
[Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 124: Cards on the table

# Karakura Honchō - Karakura General Hospital #

Night had fallen, and the sound of rain echoed through every corner of the hospital. The dim lighting of the corridors and the occasional flicker of fluorescent lights added a sense of unease to the otherwise sterile environment.

Ichigo, Sado, Orihime, and Urahara were gathered near the stairwell on the first floor. The normally bustling hospital was quieter than usual, the only noise being the persistent patter of rain against the windows. With them were the mod-souls Kon, Ririn, Kurōdo, and Noba in their plush toy forms.

"When are they going to get here, huh?" Ichigo asked impatiently, his brow furrowed and arms crossed over his chest.

After Urahara had informed Inoue that Uryū was in the hospital, she had sent a message to everyone, urging them to gather to ensure their friend's well-being. However, Yato, Rukia, and Tatsuki seemed to have missed the message until just a few minutes ago.

"Tatsuki-chan saw my message just a little while ago," Inoue commented, her voice tinged with a hint of worry. "I don't think it'll take them long to get here."

About ten minutes later, the trio of Yato, Rukia, and Tatsuki finally entered the hospital, making their way towards their waiting friends. The hospital's fluorescent lights flickered slightly, casting an unsteady glow on their faces.

"Did we take long?" Yato asked casually, attempting to ease the tension in the air with a light-hearted smile.

"Quite a bit. Were you stuck at work, Yato?" Ichigo's tone was stern, his arms still crossed as he addressed his friend.

"Not really. I was just... doing other things and got distracted," Yato replied nonchalantly, though Orihime noticed a strange look in the eyes of the three who had just arrived.

Tatsuki appeared to be fine, but Inoue sensed an underlying worry in her friend's demeanor. There was a slight tension in Tatsuki's posture, a tightness in her expression that hinted at unspoken concerns.

Inoue's eyes then shifted to Yato, who seemed unusually fatigued. Dark circles under his eyes and a weary slump in his shoulders betrayed a deeper exhaustion. Orihime's keen eyes also caught the concerned glances Rukia kept throwing in his direction. Rukia's usual composed expression was tinged with an unspoken worry, her eyes flickering to Yato frequently, as if checking on his state.

"Is everything alright?" Orihime asked gently, stepping closer to her friends. "You all seem a bit... off."

Yato sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's been a rough day. But we're here now. Let's focus on Ishida."

Rukia nodded in agreement, though her eyes betrayed a depth of concern she wasn't voicing. "We should go see him."

Ichigo uncrossed his arms, his expression softening slightly. "Yeah, let's go. We've kept him waiting long enough."

After confirming which room Ishida was in, the group headed to the elevators, which took them to the upper floors of the hospital, eventually reaching a private room. The journey felt tense, each floor they ascended adding to the weight of their concerns. The sterile environment of the hospital, with its antiseptic smell and quiet corridors, only heightened their anxiety.

Ichigo didn't waste any time once they reached the door. He pushed it open with a swift, forceful motion. 'Ishida!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing down the hallway.

Inside, they found Uryū Ishida sitting up in a hospital bed, his usual composed demeanor slightly marred by the bandages wrapped around his forehead and arms. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow from the overhead lights casting gentle shadows on the walls.

"Your voice echoes, so I'd appreciate it if you entered quietly next time," Ishida said, a small, tired smile playing on his lips as he waved at the group.

"You're okay," Rukia said, relief washing over her face as she returned his smile.

"Thank goodness," Orihime added, placing a hand over her chest as if to calm her racing heart.

"If you scare us like that again, I'm going to have to punch you," Tatsuki joked, her grin belying the seriousness of her words. She suddenly stopped and turned to face Yato, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "This reminds me that I owe you a beating too." she declared with mock severity, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Yato sighed deeply, rolling his eyes in exaggerated exasperation as he halted beside her. "Give me a break..." he muttered, though the corners of his mouth twitched upwards, betraying his enjoyment of the banter.

The room's atmosphere lightened for a moment, a collective exhale of tension. But Ichigo, always the impatient one, took a few steps closer to Ishida, his brow furrowed with concern. "Can you talk?"

"Yes." Uryū replied, adjusting his glasses with his uninjured hand.

"What exactly happened?" Ichigo asked, his voice a mix of worry and demand.

Ishida was silent for a few moments, his gaze shifting from one friend to another. The weight of his thoughts seemed to hang in the air, heavy and foreboding. Finally, he began to speak. "I heard a terrible story about the Bounts. It was Yoshino-san herself who decided to tell me…"

The room grew even quieter, the only sound the soft beeping of the heart monitor by Ishida's bedside and the distant patter of rain against the window. Ishida's eyes had a distant look, as if replaying the events in his mind.


After being taken by the Bount Yoshino Sōma, Uryū Ishida found himself staring out the window of a small, sparsely furnished room. The room's simplicity contrasted with the ornate building's opulence, indicating it was a place meant for privacy and reflection rather than comfort.

The day was still sunny, and the light streamed through the window, casting long shadows on the wooden floor. Ishida observed the bustling streets of Karakura Town below, recognizing familiar shops and faces. The realization that he was still in his hometown brought him a small measure of relief.

Suddenly, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, pulling Ishida from his thoughts. He turned to see Yoshino entering the room, carrying two steaming mugs.

"You're still wary of me, aren't you?" Yoshino said, her voice gentle as she extended one of the mugs towards him. Her appearance was striking, with long, dark brown hair cascading down her back and a calm, almost melancholic expression on her face. She moved with an ethereal grace, her presence both calming and unsettling.

"That's natural, given you are a target of the Bounts..." she added, her eyes meeting his with a mix of understanding and sadness.

"That doesn't explain why you haven't tried anything against me," Ishida responded, accepting the mug with a cautious hand. His sharp eyes studied her, trying to decipher her intentions. The warmth of the mug seeped into his fingers, a stark contrast to the cold tension in the room.

"I could say it's because you seemed to have lonely eyes," she replied softly, taking a sip of her own coffee. Her gaze drifted to the window, lost in thought.

Ishida was taken aback by her words. He had always been a solitary figure, often preferring the quiet company of his thoughts to the chaos of social interactions. Yet, hearing it from Yoshino, a supposed enemy, felt strangely disarming.

"You say this out of pity for me?" the Quincy asked, his voice edged with skepticism. "You don't seem like someone who is sentimental."

"I once was," Yoshino replied, her gaze still fixed on the world beyond the window. "There was a time when I had beautiful dreams…" She paused, her voice tinged with a wistful sadness. "But those feelings numbed under the anesthetizing effect of time."

Ishida studied her, noting the faraway look in her eyes. "Is that how you've lived all these years? Watching the city from a distance, never involving yourself with anyone, always alone?"

"There's a strange detachment from reality when I watch these people living their lives from here," she remarked, her expression calm yet distant. "I don't feel lonely."

"Have you ever tried living among people?" Ishida probed, curious.

"There was a time I did." She closed her eyes, as if recalling something painful. "Long, long ago. Perhaps it was that long stretch of time that planted lofty dreams and foolish ambitions in us, the Bounts. All because of time…"

The sun continued to shine brightly outside, casting a golden hue over the streets of Karakura Town. The vibrant energy of the city was a stark contrast to the somber conversation unfolding in the small room.

"I find it strange," Ishida commented, placing his coffee cup down on the table. "You seem to hate the passage of time, yet you live close to a clock. Are you still waiting for something?" He pondered aloud. "What you truly desire isn't to observe time passing, but to live normally, isn't it?"

Yoshino turned to the Quincy with a soft, melancholic smile. "If it were possible, I would like to die a normal death." Her correction surprised Ishida. "When one possesses eternal life, they feel capable of anything," she continued, the smile lingering. "One starts to think they are a god. A foolish notion, don't you think?"

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of her words hanging heavily in the air. Yoshino returned her gaze to the window, the golden light outside casting a halo around her figure.

"Looking down at humans from up here," she said suddenly, "I think about how we have lived for centuries. Humans are so limited compared to us... but, you know, that limitation is what makes them strive so hard within their few decades. And that is why they are happy."

The young Quincy remained silent, absorbing her words, sensing that she had more to say. His patience was rewarded when Yoshino continued.

"A long time ago, when I was still a child," she began, her voice tinged with nostalgia, "I remember feeling different from a normal person. Since then, I have kept this fact a secret. I did everything I could to ensure my friends didn't notice my discomfort." She spoke with a deep sadness. "But then I realized it was impossible for them not to notice. After all, time passed normally for everyone around me."

As she spoke, her eyes seemed to reflect the myriad of memories and emotions that had accumulated over her long life. The weight of centuries was evident in her demeanor, a blend of grace and sorrow that Ishida found profoundly moving.

"I remember watching my friends grow older," Yoshino continued, her voice almost a whisper. "They would celebrate birthdays, fall in love, get married, have children… and all the while, I stayed the same. It was as if I was trapped in a moment, while they moved forward, living their lives to the fullest."

The Bount sighed deeply, her eyes reflecting a thousand sorrows.

"I had grown weary of living," she confessed. "Day after day, all I could think about were ways to end my own life… and just when I had finally decided to end it all, he appeared…"

"Kariya?" Ishida guessed, his voice soft but curious.

Yoshino nodded slightly before continuing. "He told me to come with him, to live with him… that there were reasons for us Bounts to live…" She smiled, a wistful, almost nostalgic smile. "Once, he told me that the love of a Bount is deep, enduring, and limitless, lasting for all eternity… and for a long time, I believed him. But as the years passed, I realized that the word 'eternity' holds meaning only for humans with limited lifespans. For us Bounts, it is a hollow concept."

Ishida adjusted his glasses, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush at the sudden turn towards the subject of love. "So, you're saying your love for Kariya has ended?"

"It's possible there was never any love to begin with. The glimmer of hope he presented was nothing but an illusion… a facade to hide his dark ambitions." Her voice was heavy with regret. "Kariya gathered the few remaining Bounts and is likely trying to go to Hueco Mundo to somehow gain unlimited power… at least, that's what I believe… That's why I brought you here," her voice wavered with a mix of desperation and resolve, "to stop Kariya!"

"Then… you still love him?" Ishida noticed a flicker of pain in her eyes.

"Stop." She clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white. "I cannot forgive him. To remain human, at least a little, I can never forgive him for losing his human heart."

"What do you mean?" Ishida's brows furrowed, his curiosity piqued.

"He took the soul of a living person… with the same mouth that said he loved me…" She turned her gaze back to the window, her eyes distant and haunted.

Yoshino's voice grew softer, almost a whisper. "I remember the day he came to me, his eyes filled with a fervor that both terrified and enthralled me. He spoke of a new dawn for the Bounts, a future where we would no longer have to hide in the shadows. I wanted to believe him, to share in his vision. But as time went on, his actions became more ruthless, his ambition overshadowing the tender moments we once shared. A long time ago, we Bounts had an absolute rule," Yoshino paused, her voice growing somber, "which was to never absorb the soul of a living person… Do you know why?"

"No," Ishida replied, his curiosity piqued.

"Because if we did, we would gain immense energy… strong enough to affect the fabric of space itself," Yoshino explained.

Those words made Ishida realize what Jin Kariya intended to do.


Back in the hospital room, Ishida's recounting of the conversation with Yoshino left his friends in a thoughtful silence.

"She didn't know why Kariya needed a Quincy, and when I asked why she was also absorbing the souls of living people, she said she didn't intend to kill them but to gradually strengthen herself to fight Kariya…" the Quincy recounted. "After that, she waited for my injuries to heal and brought me here…"

"Strange… why specifically a Quincy?" Urahara mused, deep in thought.

"In any case, if these Bounts are really coming after Ishida, then we should keep an eye on him for the time being," Ichigo asserted, his tone resolute.

"Don't worry, Ishida. We've got your back," Rukia said, trying to instill confidence.

Ishida nodded gratefully, and as everyone was about to leave the room, he spoke up. "Wait… I'd like to talk to you, Yasakani."

Yato looked at Ishida, a flicker of curiosity crossing his face. The rest of the group paused, glancing between the two of them, except for Urahara, who mentioned he needed to return to his shop.

"It's private…" the Quincy added, looking directly at Yato.

The others exchanged glances, then nodded and left the room, leaving Yato and Ishida alone. Yato approached the bed, his expression a mix of confusion and concern.

"Did something happen?" Yato asked, his voice low.

Ishida seemed to hesitate, as if weighing the importance of what he was about to say. It was clear he was struggling with the decision to voice his thoughts, fearing the potential implications.

"Yasakani… I'd like to ask you something," the Quincy began, hesitating once more.

Yato stood there, waiting patiently, sensing the gravity of Ishida's unspoken words.

Finally, Ishida looked at Yato with an expression that conveyed both worry and a glimmer of hope. "Yasakani… are you also a Quincy?"

Under normal circumstances, Yato would have managed to hide his reaction and feign ignorance, but the ongoing events had left him so tired and stressed that he involuntarily widened his eyes for a brief moment. It was enough for Ishida to get his confirmation.

Yato sighed, his shoulders dropping slightly as he sat down on the chair next to the bed. "Yeah."

Ishida let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, a mix of relief and concern crossing his features. "Why didn't you say anything before?"

"I… had my reasons," Yato said, struggling to find a convincing excuse. "The truth is, I didn't even know myself until you showed up, shooting arrows at Hollows to provoke Ichigo." He tried to infuse his voice with a playful tone, hoping to mask his discomfort.

"But you've never shown any Quincy abilities before…" Uryū observed, skepticism etched on his face.

"It's because I really don't know how to use those abilities yet," Yato replied vaguely, knowing that Ishida wouldn't easily buy his story. He racked his brain for a plausible explanation. "I discovered it by… accident… when we were still in the Soul Society." He continued with a lighthearted tone, attempting to deflect the seriousness of the revelation. "And besides, you must have noticed I'm not… purely Quincy, so I wasn't sure how the others would react to that."

"Fair enough." Ishida said.

The room felt charged with unspoken tension as Ishida processed Yato's words. The steady beeping of the heart monitor seemed louder in the silence, and the rain continued its rhythmic tapping against the window, creating a melancholic backdrop.

Uryū looked at his colleague in silence, understanding well what Yato meant by not being purely Quincy. His sharp mind raced through the various incidents that had puzzled him about Yato's abilities.

When Uryū first met Yato, the bizarre fact that he couldn't sense Yato's Reiatsu had thrown him off. He had initially assumed that Yato's powers, like those of Sado, Inoue, and Tatsuki, had a unique origin, separate from the established categories of spiritual power. But things had taken a turn when, during their mission to rescue Rukia in the Soul Society, Yato had suddenly manifested Shinigami abilities.

More recently, during the conflict with Baishin, a strange Hollow had fused with Yato, yet Yato had emerged seemingly unaffected. These events had made Uryū question the nature of Yato's soul and powers.

If Yato had been a Quincy all along, Uryū couldn't help but feel a deep concern for how disordered Yato's soul must be. However, beneath that concern, there was a sliver of relief. It wasn't that Uryū harbored any ill will toward Yato, but his Quincy pride and solitary nature made him value his unique identity. The discovery that Yato was not fully Quincy, that his identity was more complex and fragmented, allowed Uryū to maintain his sense of singularity.

Yato's heart raced as he processed Ishida's revelation. The dim hospital room seemed to close in on him, the rain outside now a distant murmur against the tension hanging in the air.

"How did you discover this about me?" Yato asked, his voice tinged with worry. It seemed the harder he tried to conceal his secrets, the more they unraveled before him.

"Yoshino told me," Ishida replied. "She didn't say it was you specifically, but she mentioned that Bounts can sense the scent of Reiatsus, no matter how imperceptible they are." Ishida explained, his voice calm but firm. "And she mentioned that one of the Quincys had a Reiatsu mixed with other types of powers. You're the only one I've seen demonstrate such a variety of abilities, so I just connected the dots." Ishida chose to withhold some other details Yoshino had shared, not wanting to overwhelm Yato further.

Yato's expression shifted from worry to a mix of resignation and curiosity. He turned his gaze to the window, watching the rain streak down the glass, as if seeking answers in its relentless fall.

"Well... thanks for not telling the others," Yato said quietly, a hint of relief in his voice. He stood up, ready to leave the room.

Ishida nodded, his expression serious yet understanding. "It's not my secret to tell."

With a grateful nod, Yato turned and walked towards the door. The soft click of the door opening seemed louder in the silent room. As he stepped into the dimly lit hallway, his eyes widened in surprise. Rukia stood just outside the door, her arms crossed, an unreadable expression on her face. She had clearly been waiting there for some time, and Yato realized she had probably overheard everything.

He froze, his eyes darting in every direction except towards her. His shoulders were tense, and there was a visible weariness in his posture. His dark hair was slightly disheveled, and the circles under his eyes spoke of many sleepless nights.

Rukia didn't need to look into his eyes to sense the turmoil within him. She could see the signs of anxiety, embarrassment, and fear etched across his features. He looked like a man on the verge of a breakdown, and it pained her to see him this way.

The corridor was eerily quiet, the only sound the distant murmur of hospital activity and the steady rhythm of the rain outside. The fluorescent lights above flickered slightly, casting intermittent shadows on the walls and floor.

"Rukia…" Yato began, but he was at a loss for words.

Rukia's eyes were sharp, piercing into his with an intensity that made Yato uncomfortable. "How long have you been standing there?" he finally managed to ask, his voice more defensive than he intended.

"Long enough." Rukia replied, her tone neutral but firm.

Rukia Kuchiki stood just outside the door, her petite frame leaning against the wall. The stoic shinigami was not one to eavesdrop or meddle in serious matters without cause, but Yato's recent behavior had her worried. She had decided to wait for Yato to finish his conversation with Ishida, intending to accompany him when he left the room. However, despite her best intentions, she had inevitably overheard parts of their exchange.

She had always preferred to be patient in serious matters like these, believing that people would open up when they felt ready. She believed in trust and mutual respect, and she knew that Yato had to come to her on his own terms. However, the fact that their souls seemed interconnected made Yato's reluctance to confide in her particularly painful. She could feel his distress as if it were her own. Since their return from the Soul Society, Yato's emotional state had been anything but stable, and it weighed heavily on her.

She remembered the nights she had sensed his restlessness, the way his spiritual energy seemed to fluctuate with his mood swings. Since their return from the Soul Society, Yato had been a shadow of his former self, and Rukia had been silently bearing the weight of his unspoken anguish.

As Yato continued to avoid her gaze, Rukia's eyes softened. She pushed off the wall and took a step closer to him, her movements slow and deliberate. "Yato," she began, her voice gentle but firm, "I... can feel that you're not alright."

Yato's shoulders tensed at her words. He finally met her eyes, and in that moment, Rukia saw the storm of emotions swirling within him. Fear, guilt, and a profound sadness. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Instead, he looked away again, his frustration evident.

The silence stretched on, growing heavier with each passing second. Rukia stood there, her mind racing. She normally would try to offer encouraging words or deliver an impassioned speech, but she knew instinctively that such efforts would likely fall flat with Yato. Unlike Ichigo, who might respond well to a rousing pep talk, Yato seemed impervious to such attempts. She could almost picture his reaction: a forced smile, a playful comment, and the conversation would end there. It was as if any words she might offer would just bounce off, never penetrating the walls he had built around himself. This helplessness, this inability to find a way to help Yato, was frustrating her deeply.

Rukia opened her mouth, ready to say something, anything, that might break through Yato's defenses. But before she could utter a word, the sound of approaching footsteps and familiar voices interrupted her thoughts.

Ichigo and the others rounded the corner, their presence a welcome distraction but also a reminder of the reality they all faced. Yato quickly rubbed his face, feigning a yawn in an attempt to mask his stress and exhaustion.

"I called the old man and told him I'd be spending the night here at the hospital," Ichigo announced, his tone matter-of-fact but tinged with concern.

"I told my mom the same thing," Tatsuki added, letting out a weary sigh.

"So, it looks like we're all staying here tonight," Inoue said, her voice filled with quiet determination, while Chad nodded in silent agreement.

The group fell into a companionable silence, their solidarity providing a brief respite from the tension that had been building. Rukia felt a surge of gratitude for their friends, their unwavering support a balm to her own frayed nerves.

The group moved to a small waiting area nearby, the furniture a mix of uncomfortable chairs and worn-out sofas. The dim lighting and the steady hum of the hospital's air conditioning system created an almost surreal atmosphere. As they settled in, Rukia could see the weight of the day's events pressing down on all of them, but there was also a sense of unity that provided some comfort.

Inoue, always the optimist, tried to lighten the mood. "Hey, maybe we can find a deck of cards or something to pass the time," she suggested, her smile bright despite the exhaustion in her eyes.

The mod-souls, in their plush toy forms, lay scattered across the table in front of the group, seemingly asleep after a long day of worry and tension. Orihime, after a thorough search of the hospital, had managed to unearth a deck of cards, which now lay spread out on the table.

Ichigo sat with his elbows propped up on the table, his brow furrowed in concentration as he examined the cards. "So, what exactly are we supposed to play?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of confusion.

"How about poker?" Orihime suggested, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"I don't know how to play poker," Yato and Ichigo replied almost simultaneously, their voices blending together in a chorus of uncertainty.

Tatsuki chuckled at their synchronized response. "I'm actually surprised you know about that game, Orihime," she remarked, a playful grin on her face.

Rukia, who had been observing the exchange in silence, furrowed her brow in confusion. She had never been much of a card player herself, so she remained quiet, content to let the others decide on a game.

It quickly became apparent that none of them were particularly well-versed in card games, and they struggled to settle on a suitable option.

"How about 'Bullshit'?" Yato suggested.

Ichigo raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "Is that even a card game?" he asked, his confusion evident.

"Yeah, it's easy. You gradually discard the cards you have in your hand, declaring what you're discarding," Yato explained, reaching for the deck of cards that Orihime had. "For example..." He drew two cards from the deck and placed them face down on the table. "I'm discarding two 6s."

The group watched him intently, unsure of what to expect.

"And...?" Tatsuki prompted, her eyes fixed on the cards.

"Then you guys can say 'Bullshit' if you think I'm lying about the cards I've discarded," Yato continued, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

A moment of silence followed as the group processed the rules of the game, their minds racing with possibilities. Then, suddenly, someone spoke up.

"Bullshit." Rukia's voice cut through the quiet, her smirk betraying her amusement as she locked eyes with Yato.

Yato met Rukia's challenging gaze with a comical expression before reaching for the two cards he had placed on the table. With a flourish, he revealed them to be a 2 of spades and a 5 of hearts.

The group shared a few brief laughs, and after Yato explained the rules a bit more, everyone seemed more interested in playing. The sterile environment of the hospital room, with its white walls and the soft hum of medical equipment, seemed to fade away as they gathered around the table, ready to immerse themselves in the game.

Rukia glanced at Yato and noticed a nostalgic glint in his eyes as he explained the mechanics of the game. It was as if discussing a simple card game had unlocked a precious memory from his past. She couldn't help but wonder what sort of life Yato had led, what experiences had brought that wistful expression to his face.

Orihime, with her characteristic enthusiasm, took the deck and began to shuffle. She handled the cards with an almost comical seriousness, her movements exaggerated and endearing. The others watched, smiles tugging at their lips, as she finally dealt the cards.

Sado, ever composed and deliberate, discarded two cards. "Two 3s," he announced, his deep voice steady as he passed his turn to Tatsuki.

"Two 5s," Tatsuki declared, her eyes narrowing with playful suspicion as she placed her cards face down.

Rukia took her turn, her expression calm and inscrutable. "Two 9s," she said, pushing the game forward to Yato.

Yato, who had been studying his cards with an almost childlike concentration, made his move. "Three 2s," he announced confidently, placing his cards on the table.

Rukia's eyes gleamed with a mischievous spark. "Bullshit," she declared, her voice cutting through the ambient noise.

Yato sighed, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Damn," he muttered, flipping over his cards to reveal a 1, a 5, and a 9. He chuckled as he gathered the entire pile of cards into his hand, having been caught in his bluff.

When it was Ichigo's turn, he hesitated for a few moments, contemplating his move. Finally, he discarded a single card with a decisive motion. "One Ace," he announced.

Barely a heartbeat later, the chorus of disbelief rang out. "Bullshit," echoed the voices of Yato, Rukia, Tatsuki, and Chad, all nearly in unison. Their synchronized skepticism made Ichigo scowl as he begrudgingly picked up the card.

"I'm already hating this game..." Ichigo grumbled, his expression sour as he gathered the card back into his hand. The corners of his mouth twitched into a reluctant smile, despite his feigned annoyance, as the group laughed at his expense.

Suddenly, the peaceful atmosphere was shattered by a frantic stir on the table. The mod-souls awoke abruptly, their plush forms twitching as they looked around with frantic urgency.

"What's going on?" Ichigo asked, his playful demeanor instantly replaced with a serious expression.

Ririn's small, stuffed body seemed to tremble as she spoke, her voice high-pitched and alarmed. "A Bount has appeared!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with fear and urgency.
