
Lunch 1

Chapter 188: Lunch 1

All the way to Diamond Palace, Margaret's mouth didn't stop from ranting left and right. From the little things like the snacks to the leather chair, to Leonel's bad choices in life, and to him wasting money all the way to the grand entrance of Diamond Palace.

Everyone was already used to Margaret's machine gun mouth, so all she said were taken in the ear and passed the next.

Like Ren promised, he went with Leonel to his unit after he left his parents to settle in their new home.

It took more than one hour of hardcore explaining to Leonel's family about the game, his life choices of becoming a gamer while studying, and their new life.

Like what Leonel expected, his parents didn't believe him. They even wanted to report him to the police for illegally acquiring a huge sum of money. He and Ren were also repeatedly asked to undergo drug tests because they were afraid that they were selling drugs. Else why did they suddenly got rich so fast?
