
[Soul Society Arc] Part 61: Boarrider Comin'

The atmosphere turned palpably tense with the sudden appearance of Gin Ichimaru.

Following the brutal severing of Jidanbo's arm, he let out a guttural scream of agony, his blood spraying in every direction. The colossal gate he once held aloft now plummeted onto his shoulders, doubling the weight on his agonized frame. But even as he grunted and groaned in pain, Jidanbo continued to muster his resolve, fighting to keep the gate raised with just a single arm.

Gin: "Golly. You can hold up that gate with just one arm. You certainly are the Soul Society's mightiest giant. Yet, as a gatekeeper... you've proven a failure."

As the teenage spectators stared in stunned disbelief at the unfolding scene, Yoruichi's typically composed demeanor gave way to apprehension.

Yoruichi: 'Captain of the 3rd squad, Gin Ichimaru!! How careless of me! I didn't anticipate that someone of his caliber... would show up...' - The feline mused inwardly, casting a fleeting glance toward Yato, who maintained an outwardly calm expression despite his eyes betraying a hint of unease.

Cheshire: 'So... what's the plan?' - The voice of the red-furred feline resurfaced in Yato's mind.

Yato: 'Keep the threads around Ichigo, and as soon as he attacks and his zanpakuto clashes with Gin's, transfer the threads to Gin's zanpakuto... the rest...' - Before concluding his thought, Yato drew his own zanpakuto from its sheath strapped to his back as he moved closer to his friends.

Yoruichi: "Yato, what are you doing? We need to avoid fight–!"

Yato: "Relax, I'm not going to fight. I'm going to get Ichigo and Jidanbo out of there..."

Just as Yato had anticipated, Ichigo surged forward, launching an attack on the captain, his huge zanpakuto slashing through the air. Gin swiftly drew his own zanpakuto to counter the strike, and the blades clashed in a brief but intense collision. After a moment, both backed away, maintaining a cautious distance from each other.

Ichigo: "Hey, jerk-face! What the heck are you doing!?" - He shouted, brandishing his zanpakuto in Gin's direction.

Tatsuki and Chad stood on the verge of rushing after Ichigo to aid him, but the sound of Yato's voice caught their attention first.

Yato: "Don't rush in... let's focus on getting Ichigo and the giant out of there..." - He spoke softly, ensuring only his friends could hear.

Tatsuki: "But that guy's reiatsu–"

Yato: "Calm down... let's try to cooperate and show that we don't share Ichigo's... let's say, unique approach to problem-solving." - He whispered with a playful tone, aiming to lighten the mood while emphasizing the importance of a strategic approach and subtly alluding to Ichigo's penchant for leaping into confrontations without much thought.

Uryu: "So, what's the plan?"

Yato: "Ishida-san, I want you to keep your bow aimed at that guy, and if he makes any hostile move against us, you shoot."

The Quincy complied, materializing a bow through the glove on his right hand.

Yato: "Tatsuki, out of all of us, you're probably the fastest. So, when I create a distraction, get Ichigo out of there and come back here as quickly as you can."

Tatsuki: "Got it." - She replied with unwavering resolve, her own fullbring activating. Her eyes shifted to a striking gold color, with her pupils taking on a distinct slit shape.

Yato: "Sado, I'm almost certain you have the strength to pull Jidanbo away. So, when Tatsuki brings Ichigo here, you... pull Jidanbo."

Despite the incredulousness that registered on the faces of the others upon hearing the idea of Chad pulling the giant away, Chad gave Yato a confident thumbs-up without a hint of hesitation.

Orihime: "And what about me, Yasakani-kun?"

Yato: "Once Sado pulls Jidanbo out, that gate is going to close. But if that captain tries anything in the meantime, you use your shield to protect us. When things settle down, you heal Jidanbo's arm."

As everyone prepared for the upcoming confrontation, Ichigo's unwavering gaze remained fixed on Captain Ichimaru, who, despite the mounting tension, still maintained that unnervingly wide grin. Ichigo's brow furrowed, his grip on his zanpakuto tightening.

Gin: "Ha. You're a funny kid. Aren't you scared of me, just a little bit?"

Ichigo: "Not at–"

Yoruichi: "Hey!! Be quiet, Ichigo!! We must retreat for now!!!" - Yoruichi's voice held a note of urgency, eyes locked onto Gin with a wary expression.

Gin: "Oh. So... you must be Ichigo Kurosaki."

Ichigo: "Do you know who I am?"

Gin: "Yep... Just as I figured." - The captain's words dripped with a disconcerting calmness as he turned his back to Ichigo. His shoulders were relaxed, and his steps exuded a peculiar confidence. Ichigo's eyes widened, taken aback by the nonchalant demeanor of this enigmatic Shinigami.

Ichigo: "Huh?! Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" - Ichigo's voice grew more desperate as Gin distanced himself, a mixture of anger and confusion etched across his face.

Gin: "All the more reason... not to let you pass." - As Gin spoke, he halted at a certain distance from the young teenager, his zanpakuto still cradled in his hand.

Ichigo: "And why are you keeping your distance? Are you planning to throw that short sword or something?"

Gin: "This is not a short sword. This is my Zanpakuto." - Gin's voice was velvety smooth, his words laden with an air of cryptic mystery.

With those words, Gin assumed a stance, his zanpakuto drawn back and pointed directly at Ichigo. This single motion by the captain caused his spiritual pressure to surge, momentarily leaving Ichigo momentarily taken aback. But before the captain could launch a sudden attack, he merely turned his face to the side, gracefully evading two reishi arrows hurtling towards him.

Gin: "Oh."

Outside the gate, Uryu stood with his bow aimed at Gin, readying himself to fire a few more arrows.

Uryu: "If you're going to distract him, I suggest you do it now, Yasakani."

Yato: "Got it..." - This time, Yato adopted an unusual stance, driving his zanpakuto into the ground behind him. - "Sing, Ōkagetsu."

The zanpakuto was enveloped in black flames with small red, blue, and yellow sparks. As the flames subsided, the zanpakuto transformed into a blade with a black hue and flame-like patterns etched onto its surface.

Yato: "Yon no Uta, Zankyosanka." [四 の 歌・残響散歌, Fourth Song, Reverberant Song]

As these words left Yato's lips, the blade of the zanpakuto began to produce vivid red flames that danced along the length of the blade before fading into the ground.

Yato: "Tatsuki and Sado... Get ready..."

At first glance, Yato's actions might have seemed inconspicuous in their attempt to distract the captain. However, Tatsuki, who had engaged her fullbring and sharpened her focus, perceived the situation with a different level of insight. Her senses were heightened, allowing her to discern that the vivid crimson flames Yato had conjured were slyly advancing from beneath the ground, possibly guided by the threads he controlled, tracing an intricate path toward the unsuspecting captain.

Tatsuki's widened her golden eyes, her gaze intently focused on the flames' covert movement.

Meanwhile, at a certain distance, Gin maintained his enigmatic smile.

Gin: "Oh my, so there's a Quincy here too. What a quick reaction you've got–"

Suddenly, the captain's words were interrupted by an unusual sound. He turned his attention downward to the floor beneath him, noticing a faint glimmer of red flames sneaking through the gaps in the tiles. Gin took a few cautious steps back to evade the approaching flames, but to his surprise, they exhibited an unexpected behavior.

Gin: 'It's following me, as if it's... charting a course straight to me.' - He pondered.

With a decisive movement of his zanpakuto, Gin attempted to dispel the flames with a single strike. However, just as the flames closed in on him, they suddenly ignited with a radiant intensity and exploded right in front of him. The resulting burst of crimson flames created a dazzling and disorienting display, akin to a fireworks extravaganza.

Gin found himself momentarily engulfed in the fiery spectacle. The deafening roar of the explosion echoed through the area.

Upon witnessing the captain ensnared by the flames, Tatsuki wasted no time. She harnessed her Bringer Light, achieving incredible speed and materializing behind Ichigo within mere seconds.

Tatsuki: "Hurry up, you idiot!" - She yelled, clutching the collar of Ichigo's kimono and darting towards the outer side of the gate at breakneck speed.

Meanwhile, Chad sprinted towards Jidanbo and firmly grasped the giant's kimono. Despite the surreal difference in size, Chad pulled with all his might, causing Jidanbo to be forcibly thrown backward. However, while the giant was being yanked, the teenagers heard the captain's voice from amidst the explosions.

Gin: "Shoot to kill, Shinsō."

Emerging from the smoke generated by the explosions, Gin's zanpakuto's blade extended at high speed towards Jidanbo.

Ichigo, who had been guided outside by Tatsuki, positioned himself in front of the attack, intending to intercept it with his own zanpakuto. However, just before the blade could reach Ichigo, Orihime's voice rang out.

Orihime: "Hinagiku! Baigon! Lily! Santen Kesshun! I reject!"

She invoked three spirits of her Shun Shun Rikka, forming a triangular shield in front of Ichigo. The shield held off Gin's zanpakuto for a mere few seconds, as cracks started to appear on its surface due to the pressure. However, with the gate closing behind him, Gin compressed his zanpakuto back to its original size. As he walked towards the gate, he seemed unfazed by the ordeal.

Gin: 'What frightening kids.' - he thought, smiling at the situation.

Stepping in front of the gate, he raised his right hand, which appeared slightly singed, waving it casually at the teenagers.

Gin: "Bye, Bye~"

And with that sing-songy farewell, Gin Ichimaru disappeared behind the closing gate.

With the gate now sealed shut, the tension in the air began to ease as Yato calmly sheathed his zanpakuto and walked over to his friends, his steps almost casual despite the recent turmoil.

Yato: "Is everyone okay?" - He inquired, his tone lighthearted.

Ichigo, still catching his breath and processing the recent encounter, blurted out in exasperation.

Ichigo: "Crap! Who was that guy!?" - His voice carried a mix of frustration and curiosity, his brow furrowed as he struggled to wrap his head around the unexpected showdown.

Yato's lips curled into a small, amused smile, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

Yato: "I'll take that as a yes." - His response was punctuated by a light chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood even further.

Yoruichi, let out a soft sigh of relief, the cat's eyes showed a hint of warmth as he addressed the group.

Yoruichi: "I'm relieved that none of you got hurt." - His words carried a soothing reassurance, a reminder that despite the chaos, they had come out of it relatively unscathed.

Tatsuki: "Now that everything's fine," - She suddenly punched Ichigo's head with a fiery expression. Her frustration at his recklessness was evident. - "What's your problem, you idiot!?"

Yato: "Spoke too soon." - He whispered humorously to Yoruichi, his demeanor remaining light even after the intense situation.

A comedic sweatdrop appeared on the feline's forehead, his expression capturing a mixture of amusement and exasperation. He watched Yato with a mixture of curiosity and respect, realizing that the young teen's seemingly carefree demeanor masked a sharp mind and strategic thinking that went far beyond his age.

Yoruichi: 'This kid...' - The feline thought as she recalled the events of a few minutes ago. Her eyes followed Yato's every move as he interacted with his friends. - 'He took advantage of his distance and the fact that his spiritual energy is almost impossible to sense to not only surprise-attack a captain but also coordinate the others to work together... no wonder Kisuke asked me to keep an eye on him.'

As Yato conversed with his friends, Yoruichi's gaze turned more thoughtful, acknowledging that there was more to Yato than met the eye.

During the conversation, Uryu noticed that a group of people was emerging from their houses, slowly approaching the group. Their attire consisted of worn and patched kimonos, and they bore expressions of curiosity mixed with wariness.

Uryu: "Who are they?"

Yato: "We're in the Soul Society, so they're probably souls."

Tatsuki: "Were they hiding?"

Orihime: "Why?"

Yoruichi: "Of course they were hiding. Souls who enter the Soul Society illegally are known as Ryoka. They're considered a major source of trouble here, so it's not surprising that they're cautious around us."

Ichigo: "Are they enemies?"

Yoruichi: "I'm not sure, but they're revealing themselves to us, so they might be friendly."

???: "Excuse me! Let me through, please! Please, let me through!"

Emerging from the crowd was a young boy with slightly messy brown hair, dressed in the same worn kimono as the others around him. Despite the anxiousness in his voice, there was a sense of determination in his eyes.

Yuichi: "Hey, mister! It's me! Yuichi Shibata! The parakeet!" With a cheerful wave, he directed his attention towards Chad.

Chad: "Yu-Yuichi…?!"

Yato noticed that some villagers were attempting to reattach Jidanbo's arm while Inoue stood by, waiting.

Yato: "Hey, let me help with that," - He offered, manifesting his red threads to assist the villagers in positioning Jidanbo's severed arm back into place.

Orihime: "Let's do our best, Yasakani-kun!" - She encouraged with a smile, striking a small pose with her arms.

Yato responded with a small smile of his own, observing Inoue as she channeled her powers.

Orihime: "Shun'ō…Ayame. Sōten Kisshun…I reject."

Orihime's voice resonated with conviction as she recited the incantation, her words carrying a touch of ethereal power. The spirits, Shun'ō and Ayame, manifested at her command. Their luminous presence formed a shield, encompassing Jidanbo's severed arm. The area around the arm seemed to shimmer with a subtle iridescence as the healing energy flowed through it.

As the healing began, Yato maintained his role, his red threads holding the massive arm in place.

Meanwhile, Chad was carrying around the cheerful Yuichi on his shoulders. Yoruichi had gone inside one of the nearby houses, likely to speak with the Elder as Uryu accompanied the feline and Ichigo remained engrossed in conversation with one of the villagers, his brow furrowed in deep discussion.

Tatsuki: "Hey, how's the big guy?" - She inquired, her gaze shifting between the injured giant and her friends.

Orihime: "I'm sure he'll be just fine in a few hours." - She replied, her voice animated and filled with conviction.

Tatsuki: "I see. Your powers have really come a long way, Orihime." - She remarked with an affectionate grin, her fingers playfully ruffling Orihime's hair.

Orihime's expression radiated a mix of pride and appreciation at Tatsuki's compliment.

Orihime: "Yasakani-kun was incredible too!" - She chimed in, her excitement evident in her tone as she spoke of Yato's contribution.

With animated gestures, Orihime recreated the scene, her palms mimicking the expanding burst of the explosion.

Orihime: "He conjured those fiery threads, and then... Kaboom!" - She exclaimed, her voice rising with enthusiasm. Her expression conveyed a sense of wonder and amazement at Yato's abilities, painting a vivid mental picture of the dramatic moment.

Tatsuki: "It was quite a show." - She remarked with a chuckle, her tone carrying a teasing undertone.

As vibrant as their conversation was, the expressions on Tatsuki and Orihime's faces gradually shifted from enthusiasm to curiosity, tinged with a touch of concern. It became increasingly evident that Yato was somewhat detached from their lively exchange, despite standing right beside them. This growing realization prompted a subtle but significant exchange of glances between the two friends.

While lending his assistance to Orihime in the healing process of Jidanbo's severed arm, Yato's mind appeared to be preoccupied with a personal dilemma.

His brows furrowed subtly, a sign that he was diving into the depths of a somewhat mundane but crucial matter. His lips moved almost imperceptibly as he pondered a question that was evidently.

Yato: 'Did I remember to lock my house when I left...?'

It was a seemingly simple concern, but to Yato, it held its own weight in the grand scheme of things. His internal dialogue continued, his inner companion, Cheshire, adding its own flavor to the conversation, a voice of both reason and jest.

Cheshire: 'And do you think a mere key will prevent a supernatural being from entering?' - His response was a mixture of bemusement and mild sarcasm, as if it found his concern somewhat amusing.

Yato: '...Fair point.'

Cheshire's voice continued to echo in Yato's thoughts, its tone carrying a sense of mischief as it pointed out something Yato hadn't fully realized.

Cheshire: 'By the way... they're finding your silence rather peculiar.'

Yato: "Oh." - His head snapped up suddenly, his gaze darting between Tatsuki and Inoue. - "Did you say something?"

Orihime, her features radiating warmth and concern, offered a gentle smile, sensing the unspoken tension in the air.

Orihime: "You must be really worried about Kuchiki-san, Yasakani-kun…"

Caught off guard, Yato's expression shifted, his eyes momentarily flickering with surprise. He managed to conjure a faint smile in response, his attempt at appearing composed despite the curiosity that lingered in Tatsuki's and Orihime's eyes.

Yato: "Yeah, something like that..."

He glanced back at Jidanbo, allowing himself a momentary respite from the conversation. It was as if he chose to divert his focus toward the ongoing healing process, using it as a convenient excuse to sidestep the subject of his thoughts.

The trio fell into an unexpected silence, a tranquil interlude in the midst of their eventful day. It was during this quiet moment that Inoue, seemingly out of nowhere, voiced her gratitude.

Orihime: "Thank you, Yasakani-kun."

Yato, puzzled by her words, furrowed his brows in mild confusion.

Yato: "Huh? For what?"

Tatsuki, who had been silently observant, allowed a subtle smile to grace her lips, clearly comprehending the underlying sentiment in Inoue's expression.

Orihime: "It's just that... Kurosaki-kun was really brave today, rushing ahead and fighting so gallantly!" - Her voice carried a cheerful tone. - "But... thanks to you, we were able to assist in our own way..."

Yato's gaze shifted between Tatsuki and Inoue, searching for the right words to respond to Inoue's sincerity. With a subtle clearing of his throat, he managed to conjure a small, uncertain smile.

Yato: "Well, I guess... I'm glad I could help out in some way." - He scratched the back of his head, feeling slightly awkward under the unexpected spotlight.


As night descended, the group had gathered inside the Elder's humble abode. Some of the villagers had insisted that Yato and Orihime should rest, assuring them that they would handle the rest.

Within the ancient walls of the house, Yoruichi led a discussion among the others while presenting a sketch on a piece of paper. The cat's tone was serious, reflective of the gravity of their situation.

Yoruichi: "Now that the gates have been opened, they've undoubtedly intensified security on the other side, making our entry nearly impossible."

Uryu: "So, a direct frontal assault on the gate would be foolish."

Ichigo couldn't help but scowl at Uryu's words.

Yoruichi: "Regardless, the white road gate is no longer an option."

Chad, who was typically quiet, interjected with a question.

Chad: "What about the other gates?"

Yoruichi paused briefly before answering.

Yoruichi: "It's a ten-day journey to the next gate, and time isn't on our side."

Tatsuki: "So, what's the plan?"

Yoruichi: "Never fear. If the gates are closed to us... then we won't use the gates."

The feline's words piqued the curiosity of the teenagers.

Yoruichi: "Elder..." - She suddenly addressed the old man, drawing his attention. - "Do you know the whereabouts... of Kukaku Shiba...?"

Elder: "Kukaku Shiba...!?"

Yoruichi: "Last I recall... that person was dwelling in the west Fugai district... as you may know, that one moves around a lot…"

Elder: "Are you...Thinking of going over that wall on that thing…?!" - His surprise was palpable, as he questioned the audacity of such a plan.

Suddenly, a loud crash reverberated from outside the house, and seconds later, a man was hurled against the door, causing it to collapse, with him falling unceremoniously inside the Elder's house. Outside, a wild boar stood.

???: "Oh, boy… Bonnie-chan threw me again…"

He picked himself up as if nothing had happened, dusting off his clothes while waving to the Elder in an exaggerated manner.

???: "Hey!! How's it hanging, old man!!"

Elder: "Ganju! Why you… What are you doing here?! Go home!!"

Ganju: "Is that how you greet an old friend? You'll scare away your guests like that."

Suddenly, Ganju turned his gaze toward Ichigo.

Ganju: "What the…"

Ichigo: "What are you looking at…?" – He asked, clearly annoyed.

Ganju: "What the hell's a shinigami doing–"

Before he could finish his sentence, a huge hand made up of countless red threads suddenly delivered a punch so powerful that it sent Ganju comically flying out of the house.

Yato: "Honestly… I'm not in the mood for this…"
