
What is a God (Part 4)

Under the gloomy sky, Adam began to gather his thoughts once again, beginning with a recollection of the event that led him to do what he did.

The rain started pouring down as if masking the massacre that was occurring within the Empire.

The aggressors never doubted anything, enjoying their hunt, and the victims played their roles and run around like rabbits. The spectators were thrilled by what they were seeing, also not doubting anything.

All of that had little importance to Adam, as he continued to contemplate the nothingness in front of him and wondered if this was the right choice. However, he quickly discarded this so human-like way of thinking.

Instead, he focused on the facts and their unavoidable consequences as well as what he needed to do to change his fate. Adam had clearly a goal, and he had also devised a plan to achieve it, but somewhere along the line, he had realized something.
