
Ch. 39 Envisioning

Friday morning, Beacon Hill High School:

"Derek was arrested?" Myrddin asks while walking next to Allison.

"Yeah! Apparently they found the upper half of that body from two weeks ago. I can't believe that Derek did it" Allison shakes her head while walking down the hall. This guy had offered her a ride home and said he was a friend of Scott's. "But wanna know the most shocking part?"

Myrddin forgot about the 'Adventures of Scott and Stiles' for a while. "What is the most shocking part?"

Allison moves in front of Myrddin and stops. "It was his sister"

"The body?" Myrddin asks. He hadn't seen the face so he wouldn't have guessed they were related. "Wait. When did Derek come to town?"

"Yes the body. And how am I supposed to know that second one? I just got to town when they found the body" Allison shrugs and begins walking down the hall again.

Murddin moves up next to her. "When you say that, it really makes you sound suspicious. Are you hiding something? Like if you know how the wolf hairs got on the body?"

Allison playfully punches his shoulder. "Yes, totally. Because Derek brought a wolf to kill her and cut the body in half. Dragged the torso away to his OWN house. And left it there without even trying to cover it. And I was his accomplice the entire time. We had the perfect alibi. Curse you detective Merlin and your magical detective work"

"Knew it" Myrddin playfully says. But he also realizes that Allison has no idea about the body or werewolves. If she does know about the other side of the world, she's either a crazy good liar or she doesn't know anything about this case.

Allison laughs a little and she reaches her English class. "I'll see you tomorrow night?"

"I'll be at the game if that's what you're asking" Myrddin can see Scott trying not to look at him. Stiles just is obviously avoiding eye contact over-dramatically.

"No~, after the game! I know you said no to Scott, and maybe to Lydia. So what's your answer to me?" Allison asks.

Myrddin leans closer and shows her a note book with 'Trying to get Scott jealous?' written on it.

Allison nods and smiles.

Myrddin takes a step back. "Fine, if it's you asking I can hardly say no. And by the way, is your dad going to be at the game? I'd like to say hi to him again. Oh! And the picture is framed in my room"

"You framed it?" Allison narrows her eyes as she smirks.

"No. But it is on my desk" Myrddin isn't lying. He likes the drawing of himself. It's beyond anything he could ever manage to do even if he practiced for the next 5 years. His drawing skills are just that atrocious compared to Allison's.

"Jeez… Anyway, my dad won't be going to this game. Guess you'll just have to come over again to see him" Allison puts her left hand on Myrddin's right elbow.

It was at this point that Myrddin thought Scott broke his desk. But turns out he only snapped his pen.

"I'll se you tomorrow then Allison. tell Scott I said hi and he should work on his aggression issues a little more" Myrddin waves at Scott before looking at Allison. "And don't be so bad, the guy can only take so much"

Allison evilly smirks. "But it's so much fun~. Who knew being so bad could be so good?"

"I don't know, maybe all the song writers that have that in their music. Bye Allison" Myrddin waves to her over his shoulder.

He knows that Scott could hear their conversation. But if Allison didn't know, then they technically could have talked about anything? Or maybe she wanted to sell the performance.

While he thinks about whether Allison knows or not he goes to his first hour. Some good old Advanced Anatomy 2. Exactly what he needs early in the morning to remind him about the dead women he's seen, including Derek's sister.


Ms. Kendrix is sitting at her desk after having passed out the first test of the semester. It isn't a long test, just a front and back of a single sheet of paper.

She watches as the students all have their heads down and work through the various questions. Since this is the first test she added l multiple choice questions, but there are also some fill in the blanks to prepare them for future tests.

And unsurprisingly, her best student finishes first. Aside from her first interaction with him, she doesn't mind his behavior. He's smart and he knows it, but he only answers when called upon. He doesn't make a big deal about things and does his work efficiently. And when others ask for help he gives it in a way that helps them quickly and efficiently. She sees why he's not only the top of his grade but also the school.

The only thing she would say against him is that as of Wednesday he's been down in the dumps. It hasn't affected his grades, but that doesn't mean she will overlook it. She's a teacher that cares for her students well-being and not just their grades. He's gotten better, at least she thinks he has. Or he's gotten better at hiding what he's feeling.


Myrddin finishes his test first and takes out a notebook for a different class.

He's about to start working on his French when he has a vision.

The desk and notebook he was looking at slowly swirls into a mix of colors until he is seeing the inside of a hospital room?

The blinds are closed but the room is still decently bright. There is a clean bed with a tray next to it and a bunch of medical equipment around.

There is a man sitting in a wheel chair with his back turned to Murddin currently. His hair looking wild and slightly messy. He's in a hospital gown but with some other minor clothes underneath like a white tshirt. The room is barren and looks impossibly clean.

For a minute the man doesn't move while Myrddin looks around. The calendar still hasn't changed from August where the dates haven't been crossed off after the 6th.

Not being able to tell what the day is or why he's seeing this, Myrddin float-walks over to the man.

Walking around the slouched and unmoving man Myrddin freezes.

The guy is staring at him unblinkingly with his blue eyes. The entire right side of his face is covered in severe burn wounds. And the burns look like they travel down and continue to basically the rest of his body. His legs and arms are covered and probably the rest of his body with only his left side of his face.


The door opens and Murddin watches the man's eyes move towards the sound before going back to staring unblinkingly, but now it's out the window.

From the door a red haired nurse walks in with a clipboard. She writes something down and puts the clipboard at the end of the bed as she goes over to Peter. "You are looking better each day Peter. Let's get you back in the bed for now"

Myrddin hears her distorted voice while he watches as she moves his wheel chair towards the bed and lifts the fully grown man on her own with seemingly no struggle. He immediately looks down at the clipboard and reads everything he can as fast as he can because he isn't sure when this vision will end.


Beacon Hills Long Term Care Facility

Patient Records

Patient: Peter Hale

Primary Nurse: Jennifer Namia

Date: 09/16/2011

Room #: 126



There is a bunch of other information but it's basically useless. And he can't physically move to the other papers behind the first.

He looks back up but his vision begins to swirl. The last thing he sees is Peter Hale looking up at the ceiling with a blank stare while the nurse, Jennifer Namia, begins to do something with the machines next to Peter.

Myrddin comes back to the desk and blinks a few times. Each time he has a vision it doesn't get easier. And this is actually the first vision he's had since the goblin incident.

Taking out a blank sheet of paper he begins writing down the information he was able to read on the clipboard at the edge of the bed.

Obviously he doesn't want to jump the gun and accuse Jennifer Namia of being the alpha. But he doubted it. He didn't check to see if the alpha is male or female, but when it stood on its hind legs it looked awfully male. But he couldn't overlook her inhuman strength. A guy would find it hard to pick up Peter Hale on his own the way that Jennifer did.

The date September 16, 2011 on the clipboard is the same as todays date. Now Myrddin has no idea where this Long Term Care Facility is. He's seen the mental institution and the hospital but he hasn't seen the one where his vision took place. But from the closed blinds he saw lots of trees. Which doesn't mean much, but it does help narrow it down to somewhere the Preserve borders the town.

Since he has the name it shouldn't be a problem anyway, he just can't search for it now. He can wait the 30 minutes left until class ends. He finished his test after 20 minutes. He would have been done sooner but he checked his answers a few times over. Better safe than sorry.


He isn't able to pay a visit to the LTCF, Long Term Care Facility, for now. If Jennifer is the alpha she would have his scent and might try something if he goes there. Right now he has the upper hand if she is the alpha. And even if she isn't, he doesn't want to let her know he is onto her. She might be some other kind of monster hiding in plain sight.

He needs a plan and storming straight there won't do him any good. So he goes through lacrosse practice as usual and prepares himself for tomorrows game. He can't help but be excited his mom is going to watch him. And Gwen will be there so he won't need to worry about anything happening to the 2 of them while he's at practice.

Nothing spectacular really happened Friday besides that vision.


Saturday morning:

Myrddin wakes up and stretches in his room. He's wearing his shorts but no shirt. He rolls around too much in his sleep and it ends up constricting him and waking him up to fix it throughout the night. So it's easier just to take it off.

After he stretches he takes his morning shower and thinks about what he's going to do after the game. Specifically tomorrow. He doesn't have homework so he might try to learn some protection magic or something that can help defend his family and house from the various monsters that may or may not exist. Can he do it?


The better questions is: WHEN can he do it?

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Someone knocks on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?!" Myrddin calls out while turning the water off so he can hear them.

"Good morning Myr, breakfast is ready. Gotta make sure you have plenty of energy for your game tonight. How are you feeling?" Ada says from behind the door.

"Thank you, but do you think we can talk when I come down for breakfast?" Myrddin is glad he locked the door. He doubts his mom would just walk in, but who knows. She always says 'it's nothing I haven't seen before. I changed your diapers and gave you baths when you were younger'

"Alrighty~! And you can try to explain the rules to me after you're done eating as well~" Ada says before walking away.

Myrddin turns the water on and rests his forehead against the wall. Explaining sports to his mom is like teaching rocket science to biologists. She will eventually get it. But it's not in her field to know anything about it.

Finishing the shower he gets dressed and goes to the dining room for breakfast. It's a bunch of healthy foods that he's fairly certain she researched would help him stay energized for the day.

"Gwen already ate and went back to her room. So it's just us for breakfast" Ada says while sitting down.

Myrddin sits across from her.

"What? Don't want to sit next to your mom?" Ada pouts while moving some of the plates of food between them.

"If we were going to eat and talk I figured this would be best" Myrddin says while moving some food to his plate.

Ada pokes her eggs with her fork. "At least Gwen will be forced to sit next to me during the game… and Lydia too" She adds in while gauging Myrddin's reaction from the corner of her eyes.

Murddin grabs his glass of whatever green liquid his mom has blended into a smoothie. "You're taking Lydia to the game as well?"

"May~be" She says, neither confirming nor denying. "And this Allison girl too"

"What are you trying to get at?" Myrddin can tell his mom is plotting something.

Ada pokes the yoke of her egg. "Nothing, just wondering if any of them will be my future daughter-in-law"

Myrddin drinks the liquid and isn't sure how he feels about the taste. It's not great and the texture is weird. But it's strangely not bad either. He sets the glass down and looks at his mom. "They're both friends, nothing more"

Ada raises her eyebrows. "What about Erica?"

Myrddin looks into his mom's eyes. "And how do you know about her?"

Ada smirks. "I have my ways" She thinks of her spy in the school, her daughter. "I hear that all three girls often watch your practice. Still going to try and keep your secrets Myr?"

"Mom. I'm not dating anyone. Not saying I won't in the future, but right now I'm not looking for a relationship" Myrddin begins eating, as he tries to end the conversation.

"You know, your father wasn't looking for a relationship either. But when we met-" Ada begins explaining.

"I know. You've told me and Gwen the story of how you two met hundreds of times. And dad told us the story like it was a fairy tale when we were growing up too. If I start dating I'll tell you right away, deal?" Myrddin doesn't want the 30 minute detailed explanation of his parent's meeting. 30 minutes if it's the short version.

"Deal!" Ada says, happy at this turn of events. She knows Myrddin won't lie to her and she trusts his word. With how much her son studies she worries that he isn't developing relationships with any kids his age. She plans on doing some snooping when she picks up Lydia and Allison.

The mother and son finish eating and they begin talking about lacrosse.

Ada is still surprised that Myrddin is wanting to play a sport and is actually the best player on the team. She isn't sure if Gwen was embellishing or not, but considering that Gwen and Myrddin weren't seeing eye to eye when Gwen told Ada about Myrddin being the best, Ada is fairly certain that Gwen wasn't stretching any truths. But then again, there was that possibility. But over these 2 weeks she's only been given evidence by the other moms that she knows.

She even plans on meeting up with Melissa, Scott's mom, as well. Both their son's are playing 'first line' this year so they plan to watch the game together.

"So why is the game starting after it gets dark? I thought the whole reason it starts late is because the other school needs time to get here? But it's Saturday?" Ada asks like Myrddin should know all the answers. Because he usually does.

Myrddin leans back in his chair. "I have no idea. Maybe it's for the atmosphere. The field will be completely lit up though. Tons of lights so you should be able to see everything fine"

Ada taps the table. "I'm not worried about me not seeing you. I'm worried about your father not being able to see you. Recording the game might be a little weird…"

"The field will be in the light. So the recording should be fine mom. And are you really going to be recording me?" Myrddin expected pictures and some recordings, but his mom sounds like she's planning of filming the entire thing.

"Well yeah! If I FaceTime Sebas he won't be able to see much. But if I record it we will be able to rewatch it as many times as we want" Ada can already picture herself in Sebastian's arms when they old and their hair is grey, watching Gwen's and Myrddin's baby videos and this first sport that Myrddin will be playing in, and of course the wedding videos. Her beautiful daughter walking down the isle, just like she did. And watching as Myrddin, her baby boy, marries the love of his life just as Sebastian did. She can think about it all day.

2,899 words

Coming up with titles for these chapters are hard by the way.

Thanks for reading. Next chapter should be interesting!

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts