
Chapter 51: Freyja

"Gwen how is Freyja?!" asked Severus looking worried as he saw that Freyja was still fainted.

While Sasaki quickly went to Freyja's side to use her own healing magic even though it wouldn't make any difference from what Gwen was already doing.

"She is stable, the external wounds have healed, it only remains to see if she suffered any internal injuries that I have not been able to find, for that we must get her to a doctor urgently."

Severus nodded along with Hermione.

'Damn, if I just...' Severus started to blame himself but Hermione interrupted him.

"Severus, we need to leave the building and go to the castle medical room to get Freyja seen," Hermione told him putting her hand on his shoulder and glaring at him knowing that if he didn't do this he would be capable of starting to blame himself and what they all needed now was to be focused on the situation they were in.

'She's right, now is not the time to think other things' Severus decided not to think negatively for now and focus on the current situation.

"Alright, Sasaki, Gwen, you guys focus on Freyja in case of any unconsciousness in her health, Hermione and Ethan behind in case of attacks, I'll go in front," Severus said quickly earning a silent nod from the whole group.

Once the whole group was ready to leave, Severus decided to do one last thing first.

"Incendio" Severus suddenly cast, causing the entire group to hear a loud explosive bang, and an orange-colored light spilled over all of the Death Eaters' bodies.

The bodies of the Death Eaters killed by Severus and Sasaki were in flames and before long there was nothing left but ashes.

The group looked at Severus with confusion.

"I prefer to avoid letting it be known that we used dark magic to kill, it could bring us a lot of trouble if it gets out even though it was in self-defense" Severus explained calmly to the group.

Despite everyone in the group having their doubts and discomfort with the situation, none of them reproached him.

It was known that MACUSA was not as closed-minded as the British Ministry, but the use of dark magic was still forbidden in both Europe and America, no matter what the situation was.

After this, the 6 of them quickly headed for the exit of the building, with Severus leading, Gwen and Sasaki checking on Freyja's health, and Hermione and Ethan protecting the rear of the group.

As the group approached the exit, they could all see and hear that the conflict with the wizards in black was still going on, but they were in no position to go help anyone.

Besides, they also knew that in their case the situation would not be any different, since if it wasn't for Sasaki and Severus who ended up killing the wizards in black, they probably would have died if other wizards didn't arrive to help them.

As the group was approaching the exit of the building, Severus heard footsteps on the other side.

Severus stopped suddenly before passing through the exit of the complex and the group followed suit.

"Prince, what's wrong?" asked Gwen who was behind him guarding Freyja.

"Gwen Sasaki, focus on Freyja. Hermione, Ethan be aware, there are approximately 5 wizards behind the exit and their magic level is higher than ours" Severus whispered to them and instantly the group nodded and backed away surrounding Gwen and Sasaki as a defense.

The entire group prepared their wands for confrontation.

"Wait, I can feel a group of wizards on the other side of the door, they seem to be young because of their magic" one of the wizards was audible.

'Damn, they spotted us, they are very careful, it won't be easy to face them' Severus complained knowing that they could no longer ambush the group of 5 wizards he had sensed approaching.

"You'd better give yourselves up right now and you won't suffer unnecessary damage!" shouted one of the wizards.

As Severus was about to respond with a quick offensive spell that would give them the slightest advantage, Ethan stopped him.

"Professor Moore?!" asked Ethan suddenly.

This seemed to get the attention of the group of wizards.

"This... Ethan?, are you, Háísh éi God Beʼenaʼí?" he was heard to ask the same wizard as before, first in English and then in some strange language that Severus' group did not understand, except for Ethan.

"Yes professor, we are not enemies, we were able to escape from them, but several are still in combat, we have an injured friend, she needs urgent treatment," Ethan said quickly.

"Ok son, I understand, but please come by yourself to this side so you can explain the whole situation to us, it will only take a few moments," said the magician to Ethan.

After saying that, Ethan confirmed to Severus and the others that everything would be fine and left the building to meet the wizards.

After Ethan came out and explained the situation to the teachers outside, they finally let Severus and his group leave without any problems.

They apologized for being so cautious but explained that it was necessary and that they did not want to take any risks.

Neither Severus nor anyone else in the group bothered to reproach them.

The group wasted no time in talking to the professors and quickly headed straight to the castle to find the medical room, while one of the 5 professors offered to accompany them in case they encountered dark wizards on the way.

The other 4 professors entered the building to support the judges and adult wizards who had stayed behind while they led the civilians and students into the castle.

Moments later, Severus and the others arrived at Ilvermory Castle, while the professor who was escorting them told them how to get to the medical room and then took his leave to return to the building where they were still facing the dark wizards.

The group quickly took Freyja to the medical room without even taking a good look around the castle, their main concern was the health of their friend.

When they arrived they saw a large number of wounded in the room, but luckily they were taken care of quickly enough.

The doctor in charge took Freyja to a separate room for a complete examination and to check her health in private.

Although Sasaki and Gwen insisted on accompanying her, the doctor refused to let them in, so everyone had to wait outside to be told the results of the medical check-up.

After that, there was an awkward silence as they waited for the results.

Everyone had their own thoughts about the situation.

'I got overconfident, I was so sure that Voldemort wouldn't do anything that I completely forgot that his followers are bloody lunatics, damn it, even Hermione warned me that this could happen but I was completely blind, how incredulous I was, if something were to happen to Freyja because of me, I . ..me' Severus shook his head, he knew it was better not to think about it and wait until Freyja was well, if not, then he would see what he would do, but he knew that now hatred would not take him anywhere, he already went through that.

But Sasaki didn't think like Severus, he had dealt with the dark arts for a long time but he had never felt so angry in his life, not even when he was expelled from the Mahoutokoro School of Magic for practicing the dark arts, this was the first time he felt so angry.

'I'm going to kill them, yes... I'm going to finish them all, they don't deserve to live, neither them nor that Voldemort, all those bastards who hurt Freyja deserve to die' Sasaki kept repeating to himself over and over again as he remained silent and let the darkness and hatred consume him little by little.

'What the hell was that, since when did Grimprince and Sasaki know so much about the dark arts, fuck, they used dark magic to kill other mages in cold blood...TCH...I have to calm down, I can't let this get to me, if it wasn't for them we all would have died' Ethan started a debate with himself.

Hermione on the other hand, just looked at Severus worriedly, thinking that he could blame himself for all this and come to hate himself and the others, letting himself be consumed by the darkness as he did in the memories she saw of Professor Snape, she didn't want that to happen, she swore that she would prevent it from happening again, but now she couldn't do anything to prevent it from happening and that made her angry.

' It seems that Prince still has a lot of mysteries, although I can't blame him for what he did, but he did surprise me, well... don't lie to yourself Gwen, I know I got scared for a moment, but if it was him, I would have done the same' thought Gwen while she looked at Severus.

While the five of them thought about the situation and waited in uncomfortable silence to be told about Freyja's condition, it was Gwen who broke the silence after a few minutes.

"So..., where did you two learn all that dark magic?" Gwen asked quietly and calmly being the first to speak after they left Freyja with the medic.

"That!, How ... and ... and ... Why do you know all that dark magic is the question, are you dark wizards or what?" said Ethan anxiously.

"Shhhh you idiot, you want everyone in the school to hear you" Gwen reprimanded him, smacking him upside the head.

While Hermione and Severus watched them in silence.

Sasaki, on the other hand, paid no attention to the group, he seemed to be thinking only about Freyja's health and his revenge, he was staring gloomily at the room where she was, you could tell he was extremely nervous, worried, and full of anger about the situation.

Without a doubt, he was the one who handled the current situation the worst, even worse than Severus.

Because even though Severus and Gwen were just as worried as he was, they both knew and understood that for now, all that was left was to hope for the best for their friend.

"Okay, forgive me, but I still get chills just remembering that image of the two of you killing those dark wizards like it was nothing," Ethan whispered.

Severus sighed, while everyone looked at him waiting for his answer, even Hermione wanted to know what he would say.

After all, it is evident that Sasaki was in no condition to speak, so only Severus was left.

"I don't know what Sasaki's situation might be, but in my case, I learned on my own from various books that I borrowed from my fellow Slytherin, and no, I am not a dark wizard, but neither do I consider that the dark arts make you a dark wizard" Severus answered calmly, despite his clear anger with himself and the nervousness he had about Freyja's health.

"Well... what can I tell you, I always seem to learn new things from you, Prince, at least this way I won't get bored" sighed Gwen a little more relaxed to then give him a smile, but despite that, just like Severus, it was obvious the concern she felt for her friend's health.

"Eh, come on blondie, that's all you have to say, for goodness sake, they killed other wizards without even blinking and Grimprince later just burned them like it was nothing" reproached Ethan, making Gwen hit him in the head again for raising his voice higher than necessary.

"Ethan, those wizards weren't just trying to kill us, they had already killed many innocents, if Severus and Sasaki hadn't done that do you think we would still be alive?" argued Gwen calmly, saying Ethan's name right for the first time.

Hermione looked at her a little surprised, she didn't expect Gwen to accept the situation so easily, she thought that Gwen would react like Ethan, that's why she was surprised to see her acting so calm.

'It seems that having an Auror father made it easier for her to process the situation' Hermione analyzed.

"But..." Ethan was at a loss for what to answer her because it was the truth, he knew that if it wasn't for the sudden anger of the two of them, it was likely that everyone in their group would have died, but he still had a hard time swallowing the idea of cold-bloodedly killing other wizards.

"Say no more Sparky, no need for them to explain themselves further, on my own I thank them both, I don't know about you, but I appreciate living," Gwen said, as Ethan fell silent and looked thoughtfully at Severus and Sasaki, as if he still couldn't decide if what they did was right or wrong, he still had a hard time processing the use of the dark arts, as it was something forbidden and sinister.

"There is nothing to be thankful for Gwen, besides I understand it was a revealing moment for all of you, but I hope we at least keep what happened between us," Severus said calmly.

"Oh come on Prince, as if any of us are going to say anything, it would only get us all in trouble, even Sparky isn't stupid enough to do that," said Gwen reassuringly.

"Look blondie, I admit I may be overreacting, but it's not every day you see two of your friends using dark magic and killing wizards, I just need to process everything" Ethan complained, not being able to get that image out of his head yet, but at least he was at ease knowing that at least Severus wasn't a psychopath killing civilians like those dark wizards they faced, it was all in self-defense, their biggest problem was the dark arts they used.

Severus only smiled slightly at the sight of them discussing as usual, but he was still thinking about Freyja's health and how stupid he was to be so trusting.

After a while, the three of them looked at Hermione who was the only one who didn't speak at any point in the conversation.
