
Not-So Incriminating Pictures Part 1

"Secretly married?!" Xue Ning and Jingwei both exclaim loudly in unison, but while Xue Ning's tone is one of confusion, Jingwei's one was one of delight.

She glares at him, and he gives a terrible impression of looking confused. 

"Excuse me Sir, wasn't it cleared up before I started this job?" Xue Ning continues to ask.

"Yeah Father, didn't we put out an announcement or anything? Did our PR department slack off?" Jingwei adds on.

"Our PR department has never rested for a day since you flew back into the country five years ago," Tianwei replies flatly. "There's a reason why that department has the highest turnover rate in the entire company." 

"Oh." Jingwei says glumly, falling silent. No wonder Yi Ting keeps cursing him out - she was the sad soul in charge of hiring. 

"… Did anything else happen?" Xue Ning asked cautiously, seeing that no one was going to elaborate. 
