
Chapter 12: More confusion [Pt.2]

Haruame didn't react for a while, When he did finally snap out of his daze, He and Masaomi were already in his room. The door had been closed and he was sitting on his bed next to Masaomi. 

Haruame glanced around his room, wondering how he got into his room when he didn't remember walking into it. Masaomi noticed his confusion and began chuckling, " You were in a daze in the hallway so I brought you back to your room " He told Haruame, who simply nodded his head. 

" Thanks. Sorry for spacing out when we were talking " Haruame apologized, bowing his head slightly, letting his eyes rest on his lap. Masaomi rested his hand on Haruame's shoulder, " It's alright. You have a lot on your mind, I understand. If you want to talk then I'm always here for you. " Masaomi smiled as he ruffled Haruame's hair. 

Haruame let slip a small smile, leaning into Masaomi's touch, " Thank you, Masaomi. I really appreciate it . . . . Um  . . . I guess there is one thing that I would like to talk about. 

Its a bit of a sensitive topic for me but I might feel better if I talk to someone " Haruame hesitantly said, bringing his knees up to his chest. 

" Hm? Sure, You can tell me anything. I'll listen, I won't judge you or anything. I promise " Masaomi smiled as reassuringly patted Haruame on the back. He was glad that Haruame trusted him enough to talk to him about his problems. It made him feel butterflies in his stomach as he waited for Haruame to start speaking. 

" I trust you, I know you wouldn't judge me. Thank, Masaomi " Haruame smiled brightly, slightly looking up at Masaomi from his knees. Masaomi nearly had a heartache for him words, He calmed himself down and nodded his head with his smile. 

" So um  . . .  About 2 years ago, Me and my (ex)boyfriend were having a date at the mall. We used the elevator to get to the second floor . . . .  um . . .  He suddenly said that he wanted to break up with me. He wouldn't tell me why, He was too busy looking at his phone. I've always had um . .  Severe anxiety but he had gotten a tad bit better over the years . . . but all the therapy and treatment just went down the drain in the moment. I felt the elevator walls closing in on me and I felt like the air was slowly decreasing, I started struggling to breath but my (ex)boyfriend didn't even notice. I felt like I was in that elevator for ages before we finally got off. I quickly separated from my (ex)boyfriend and called my father. I told him what happened and he came to pick me up. I've been traumatized by elevators ever since then. I don't like riding them alone because it's much worse than if I was with someone.  However, I always seem to forget that this building doesn't have any stairs and That I have to use the elevator. S-sorry for the rant, It feels good to get this off my chest actually " Haruame explained before sighing in satisfaction. He lowered his gaze down to his lap, squeezing his eyes shut and clenching his hands into fists on his legs. He waited and Waited and Waited until he felt arms wrap around his shoulders and pull him into a tight hug, almost suffocating him. Haruame froze for more than a second before his mind caught up, He felt tears prickle his eyes and his nose start stinging as Masaomi began speaking. 

" Thats horrible, Haruame. No mother should treat their child like that, Girl or boy. Your ex-boyfriend was even worse. Nobody deserves too be broken up like that, YOU don't deserve to be dumped like that. I'm sorry that we didn't meet sooner, I'm sorry that you didn't have anyone there with you back then. But we're here now, We all care for you. We'll be here for you no matter what. You won't have to suffer like that ever again " Masaomi whispered to Haruame, stroking his back slowly and gently. 

Haruame felt like there was lump in his throat, He couldn't speak. Tears began streaming down his cheeks as he let out low sobs, He held on tightly to Masaomi, who didn't let go of him. Masaomi continued to stroke Haruame's back and head, comforting him as he cried on his shoulder. 

Masaomi was whispering sweet nothing to Haruame, trying to call him down: " It's alright, Haruame. It's okay to cry, it's good to get it out. I'm here for you. You're fine now " 

The two stayed like that for a while, feeling comfortable in the room that was only filled with low sobs and low whispers. 

[A/N: Sorry for not updating in a few days. I've been feeling just unmotivated and Have recently got hooked on a decorating game. Anyway, Which couple do you all ship more?

Haruame X Hikaru

Haruame X Masaomi

Haruame X Louis

Please tell me, The one with the most votes will (Probably) be the canon ship. Well Enjoy]
