
The Congregation of Enemies

Ren was having a headache when he familiarized himself with the players and guilds present in Twin Moon Axe Clan.

There were Poison Vipers, which wasn't worth mentioning because there was no core member within their ranks. They must be made up of some players who didn't have anything to do in the guild. The leftovers in short.

There was Great Dynasty with Roni and his rich friends.

Black Lion that was led by Hidey with Saya, Mike, and other members.

Fate Alliance Guild with Dimitri and Rayna and some of their schoolmates.

Dark Python with Trixie and Robert and their cahoots.

Golden Phoenix with Ruru, Lucia, and Rosie.

There was even a ragtag group of teenagers, and one of them was composed of Lily and her usual friends, Kylie, Josh, Zack, and Ray.

What were they doing in here? Ren thought and was having a headache already. Were they sightseeing again?

Ren didn't care as long as they stay out of his way or else . . . kids or not, he wouldn't spare them this time.
