
Guild Wars: Fight for Victory! 1

"There will be no fighting until the last war starts."

All attention flickered at the sudden appearance of a rabbit. The same one they saw before.

The players stomped forward at the Bunny and jabbed their fingers at Ren and his group. "But they stole our items! And now you're telling us that PvP is prohibited?! That's Bullsh*t!"

"Yeah! That doesn't make any sense!"

"Are you siding with them?!"

"First, they cheated, and now they're stealing items! They should be disqualified!"


Everyone united, and the area boomed with their dissatisfaction. It continued for seconds until an ominous chuckle hushed them.

"Oh, sorry," Ren huffed a laugh, and his head cocked to the side. "Please continue with your accusations. Maybe in that way, this server's greatest threat will be eliminated, and you can actually have a chance."

The others shut their mouths before another round of cursing and yelling boomed in the area.
