
Something Unknown

Caspian waited for Anastasia to speak further words but she seemed to be stuck. So he gave a questioning glance and asked, “Yes? You were saying something?”

“I…” Anastasia tried to say it again. But she was feeling so nervous that the words refused to come out of her mouth.

She took a deep breath in and instead of saying what she really wanted to say, she asked, “Can you show me around the capital? I don’t even know what Sorvando’s capital really looks like.”

“That’s it?” Caspian didn’t think that that was what she really wanted to ask.

However, Anastasia nodded her head and further said, “I want to see what the streets and buildings of the vampire kingdom's capital look like.”

“I might be biased when I say this, but our capital looks superior to others.” Caspian gazed at Anastasia and said in a whisper, “It will especially look beautiful when you observe it from the sky during the night. Shall we fly around the capital tomorrow night?”
