
Chapter 21 ____ Meeting The Father

" Janet..Oh dear God.. It's Janet...", the puffy faced old director rushed over to Janet, scaring her to death. Even Andrew and Janet moved back instinctively.

The director's eyes were full of happy tears as if he had been given a second chance to live. He kept muttering to Janet relentlessly,

" We are here to welcome you back to the movie, Janet."

Welcome Back? But why did it look a bit too exaggerating?

Janet couldn't help but stare at the crew members in doubt. Everyone was carrying banquets to greet her. Not to mention, all the banquets had white roses which was her favourite co-incident. Besides, she wasn't even the main lead in the film. Why would they come personally to welcome her back?

Janet was incapable of understanding their motives. Pressing her lips into an awkward smile, she only stuttered, giving everyone a suspicious glance,

" Director, you.. you are flattering me.."
