
The Corruption

"What a hassle," Adam muttered to himself, holding the container containing Zax's head while floating in the air. He had his eyes locked in the direction of the city where the Holy Church was. He followed the black particles that drifted in the air until he found where they accumulated into a single giant black orb.

Adam knew that the Emperor was involved in some kind of plot, but he didn't know what it involved. Well, it didn't matter to him. What he didn't change.

He glanced at Zax. Her brain was somehow kept active so she wasn't dead, but she wasn't alive too. From the look of it, someone was performing inhuman experimentation within the Fenrirus territory, and this person was the one who did such a cruel thing to Zax.

Not only Zax, but he also found the corpses of Feldenis and Maria inside what looked like a laboratory. They were probably treated as failures because their body was dissected but not put back together.
