
Enough time

"Mommy, look at this pretty rose" said Joy as she giggled and she ran to her mother as Alfred finished picking a rose for her.

"It is very pretty my baby" said Natasha as she laughed, it truly was a beautiful red rose.

"For you mommy" said Joy as she giggled.

"Why thank you my baby" said Natasha as she smiled and she took the Rose that Joy gave her, and Joy giggled.

"Hello Princess" said Dom as he smiled and he walked into the garden.

"Daddy!!" said Joy as she giggled and she ran to her Father as he smiled and he carried her.

"I can see that you are having fun here" said Dom as he smiled and Joy giggled as she nodded her head.

"Yes Daddy, Alfred was showing me how to pick roses, and he removed the thorns for me" said Joy as she giggled and Dom smiled.

"You have become an expert at gardening Alfred" said Dom as he laughed and he looked at Alfred who was wearing gloves as he stood up.

"Well I learn from the best Young Master, Madam Mary, may her soul rest in peace, she just loved gardening" said Alfred as he smiled and Natasha smiled, Mary loved many things, she was such a lovely woman.

"Yes, she did love gardening" said Dom as he smiled, remembering fond memories of his beloved Grandmother.

"Well look here, everyone is in my garden" said Ernest as he laughed and he walked into the garden.

"Hello Grandpappy" said Joy as she giggled and she waved at her great grandfather.

"Hello my girl" said Ernest as he smiled and he waved at her.

"Oh Grandfather, I wanted to speak to you" said Natasha as she looked at Ernest and she smiled.

"Alright dear" said Ernest as he smiled at Natasha.

"Alfred, please go and help Margaret in the kitchen, she insists on making dinner today" said Ernest as he smiled.

"Alright Sir" said Alfred as he smiled and he removed his gloves as he put them on the nearby bench and he walked back into the main house.

"I do hope that you will be staying for dinner" said Ernest as he smiled and he looked at Natasha.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about Grandfather" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I don't think that we will be staying for dinner" said Natasha as she smiled, she knew that Ernest would insist that they stay for dinner, and that would lead to them having to stay here the night, she did not want that, she just wanted to go home now and rest, she had many more things on her mind.

"Why is that?" asked Ernest as he looked sad.

"Well Grandfather, I just got back from a trip, and I am rather tired, I would just like to go home and rest" said Natasha as she smiled and Ernest looked at Dom as Dom didn't say anything, he had nothing against staying here or going back home.

"Oh well, alright the dear, I understand" said Ernest as he smiled.

"Thank you Grandfather" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Come on my baby, let's go pack your stuff okay" said Natasha as she turned to look at Joy and she smiled, of course she was going home with her baby, she had been away from her for too long.

"Okay mommy" said Joy as Dom put her down and she ran to Natasha who carried her as she smiled and they walked away.

"I would have loved it if you both stayed" said Ernest as he sighed.

"Grandfather, I don't think that Natasha wants to stay here, so I think it's best that you leave her be" said Dom.

"Whatever you say, I am just sad that I did not get to spend more time with my great granddaughter" said Ernest as he looked sad.

"Grandfather I am sure that you spent more than enough time with her" said Dom as he smiled.

"No I didn't, not with Lulu and everyone else stealing her attention from me" said Ernest.

"You are her Great Grandfather, I doubt that anyone could steal her attention from you" said Dom as he laughed and he shook his head as he wondered when Ernest became so soft.

"Mhmm" said Ernest.

"I will go and check on mom" said Dom as he laughed and he walked away, leaving Ernest there all alone.

"Do you have everything packed my baby?" asked Natasha as she looked at Joy.

"Yes Mommy" said Joy as she nodded her head.

"Are you sure that you didn't forget anything?" asked Natasha.

"Yes Mommy" said Joy as she nodded her head.

"Alright my baby, let's go" said Natasha as she smiled and she carried Joy in one hand, and she carried Joy's little blue suitcase in the other.

Natasha walked out the room as she closed the door and she walked down the stairs as she walked out the front door where Grandfather and Lulu were already standing as Dom was at his car as he opened the boot and he walked to Natasha as he took Joy's suitcase from her and he walked to put it in the boot.

"Go and say goodbye to your Grandpappy and your Aunt Lulu alright my baby?" asked Natasha as she smiled and she looked at Joy as she put Joy down.

"Okay Mommy " said Joy as she nodded her head and she walked to Lulu.

"Bye Bye Aunt Lulu, I will miss you" said Joy as she walked to Lulu and she smiled.

"Aww sweet child, I will miss you too" said Lulu as she smiled and she carried Joy as she hugged her, she loved being an aunt, it was the best thing ever.

"Don't worry, I will come and visit you when I can my princess" said Lulu as she smiled.

"Okay Aunt Lulu" said Joy as she laughed and Lulu placed her down as Joy walked to Ernest.

"Bye Bye Grandpappy, I will miss you very, very much" said Joy as she smiled and Ernest's heart melted carried Joy, although his joints were not the same as they used to.

"I will miss you too my dear girl" said Ernest as he smiled and Joy giggled as she gave him a kiss on his right cheek.

"I love you Grandpappy" said Joy as she smiled.

"I love you too Joy" said Ernest as he smiled and he put Joy down, he hated to admit it, but she was too heavy for him now.

"Are you done saying your goodbyes?" asked Natasha as she smiled and Joy nodded her head as she giggled.

"Alright Baby" said Natasha as she smiled and Dom closed the car boot.

"Oh my dear, It does pain me a lot that you will not be staying for dinner" said Ernest as he smiled at Natasha.

"Grandfather, right now, I am just too tired, but I promise that next time, I will stay for dinner, alright?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Remember that promise my dear remember it" said Ernest as he smiled.

"Don't worry Grandfather, I will, once I am free, I promise to come have dinner with you" said Natasha as she smiled and she gave Ernest a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright dear" said Ernest as he smiled.

"Lulu, thank you for listening to me" said Natasha as she smiled and she turned to look at Lulu.

"Thank you for trusting me Natasha" said Lulu as she smiled and she hugged Natasha as Natasha smiled and Lulu broke their hug.

"If you need anything at all, just call me" said Lulu as she smiled.

"I will" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Oh, wait, wait" said Margaret as she rushed out of the house she was relieved that they had not gone yet.

"Slow down mom, you don't want to fall down now do you?" asked Lulu as she laughed.

"I wanted to stay goodbye" said Margaret as she smiled and she walked to where Lulu was.

"Bye, bye, Granny" said Joy as she smiled and she waved at her Grandmother.

"Oh sweetie, goodbye" said Margaret as she smiled and she bent down as she gave Joy a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh Natasha, I really wished that you could stay longer" said Margaret as she stood up and she smiled as she looked at Natasha.

"I would have loved to Aunt, but not at this time" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Here dear, I made a chocolate cake" said Margaret as she smiled and she handed Natasha a dark coloured cake stand.

"Thank you Aunt" said Natasha as she smiled and Margaret hugged her as she broke her hug.

"Let's go now my baby" said Natasha as she smiled and she looked at Joy as Joy nodded her head and they walked to the car as Natasha opened the door.

"Goodbye Grandfather" said Dom as he smiled.

"Bye Lulu" said Dom as he smiled and he looked at Lulu.

"Goodbye oh , very, very ugly big brother of mine" said Lulu as she laughed and Dom shook his head.

"Bye Mom, take care" said Dom as he hugged his mother and he gave her a quick kiss on her right cheek.

"Take care too Dom" said Margaret as she smiled and Dom broke their hug as he walked to his car and he entered the car as he turned the ignition.

"There" said Natasha as she smiled and she buckled Joy up in her car seat.

"Everyone ready?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"Yes daddy" said Joy as she giggled as Natasha buckled her own seatbelt, as Dom started the car and they drove away.
