
LDNE01 Archangel

"Do I dare ask?"

"Practice run if the little show I have planned for the Parade and an excuse for me to buy dinner for my squad and some of the guys that keep up the good fight against some of the darker elements here in Los Diablos. That and letting the wife release some stress and stretch her wings. Already have a public statement ready to tell the citizens of Los Diablos that we are conducting a trading drill and not to be alarmed."


"Squad One ride and hot drop practice. Administrator Allison Krishna can be my Co-pilot. You can slide down a rope with the guys. My wife can fly around and come in through the back door I have a key too. Captain Halt can get a ride from one of the squad members. The fun bit is setting the LDNE01 down in the alleyway."

*Over Coms*

"Sr. Instructor Tim Westnight, members of Recruit Squad One, and all available Guardians report to the XO's ready room for a special training detail in twenty minutes."
