
Chapter one: The devil and his bleeding Angel.

Chapter one: The devil and his bleeding Angel.


"Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Eden, come on!"

Eden tried to but her body screamed in protest, she tried to open her eyes...too fucking bright.

What is happening...too bright. What was happening?

She could hear her mother's voice.

"Eden, can you hear me, honey?"

She blinked and opened her eyes. At first slowly because of the blinding light but then she adjusted.

"Honey, are you okay?" Savannah asked her daughter.

Eden heard a bell ring...no two bells, they were ringing nonstop in her ears...no, it was like a buzz, a loud bee buzz that won't give her a moment to rest. She was tired, her eyes were closed and she was wet.

Why was she wet?

She looked around and nothing made sense. Again with the buzzing in her ears, in her nostrils and in her throat. She was choking and it stung.

"Eden!" Her mother's voice yelled again.

Okay, mom...I am awake, no need to yell. She wanted to tell her mother but her mouth felt dry.

"Eden, open your eyes baby. Keep your eyes open"

Eden opened them.

"Mom, the...the world is upside down" Eden observed as she looked around.

"Eden, try not to panic. I am sorry but the world is not upside down...we are" Savannah was breathing too fast like it was a coping mechanism. Bouts of pain ripped through her like firecrackers. She tried to ignore it and talk to her daughter. She needed Eden not to panic or they would tumble over to their death.

"Eden, be still please…."

"Where is Dad?" Eden asked her.

Savannah's lips trembled a little bit.

"He is gone, Eden. He's...dead" Savannah answered.

"My head is wet, Mom. I am sweating"

"I think its blood. We've been in a crash. I need you to slowly climb out through the window"

Everything started to make sense. The roof of the car was coming to her, trying to smash into Eden's face.

"Mom!" She screamed in panic.

"Eden, climb out now! The tree branch is breaking off. I love you, baby. Please go"

"I am not leaving you behind, mom. I can't!"


Savannah was interrupted when she heard a voice. Thank God! Fire and rescue was at the scene of the accident.

Someone was coming to their rescue but they were hanging over a cliff. It would take a miracle to extract them.

"Is someone there?" The voice yelled.

"Yes. Help! We are trapped" Savannah yelled on top of her voice. "Is fire and rescue here?"

"No, just me" The voice answered.

Savannah looked away and tried to suppress the sob and panic.

"What is your name?" She asked the voice.

"My name is Asher...Asher Angelwings"

"Do me a favor, Asher. Grab my daughter from the backseat and drag her to safety. She is dazed and bleeding" Savannah told him.

"If I do that, the car will fall. You daughter's position is holdi-"

"I know! Just do it already!" Savannah heard another sound as the branch kept snapping "Do it now! The branch is…"

Asher didn't wait for Savannah to finish talking. He yanked the door open and grabbed Eden.

"I am not leaving my mother...let me go! I said let me go!"

Asher ignored her. He was stronger and he yanked her with all his strength. She was barely out of the car when the tree branch snapped and the car disappeared into the cliff.

"No!! No!! Mom!" Eden tried to jump after her mother but Asher lifted her up and carried her back to his car.

Asher heard when her screams stopped and she was unconscious.

When Eden woke up again, she was in the hospital. She could hear beeping sounds in the empty hospital room.

A nurse came inside to check on her.

"My fiancé...Liam Barrington, is he here yet" Eden asked her

"Mr. Barrington came around. He paid your hospital bills before he left" the nurse answered.

"Is he coming back?" Eden asked the nurse.

"I am sorry but it's all over the news. Liam Barrington broke off the engagement with you, Ms Powells. If you ask me, he is an ass!" The nurse was angry on her behalf.

Eden was simply asking questions, her brain wasn't able to process yet.

"The man that brought me here… Where is he?"

"It's quite strange, actually. One second he was there watching you through the window and the next he was gone. He's name is even stranger" the nurse checked her drip.

"Tell...m-me" Eden wanted to remember the name of the man that caused her mother's death. She needed to know it.

"He called himself, Devil"

Eden looked away.

"The devil killed my mother"


Asher watched her from a distance; he knew she came out of the hospital a few days ago. He knew that she would try to go back home, to the Powells mansion. He knew that she wouldn't be let in.

Eden listened with rapt attention as the gateman spoke to her. She was listening but he wasn't making any sense to her

"I am sorry. I don't understand" Eden murmured to him.

"You don't live here anymore, Ms Powells" the gateman told her in simple words.

"It's my father's house but he is dead. Mom is dead too but I am not dead. Someone pulled me out. The devil that killed my mother saved me. I am alive. And It's my father's house, can't I come in?" Eden wondered if she was making sense at all.

"I am sorry. You don't live here anymore"

"Where is Uncle Keller? I am his niece. He is dad's brother. He lives with us" Eden told the gateman.

"He gave the orders, Princess"

Eden exhaled as her lips trembled.

"I'm princess. My Dad used to call me princess" tears fell from her cheeks.

"I am sorry. This is all I have and I was able to pack some of your clothes" the gateman pressed some cash into her hand and handed over to her a duffle bag.

He also closed the gate.

Eden turned around. She had nowhere to go. She was alone and she had trouble assimilating information. She looked around and her grip on the duffle tightened.

"I am all alone now. Where is the devil?"
