
Attorney An Xiulan

"Aish, " An Xiulan made a bad face. "I am a criminal lawyer. I know the penalty for the offence of stalking." 

"I can't understand why you were hiding behind the curtain, " Meimei muttered. "I came to clean your room but it's already clean." 

"That's because I hate my messy bedroom, " An Xiulan said. "If you have a housemate like mine, you will grow to hate messy houses too." 

Jiang Yao was an amazing cook but she was a messy housekeeper. Since she had to make almost one to two videos a day for content for social media, the house was always messy. Clothes, make-up, shoes etc would be kept in the living room for days. 

 "Missy, it seems someone has come to live in the house next door, "Meimei added as she saw a jeep parked outside the house. They didn't know in which house people came to stay. There were several villas in the neighbourhood where nobody stayed. 
