for me, I will do the same. Rooms have been prepared for each of you in the Ren de Lorwth Hotel that is a few buildings down the street. Full expenses and costs will be covered for the duration of your stay — how ever long you wish to remain in D.C. However, I am aware that you have made your own living accommodations for your stay here, if you wish to proceed there, I will not insist. We will reconvene tomorrow after everyone is well rested."

Her offer was tempting. The last minute booking of accommodations allowed Dylan to manage to secure a third-rate hotel inn on the outskirts of Washington's Central Business District area. And while the reviews were decent, it was a far cry from their usual accommodations whenever they made trips to D.C. The fact that her offer was only a few blocks down as compared to the hotel inn on the outskirts that would have required them to make a long, difficult journey to get there when all they wanted to do was sleep, had three of the four present come to an unanimous agreement almost instantly.

Not to mention, Ren de Lorwth Hotel Group was a renowned luxury hotel chain all around the world.

Dylan, Lucas and Rosalieé glanced at each other before looking to Jayden who had on the most vacant, almost listless expression.

Dylan was about to mind-link his best friend to bring him back to reality when Lucifer's sleek voice laced with a taunt cut through smoothly, making all but Cassandra freeze for the second time that night.

"Is it not about time you decide to grace us with your presence, Ms MacKenzie? After all, Cassandra's invitation extends to you as well."

There was a pause, confusion rippling at his words.

Lucifer was smirking and Cassandra watched silently as Victoria MacKenzie walked out from the roof exit door, stepping into the moonlight.

Claudius felt himself stiffen as the rest had turned in the young she-wolf's direction as she emerged. He watched her do a quick sweep of her surrounding, taking in all who were was present on the roof. He noted how she wasn't surprised to see Lucifer — only extreme caution and weariness were shown to be exercised — and briefly wondered just how long had she been standing there and how much did she hear exactly. He frowned and when their eyes met, the unreadable emotion he saw in her eyes caused something to stir in Claudius.


Shock coloured Rosalieé's voice.

"Rosalieé," Victoria greeted, offering a small apologetic smile. She bowed her head in greeting to her pack leaders present.

Victoria stopped before them, a distance away and met each of their eyes, pursing and chewing her bottom lip as she did. Only the trained eye could tell there was tension in her stance for she stood tall and moved with a touch of grace and confidence befitting of her stature, her nervousness carefully hidden behind her ocean blue eyes.

"When- Why-"

"When you had asked for a leave of absence for an unprecedented amount of time...I had respected your decision against disclosing the reason to us — I had almost assumed it was to do with Leia or Med school..." Dylan trailed off.

"Alpha Jayden, Beta Dylan, I apologise for tailing you. It was not my intention...No — it was the fastest way I could think of in order to catch up to Cass- High Priestess Cassandra after I learnt she was leaving in the morning — and though you may not have announced it Alpha Jayden but I have seen the way you have looked at her — I knew you would be following after her the moment you could — once your parents returned."

Cassandra tugged Lucifer back before he could make a move forward at the mention of the Alpha's behaviour around her. She felt the displeasure and undercurrent of anger coursing through him as if it were her own.

"You tailed us to look for High Priestess Cassandra?" Dylan asked in confusion, as he looked between Victoria and Cassandra.

By now, Jayden was silently watching it play out before him, similar to how Rosalieé and Lucas were.

"I am not the one she is looking for, Beta Dylan." Cassandra said, as Victoria had began moving again, towards where the larger group was, walking past her pack leaders altogether to the back where the vampire whom had not spoken a word the entire time stood. But the former wasn't looking at the Beta she addressed, instead her glazed eyes was trained on the same said vampire.

"There's something I needed to confirm."

The young she-wolf's soft whisper carried through the quiet night and for the other three wolves as well as Rosalieé, the familiarity of the words resonated and clicked.

Rosalieé's mouth fell into an o-shape while the werewolves' mouths hung agape.


> astronomy

the second planet from the sun in the solar system, the brightest celestial object after the sun and moon and frequently appearing in the twilight sky as the evening. or morning star

> roman mythlology

a goddess worshipped as the goddess of love in Ancient Rome, the equivalent of the Greek Goddess Aphrodite

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