
Secret Plans Part 2

Well. He had a point. Even his family, who saw the worth of an English name in business dealings, wouldn't give Jingwei that one. Jingwei had chosen it himself.

"He looks like Sun Jingwei's age!" Li Fan added. 

"And you believe someone so young, can have people in the police force ready to kill you?" Tianwei asked, half-incredulous, and half-taunting him. 

"He has eyes everywhere!" Li Fan choked out breathlessly. "Let my fingers go!" 

"That's too vague," Captain Mu commented, and one of the guards twisted his finger, causing it to dislocate. 

A loud wordless scream tore its way out of Li Fan's throat, and it ended with Li Fan crying fat ugly tears that rolled down his face. This had to be his karma for failing Xiumin. If only he had successfully run over Sun Jingwei on that night… he wouldn't be suffering like this!

He screamed again, upset at how things turned out. 

Tianwei winced and moved slightly away; his eardrums hurt. 
