

"Those were just tests so they know what to do with the surgery i wouldnt be able to talk if they did the surgery"

"Oh, well ok then. But I'll be fine. I don't want to leave you here alone" he said

"Just go before it gets dark its not the first time i was in a hospital alone" she said

"Mizuki" he said as he walked closer to her and knelt down so that he was eye level to her. "Im staying, ok." He said picking up one of her hands

"You say you want to wait and then you pull this make up your mind tenya" she moved her hand having her back to him again.

"This is waiting, just because I can't right now doesn't mean I have to avoid you. It's just for a couple months auntie you graduate ok?" He said reaching to rub her back

"Just go." Mizuki curled up a bit hiding her face. to her avoiding Tenya was her best option until she graduates so that rumors didnt spread in the news.

"Can i get a hug before I go?" He asked

She curled up a bit more pulling the blanket over her head

"I'll take that as a no" he said, clearly saddened by that. "Well I'll see you later Mizuki" he said leaving and closing the door

She teared up a bit was she laid there shaking a little. then the next day she had an early morning surgery as she laid there on the table unconscious as they fixed her throat

He had work at the hospital that day so he had the nurses keep him updated on how she was

once it was around noon she was back in her hospital room having a feeding tube in her nose as a substitute for eating while she healed but there was a complication as a nurse came up to Tenya telling him that she was out of surgery
