

20 minutes was only left for the extermination. Every member of the hotel was just in the hotel sitting and talking with each other. Alastor was making jokes on how he would go and hunt the angels now that he has a gun which he is familiar with, but Charie denied it even if Alastor was only joking. While they all were talking boy was cleaning a rifle shotgun that he asked for Charlie to buy as a payment which was weird.

The boy seems to be getting ready all had an idea of what the boy was planning but none of them said it at first, but Alastor was then the one saying it

"Are you going to hunt the extermination angels' boy?"

He asked it as if it were something normal to do boy answered with a nod. No one was caught off guard as they expected that from boy.

While he wanted to be called boy, they decided a nickname for him which was Nicky. He did accept the nickname with no complain why he had not accepted to get a name was still a mystery for them, but it was most likely tied because of his past.

"I want to see if the bullets I create work on them good"

he used a simple magic that allowed his thoughts to be said out loud as if he was speaking. Charlie was the one teaching him that spell otherwise it would be troublesome to communicate with him.

"Also, it would be just like when I was one of them and a human"

he said those words lightly, but the curiosity was attracted from Vaggie.

"While we are at it, we know that you were one of the extermination angels thinking about it. It is still shocking but why did you betray them?"

A question it was a good question why he would betray heaven.

"Because Mr. Alastor was not there"

"Because of him you go and betray heaven?"

"Correct I did it for him only as I did say to him, I would follow him everywhere"

An answer she did not expect from him.

"Are you one of those crazy people who kill for the person they love?"

Nicky shacked his head to Angel dust question he was not such person he was admiring Alastor for many reasons. For him Alastor is his teacher who helped him in times when no one else helped.

"What I did was not something bad I was often told to repay the kindness from others and to repay his kindness I did that"

They all looked at Alastor. None of them expected to hear that Alastor would do anything out of kindness it sounded nothing like him. If anyone else had heard that they will laugh at Nicky words of being Alastor showing kindness if you take out on how fast Alastor became an overlord in hell.

The Glock started the extermination had come. Nicky loaded the rifle shotgun and went out of the hotel he looked up in the sky seeing it opening for the extermination angel. The boy ran he ran to the city the rifle shotgun was bigger than Nicky not too big that he could not use it but still big. The extermination angels were coming down ready to slay down any demon they see.

He aimed in the sky he was breathing irregularly he was not calm. Nicky was scared he knew he would die he knew they could kill him easily when they see him, he was not even sure that his bullet would work on them. It could also be weak against them this thought scared Nicky, but he wanted to do it he wanted to do the thing he was taught and that you should not only hunt small prey.

He took a deep breath, so he does not take his eye off from the extermination angel he wanted to kill one of them not for revenge but just because he wanted a prey to hunt when he was one of them the demons were easy to hunt for him, he had also used a gun at that time.

Nicky stopped thinking about useless thing took one last breath and pulled the trigger. He watched how the bullet flew and a smile came in his face he was happy and satisfied he did it and it was how he hoped it would be he killed one of them.
